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Make and teach robots to automate the world! · By Denki

Feedback, Bugs 'n' Stuff Sticky

A topic by Denki created Jul 12, 2017 Views: 66,243 Replies: 1,418
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I had an Idea for the game what if after feeding folks a couple times they grew up to the point where they become they become an autonaut once they become an autonaut they can be assigned one task and only one task for balancing like for example recharging the bots or working jobs (in the next part is with the jobs).  suggestion 2 jobs maybe after a folk is an autonaut it can get a job like a store or maybe even a bakery. thats all for my suggestion hope your game continues to get better with every update we don't want the same thing with tf2  Ps: sorry for any spelling errors I am bad at typing. Pss: hope you have a great day.

can you telaport in this game becus i can if i spam the right click button on the spot i want to go to!:)


Oh. Which version are you playing? The used to be a bug in a previous version but should have been fixed in the current one?


Game have potential  -  it can become an education game for children / learning programming (no kill, no zombies, etc :) ). Good work.

It would be great if you add:

  1. Possibility to change the name of the robot - when they broke tools I dont know which tools he has (A little difficult if we have a lot of robots)
  2. More programming features like: exceptions (tool broken). I would be able to program the robot to take from storage the tool itself
  3. I would like to specify how many items I can store in the store. I do not always want 100 AXE (I can't program how many items robot should make - FOR loop would be useful)
  4. Rules: Basic robot = basic programming option . (The better the robot, the more programming options should be)



Great feedback. Thanks!

(2 edits)

you can teach the robot to craft things 

go to storage pole

get item stick

go to crafting

go to storage plank

get item plank

go to crafting

some thing like that 

add to that after or before

Repeat until hands empty

 Find tree

 Move to tree

 Chop tree

Repeat end

I know that - but:

I can't catch exeption (tool broken) - robot just stop working. If I have this option I can make program and catch exeption to tell robot (program) what he have to do. (go to store)

It would be great if exeptions (tool broken) can return NAME tool. Then I could be program so robot can make another tool for youself... it would be very usefull... without this I can just tell - if exeption (tool broken) go to storage get new tool and back to work..

Why do you need to catch an exception if it never occurs?

If you make the robot do:

Repeat forever

      Repeat until hand is empty

            find nearby tree

            go to tree

            use tool

      end repeat

      go to storage for pole

      go to workbench designed to make an axe

      go to storage for plank

      go to workbench designed to make an axe

      pick up axe

end repeat

It will never throw any error, since it will create its own axe as soon as the one its holding breaks. The setup above is also able to restart without the robot getting stuck on making a new axe, since it checks its hands first.

(1 edit)

why is it that all the types of storage now is 100 not 1000?


We put in 1000 to begin with just to get things going. But as the game evolved we've tightened up the numbers because part of the challenge of the game is managing resources. This is why we put in the new scripting "Repeat Until Storage" functions so a worker can check if it needs to make any more. In the final game there won't ever be a need to create 1000 of anything so hopefully it won't be too much of a problem :)


plz tell me


You can add MEMORY - so robot can save some parametrs catch from exeption. Ofc MEMORY can be install in more advanced robots and needs new resource like silicon.

New robots could be consume some energy like charcoal.. or can by install sollar cell... etc .. 

There are so many ideas in my head... (It depends on which audience group the game is directed to). 

Don't give up - keep working - Success is waiting for you.


Excellent stuff. Thanks!

I cant wait for Monday updates ^^)

currently on making Bots for feeding the villagers? is that how we call them XD

Really nice game. but i have some... minor issues? I find very little use for stone and tree seeds, and they tend to pile up... Kinda high.

(where it really shows, is when you auto mine those large stones.)

Ways to solve it might be new crafting recipes. grind tree seeds for fertiliser (or despawn after a while/let squirrels eat them). Stone is a little harder.. but maybe limit the height, make it a limited resource, melt them for metal (5 stone for 1 metal, example)

Im really looking forwards to see how this game develops. glhf ^^

im making my Bots now to do more task insteas of doing 1 specific task. 

ex. Your Wood cutter will be also your log picker. aswell as digger. ^^) and so on.

for stones. my Miner is also crafting Metals XD as well his coal. soon he will be also crafting Metal plate since i dont use much now those resources unlike when we started.


We'll be making some changes in version 6 on Monday to help with these issues. 


I don't know if it's a duplicate bug:

When you send a robot to recycle an item, the robot still think that it has that item in the inventory, although the visual effect and ability of the item disappeared, and the robot cannot pick up any other item - I tried to make an infinite loop of having a robot recycle a bucket whenever he milks a cow, and then make the robot make a new bucket from the resources received by the recycler, this loop would milk the cows without ever filling up the milk storage.

If you take the "non-existing" bucket from the robot you will get the bucket, and if you place it down anywhere you cannot pick it up anymore.

You cannot do anything with this non-existing bucket.


Yep that one will hopefully be fixed in Version 6 on Monday


(2 edits)

1 time I opened up the game and my character was invisible until I moved

also, I had not loaded up a world, just the game

version 5

how do you use a scooter?

just put it on your inventory. it automatically used when you move.


(1 edit)

my storage

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ill give you a tip instead of running from left to right. put (editl) *1 of your Plank storage* on right most then take Flanks there. just remove it later if you plan to change it XD.

(2 edits)

don't worry, I have got a robot to do it

what is the point of the hoe?

it can hoe a piece of dirt but when planted on it has not advantage to just planting on dirt and the dirt needs to be hoed again after you harvest the crop.


At the moment the only difference is the Crop will grow taller. In a later version we'll make it that the Crop yields more seed.


I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I don't think it's possible to have a bot automine. It gets screwed up because of the chance of metal ore or stone. You can either have a bot mine and then pick up as much stone as possible until its hands are full, but then it will miss all of the metal ore and it might get stuck because it has to be a multiple of 4 . You could mine/pick up 1 at a time, but then it will get stuck as soon as it reaches metal ore or vice versa. The linear way in  which the bots work makes it impossible to give proper directions if the outcome of an action is uncertain. Maybe there could be advanced bots which can make multiple decisions based on logic you can give it. Maybe I'm just blind and can't see an obvious solution to this. I have only just started actually needing to mine, so maybe not having an autominer won't be a big deal, but I feel like that would be a welcome addition to the game. Great job so far guys, keep up the good work.

use 2 bots to pick up the stone and metal and one to dig

Possible bug I found: When a bot goes from storage to plant a cereal seed, its code says to look for the nearest tilled land. But when I was watching it, he kept running back and forth between the storage and a plot he'd already planted. In another instance, I had a robot putting fertilizer on Weeded Dirt/Land to turn it into soil, and he was putting fertilizer on tiles that still had weeds on them. When ShovelBot came around, the tile was a normal soil. Maybe it's to do with layering, but the bots need to look top down.


Yep this is a known bug and will be fixed in version 6 on Monday. Thanks for reporting!

I'm trying to build a Wood Router.  But when I mouse over the shadow of the router to see what materials are needed, a box with "Foundation" appears and covers the bottom item "Wood Axe".  


Yes this is a problem for high resolution screen. This will be fixed in a later build soon but for now try a lower resolution. Thanks

Just downloaded the mac version of the game, but the app won't open. Unzipped and copied to the Application folder, double clicking it just gives me "The application “” can’t be opened."

you cant copy the app and put it some where but you can right click and select the shortcut option then you move the short cut to the application folder or where ever you want

my storage

You can get rid of bushes and mushrooms with the shovel btw. =D

i know but i dont know how to get rid off grass

i have tryed an axe, a hoe ,a shovel and a pickaxe

Bunch of bugs.

1 .when a bot looking for something. is looking for something from the center of the map. not in a circle around the bot itself.

2. we should have something to void items and liquids. for example, when I cut trees there are seed that I don't have space for in the seed tray. we should have something to wast the excess of any item. The same thing goes for milk, because in the fifth version I am forced to milk the cows to have fertiliser. I have excess of milk. I wish I have void storage to waste milk. also I have excess of rocks because of mining

3. Metal tools seems unbreakable. I never broke one. I tried the pick axe.

4. When bots check if storage is full or not the should have a little of delay maybe two seconds. because the storages that I am using there is a bot waiting for them to have a space, then they fill them for example with polls, but when the bot that moves the planks to the chainsaw bench detect that one item is missing, it start producing a lot of logs. Maybe the logic should go like this. if storage is full exit the loop and if the storage is not full then check one more time after two seconds still empty then do whatever task. 

I know a little of programming, sorry if it bothers you that I told about the logic since its not my job.

Thank you all so much for this amazing game.


Thanks for the feedback. 

1. If you watch the script as the bot is working you'll see a red circle appear to show you it's "working area". This is where you showed it how to do that task, so if you showed it again but in a different place the red circle would move there instead.

2. This will be address very soon.

3. They're not unbreakable but they should last 10x more than wooded versions.

4. We'll be improving this as we go.


i found a bug when ever a bot standing on a aeted grass too long it will not grow.


maybe bug, trees sometimes "glow" when grow :/


Thanks. Added


Today, I obtained 200 stones (because I need 50 metal ores), and my Infamous Stones Storage still to grow...

My storage have enough stones to cover all map, but I couldn't do nothing with them, no road, no bridge, no wall, and no pretty re-use :o(


We'll be working on a solution to this problem very soon. In fact Version 6 on Monday will start to make this better :)

Is this a bug or not when workerbot use metal axe is slower than the wooden axe when chopping pine tree.


Yes that's a known bug and will be fixed in Version 6 on Monday. Thanks for reporting :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes really sorry about the out of date video. We REALLY need to make a new one, we've just not had time. But we will!! :) Thanks

Deleted 2 years ago

If you drop an item on the same square as a tree you can't pick the item up until the tree is chopped down.

At start of game I clicked the wrong button on my mouse and dropped my axe on tree, rather than using it on the tree.


Ok yes this is a problem, sorry :( Version 6 out on Monday will stop you doing this. Thanks


Upon Save/Load items that robots are carrying seems to get lost. 

Example on version 5 I found that my milking robot loads at the milk storage holding an empty bucket and on the order empty milk. o

orders in a Forever loop:

  1. find a cow
  2. milk it
  3. go to milk storage
  4. empty in to storage

I'm not quite sure what's happening here. So you say that when the level loads you're seeing the Worker holding an empty bucket at the Milk Storage. What state was the Worker/Bucket when you saved it?


I discovered the same issue when I used two bots getting milk. When both bots try to get the milk, only one is getting it actually. But both try to put it into the storage. The bot with the milk is successful the other is hanging by trying to empty the empty bucket for ever.

(1 edit)

I found a bug! In the new update the command "until storage empty or full" was added.  You have the option to select what storage you want the command to apply to...the problem is that you cannot select the milk storage as an option. Thank you for your wonderful game. I've enjoyed playing it! =D


Yes this is a known bug and will be fixed in Version 6 on Monday. Thanks for reporting it!

Alright! =D Glad to help


My biggest annoyances:
1. Setting a group of commands to repeat- Would be awesome if a drag interface could be done to set a group of commands to repeat.

2. Finding the nearest object should include looking in storage containers.

3. The ability to manually skip a command would be great.

Overall though, it looks nice, and shows a lot of promise!


Thanks for these.

1. Improving the scripting system is something we'll be working on soon.

2. Do you have an example of how you'd like to use this ability?

3. Not sure what you mean here.


2. Let's say that I have a autonaut looking for an axe, and I stick a few axes on the ground to let it continue. Then I start an automatic generation system, and I decide I don't want a huge stack of them to appear, rather I want to have the goods tucked away in a storage container. I would hope that my autonaut would look for the object in the storage container, but it seems clear that they don't.

3. Sometimes an autonaut gets stuck on a particular command for some reason. If I could switch it's execution pointer, or just skip the command it is working on at the moment, it would sometimes help me out of a pickle.


Ok thanks for clarifying. 

We'll be improving and adding to the scripting system as we go and it should be able to cope with most situations depending on how complex you want to make a script.

Idk if it's a bug or not, but sometimes recharger bots won't recharge any bots, it happens randomly . I've yet not seen a pattern as why they do it, but just letting you know.


Is it possible the bot that needs to be charged is out of the recharger bot's search range?

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No, I've checked that, it's in range.


Ok if you manage to do it again could you send me your save file please? Thanks



I would definitely like to have a "repeat until storage has more/less than xx items", because I get rediculous amount of poles and planks stacked up. Here's how it happens:

>Pole storage is full. 

>There is a workerbot waiting next to it with poles in his hands. 

>Another workerbot takes one pole out for something.

>Pole making workerbot sees that the pole storage is not full, and puts a plank in the bench saw

>Pole delivery workerbot puts one pole into storage, still has 3 more in his hand. Pole storage is full.

>I now have 6 extra poles sitting there.

After awhile, this pile grows to a rediculous amount, and there is nothing I can do.


i make it so the same robot that cuts the planks to poles also puts them in so the robot gets stuck waiting for there to be space 

That's a really good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of that :P


Version 6 on Monday should hopefully address that. Rather than testing at 100% full it now tests at 95%. 


Great also if you create confirmed bugs documment you will get less bug repoart of the same thing.;-) 


Yes we're in the process of making our bug list ready for everyone to read. Thanks!

could you make it so the stone can be used to make a bridge because then people wont get angry because of you removing the fence glitch that allows you to get to over islands and they will have a good use for stone!


Thanks. Version 6 (out on Monday) will hopefully address some of these things.



Request: repeat n times. :)


We'll be adding this at some point so keep a look out :)

Sweet, thanks! :)

Balancing: I've noticed that corn takes a very short amount of time to grow, so short in fact that, when the tile issue gets fixed, I have a feeling my planters aren't going to be able to keep up with my harvesters. Maybe slow down the rate at which corn grows? Or maybe that's an issue for seasons implementation, if you have a weather plan for the future.


Yes the whole timing of most things is placeholder but Crops are the worst. We'll be balancing better when we have the tech tree more stable.


Bug: I have a robot with a metal hoe going around tilling my fields, but sometimes he gets stuck on the last tile. When I open his code, it says he's on "Find Nearest Soil." Usually it happens when he's standing directly adjacent to the last soil block (adjacent being the 8 blocks around him).


There's a similar bug when a bot digs a hole for a tree, but the seed planting bot can't find it. That bug is fixed for Version 6 so hopefully your one will also be fixed. 

(1 edit) (+1)

1. There should be a guide on what all the tools do and on what type of block they can be used on because I still dont know how to use all the tools. For example I don't know what the hammer or chisle does and I don't know the difference uses between a scythe and a sickle in the game. 

2. Im sure hundreds of people have already suggested this but there should be a day and night cycle and seasonal changes. 

Thanks again!


1. Yes it really needs one but unfortunately the game is so early in development that things are changing all the time so we just don't have the time to maintain something like this yet. Until we do you can find an unofficial wiki here

2. Yes :) Already on the list.


I'm running into a problem with trying to automate the process between planting cereal and putting away the straw and seeds. First, the bot set to plant the cereal seeds only does so on three tiles in a line, leaving the vast majority of the soil unused. It's on a basic "get seeds from storage until hands are full, find soil and plant seeds until hands are empty" loop.

Second, bots who are responsible for processing the cereal into its products keep ending up with the wrong object in their hands. Here is the command order I'm using (broken down into general steps for convenience):

-Move to storage (cereal)
-Take from storage (cereal)
-Move to threshing machine
-Add (cereal) to threshing machine

-Find nearest cereal seed
-Move to cereal seed
-Pick up cereal seed
-Find nearest cereal seed
-Move to cereal seed
-Pick up cereal seed
-Move to storage (cereal seeds)
-Add to general storage (cereal seeds)
-Move to storage (cereal seeds)
-Add to storage (cereal seeds)

-Find nearest straw
-Move to straw
-Pick up straw
-Find nearest straw
-Move to straw
-Pick up straw
-Move to storage (straw)
-Add to storage (straw)
-Move to storage (straw)
-Add to storage (straw)

I have eight bots running with this code, so watching them go through the process and keeping track of one bot in particular is very difficult. The issue is that I frequently find bots stalled/waiting at a storage bin, trying to add the wrong item to the bin (almost always trying to put cereal into the cereal seeds storage). There's a few ways I can think of for this to go wrong (bot tries to add to a thresher that's already running, trying to grab an item at the same time as another bot, taking from a storage that's empty), but none of them seem to apply here (each bot has it's own thresher, and all of the storages have plenty in them at all times).

Currently, my solution is just to check for bots waiting at the storage bins and trade their items to my inventory, which puts them onto the next step. This isn't really efficient, though, and I was wondering if there was some obvious fix I was missing or an error in my commands.

On an unrelated note, the people names switch around and reset when a save is loaded. So if a player were to, hypothetically, spend a while finding every people on the map and house them alphabetically, the next time the game was loaded the names would all be different.

Thank you for all your work in making this amazing game even better!


We've made a number of fixes related to Crops in Version 6 (which should be out some time today) which will help the problem of the bots not planting seeds. Hopefully it will also resolve the issue of the bots stalling. Oh and it will also fix the Folk names not saving :)


(1 edit)

My robots still place cereal seeds everywhere.

Looks like sometimes 3 seeds are generated instead of 2, and they hop into their hands, and... other magic stuff happens.

Possibly those robots that plant seeds sometimes can't plant them in time because of recharge, and then they drop their seeds they couldn't plant on the ground.

im waiting the version 6 i hate night time...... what are the new features??? im excited!!!!


That isn't night. Day/night cycles haven't been implemented. What you're seeing is a bug that the devs haven't been able to replicate, making it harder to fix.

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i know thats a bug the dark ground


I've made a few more changes in Version 6 to the way the game draws the ground so I'm hoping that will solve the problem. If not please let me know.

i hope it will fix

whats the differnce with the sickle and the scyth?


At the moment nothing. We'll add a difference into a later version

ah thanks for letting me know


Version 6.

If you incarcinate a bucket full of milk. you will end up with it invisible in your hand, so the incarcination doesn't get rid of buckets full of milk. You cannot pick anything unless you drop the invisible bucket.

Another thing empty buckets cannot be stored in general storage. I think they should be as long as they are empty.

thank you 


If you update to 6.2 it should fix the incineration problem. 

The bucket storage is a known bug. 

Thanks for reporting!

It is impossible to unlock new regions with bridges. I can't reveal a new map chunk while standing on a bridge, and I also can't build a bridge in the dark area.


Try updating again to 6.2 which should fix this (and other problems). Thanks!

i have 6.2 and cannot build bridges in the fog :( what can i do?


OK can you send me your level file please?

here it is:

i find a workaround by change plotvis in the save file (not in the upper one but in a copy)


Oh I see. Yes when you put down your Blueprints for the bridge you can drag into the fogged area (as long as you start in a visible area). That should solve your problem.


Also there is another junky material besides stones — nuts. They are piling up as high as trees grow.

Developers might add some kind of... Nuttella XD so nuts can be used to feed that 'folks'.

like the idea of Nutella lol maybe we should be able to make peanut butter sandwiches with the bread

(1 edit) (+1)

Cows are broken D:

Another bug: cows can be stuck in certain locations. They can't eat grass normally in an outlined area.

Cows get `stuck` if they cross an invisible region vaguely marked with yellow. I can move them outside this region and they begin eat as normal, untill they hang up again there. The cows to the right don't suffer of such reasons at all, and that's why there are twice as more cows there :D

They also can be stuck after eating straw if it was placed outside a grass field. But it happens randomly, at 50% chance or less, but it can't be unnoticed.

And, yet another bug: after some time, all the cows begin to fear the straw! O_O They come closer to it and then dash back like it was some kind of threat. Then they begin to eat simple grass nearby. It doesn't happen randomly and this is a constant behavior. But I can't determine when exactly cows get strawphobia.

(3 edits)

Can confirm another spot (will upload screenshot soon screenshot added, area affect highlighted) on the field beside the starter forest area the side closet to the forest cows get stuck in as well... it is a bit annoying especially since they keep doing their "moo" noise. And after further testing I have found that in that field it only affects that ONE square...


Cow behaviour is a little unrefined at the moment :) So basically they like to eat cereal and straw the most. They're attracted to it more than grass so if they see some they will try to go for it first but if they're inside a pen and can't reach it they just get 'stuck' in the same place and do nothing. 

The other thing you're seeing is cows are afraid of the player or any bot holding a stick like tool. You can chase them out of your fields with tools and sticks. So they're probably near a worker that isn't moving away and getting constantly scared of it.


I really nice feature that you should add is the ability to use previous builds' player models such as version 2's model in version 6.1? I think it would be a nice little feature for everyone (I love all of the models but some I have a bit more of a preference for).


Yes we'll be adding a whole load of character customisation in later builds. Thanks :)

(4 edits)

I think we got some buggy problem here, after the update some bots can't handle a repeat untill storge is full with a repeat in it with "until hands are full" and "untill they are empty" they don't do anything and the Arrow in the Programm is flickering while the Storage got planty of space left.

And as shown in the first Picture the Bots that plant Seeds on the Weeded Soil are Stuck on the first Soil patches and ignor all other Weeded Soil that is available. So i have to plant atm manually.

And at some spots the Weed-Tint is removed but not the Plant so thair are multiple on some Spots.

For a better understanding i recreat the Code that is Flickering and for the Sake of understanding, becaus it is to fast to make a propper Screenshot, i added the missing second Arrow at the bottom in. Basicly the both positions are stuck with the Arrow is jumpunkt between them and teh bot does nothing.

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Wait are you trying to store things with that robot or build things? Or is this an example of what is happening? I am trying to help you here

My Storage is alway been expanding if i'd like to. Actual the max is around 400 but it is flickering. At the first appearence the Store max was 400 and is was at 340 now, that i am in the game parallel i maxed to 500, so their are 100 Units more space and nothing changes.

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Actually are you on the discord channel? I could help you there.

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I see i uploadet the wrong code xD

The Game is realy easy to understand, so the Discord wuld not change that Problem, a simple fix is removing the repeat with the Storage check for the Plank and Pole production, The Seeding is a very Simple Code and they got stuck on 2-6 Soil to work on and do mostly nothing.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok now that you have uploaded those final screenshots I can confirm you are NOT experiencing a bug. (If you read the changelog) The repeat until storage full command works at 95% of the storage capacity (useful for small storages and taking out items) and 95% of 400 is 380.

TL:DR Everything is fine in terms of storage

Ok yes i didn't know that part for some reason on the Storage, so we left with the Weed as a obvious Bug and Planting is maybe one or a not working code. Thanks for that missed Information on the Storage. :D

The weeds appear to be a recurring bug from V.5 So unfortunately I cannot help you with that.

i have no actual problem that the weed plant stays but with the bots not willing to plant the seed an i already use the new beacons.

if found a way to "fix" that part. the planting bots are set up at the same point where the bug-weed appeared and the beacon got ignored that i set up after the update. now after redo the planting-code and choose weeded soil that is totally free and now the bots plant everting.


Before you upgraded to 5 did you already have lots of weeds on the same tiles?

(1 edit)

I think I've found a bug, the repeat x times works fine when I use it inside an infinite or another loop but when the repeat x times is the outer loop ( I wanted a worker bot to create 4 other bots and no more than that ) the worker bot doesn't stop making other bots and the repeate x times becomes an infinite loop.

can you post a picture? i will try to repeat that bug with what i understand for now.

I edited my post

Ok i can confirm that, the x times Code loops to infinity... as reportet from you with the pic edit and the code i got in my mind, the bot is not willing to stop. at least now i have five new ones for someting. :D


Unfortunately at this time you can't put a "Repeat x times" inside of a "Repeat x times". We'll be enabling this at some point in a later version. Thanks

I like to creat them by my own hands in a older gameply i automated that step und got in a hurry let my computer run and well... i needed a new savegame because cleaning up that mess even with the recycler was to much for me and i know i could me the bots do ther own recycling. ^^

So the new cow AI loves Cereals, eate sometimes Straw or Gras? At the Moment i cant get them to eat. I can place them on Gras and they will eat it 4 times and then stop totally ignoring all but Cereals, they always work.


:/ oh dear. Ok I'll look into it, thanks

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well it could be my long play sessions or space problems from my ssd. after clearing ram and disk space and restarting the game they eat normal straw and gras.

I have made progress in the form of the most amazing thing ever:

I am experiencing a GUI bug with the new beacon setting, when you put a "Find nearest Basic Workerbot" inside one loop (in my case a "Forever", haven't tested with "Repeat", but it should happen to every "Find xxx" if you insert enough "repeat"s) you can no longer klick on the "beacon selector button" (see pic below...)

Yeh, i have a lot of those with repeat and forever... I just move then the step out, setup the beacon and the put it back.
A GUI Update later will fix that i am just a little bit sure about that. ;)

Just as a suggestion, I know you changed the full/not full from 100% to 95%. Is there a way you could make that number editable, such that I could tell a specific robot to wait until say 98% or 92%? And could you also try to make a similar thing but for empty/not empty where it'd be 5%? You might need a check in there to make sure the player isn't setting the numbers wrong, though...

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Not a bug, not a suggestion: As I make more and more complex programs for my bots, the repeat loops are starting to take up most of the teach box... will there be support for setting up a full page GUI, or for the teach box size to be changelable? I ask because I can't read some of my programs now.


I think if the dev's agree, a litte arrow on top of the teaching GUI shuld do it so that the GUI pop out to nearly full display and can than go back with the same button that changes its direction after poping out.


As Feedback: Devs can our Bots please use the scooter? x'D

(12 edits) (+1)(-1)

I purchased Autonauts when it was version 4, because the core concept is very charming.

But with automisation being the key feature, I find it frustrating that the code doesn't fit the window as soon as loops are added. This is becoming more of an issue now with nested loops. I understand that you have lots of plans and that you can only ever do one thing at a time. But isn't coding the bots the main point of the game? Wouldn't you agree that legible code matters more than anything at this stage? Even if the current graphics for it are a placeholder? A wider window would take up too much room. But you're wasting so much valuable space inside that window with clunky graphics. Screen space is a very valuable commodity!

And the red "recording" background is strenuous. Imagine, you'd have to write your code on a red background and you'll get the idea.

Flashing is also strenuous and should be reserved for messages which require immediate attention. The flashing icons over the cows are an example of bad use of a flashing message. The milk icon is quite sufficient to inform the player.

And you have beautiful icons for every item. Wouldn't they be a good means to avoid this sort of mess in the inventory?

Sorry about sounding "bossy". I don't mean to. I'm just trying to be clear and explain my opinion well. It's nevertheless just my personal opinion.


I understand your frustrations :(

Yes everything you raise is a valid point and we'll be improving the entire UI as we go. Everybody finds different things important but unfortunately we can't do everything at once and sometimes features will suffer.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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No need to apologize ;-)

I agree with your "everybody finds different things important" statement.

It is just my personal belief that the UI matters most, particularly in entertainment software. Because the UI is what any player interacts with all the time. It's the same with tools: if a tool fits your hands well, working with it is a joy. If the grip hurts because of it's awkward shape, your work is painful.

I strongly believe that good access to the available features is of greater importance than additional features. Five easy to use features give me more joy than ten inaccessible features. (I know I'm exaggerating.)

That being said, I love the humorous appearance of your game. I'm impressed by what you've accomplished in the past two weeks. And I'm glad I discovered Autonauts. It's fun to play and I'm very curious as to where it will go.


If a bot is out of charge right when he is on a gate the other bot don´t go recharge him

@ Dev's ... So is the Update causing me lags or stuttering or do i have to much... for the unity Engine?
I mean, Win10, 64Bit, 8 Cores @ 25% , 16GB Ram @ 80%, 2.274 TFLOPS - 1GB - DX11 @ 42% (i know the GPU is lame old granny with 8 years but it handels so much Games today.) that all shuld easely handle the Game. ;)

I lounched the Game now without the app in 64bit and it runs fine, so maybe the App loads the 32bit version?


Interesting. Did you make a change to the quality setting when the game is launched?

I always Run 1920 x 1080 @ Fantastic, i think i only set it to fantastic once in the manual loadet 64bit version and the 32bit and the app always used these settings.
I think this could be that my SSD was crowded and only got 3gb left. I will look into it after doing my mails. The System is cleaned atm. ;)

Just a thought cabal, you might want to get a hard drive and put ALL your games and files on there, but keep the operating system on your ssd. you're lag issues are from the ssd. if it is over half full the ssd starts slowing down. investing in any size hard drive to put games and stuff on will greatly help you. and with files i mean documents, desktop, etc. i can give you some instuctions on how to do that if you would like. it will certainly help. i did it to mine and it's running twice as fast. 

i am a vendor for pc hardware and i am not one of that typ that sells without knowledge. ;)

i got just a bit lazy with the itch app, so all of that lands on my os disk. i have 1TB for Games and one for my Backup-files so i think i am covered. ;)

If there are two bots nearby, who are set to recharge other bots, they both go and the second recharge bot just spins for no reason. Can you add a check so that if one bot is set to recharge a worker, the second doesn't head off as well?

If i'm not wrong that spinning is the ne recharge animation, do it manual you'll spin too.

I get the animation. I'm more concerned with two bots going to charge up one worker. And it's not just charging, multiple workers will go after the same log/seed and only the first one there will do the action, wasting the second workers time/effort.

(1 edit)

Ok i looked alot for my Red-Heads and now i see it too.

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Babys may  still spawn in Deep Sea Water in version 6.1 Erin:

This is on a new map started with 6.1 - not inherited by playing an older map.


Ok thanks. BTW if you update again you should be able to get 6.2 which fixes a bad bug with Buckets going into Incinerators :)

Good to know - cheers

I can also confirm this one, I found a friend all the way to the west

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When I loaded my save my autonaut suddenly doesn't want to pick up any items. The bots who have to find an item and than pick it up can't either. When I check their programs it seems like they find the item but they simply can't pick it up.

btw:  everything is fine when they have to pick up something from storage.


Oh dear! Can you send me your level please?

(1 edit)

Where do I have to send it to?


Just reply to this with a link

dowload link to the savefile: savefile


Ok this was a bug in 6.0 and 6.1. If you update to 6.2 it shouldn't happen anymore. Also I've fixed your old level file so you can keep going.


For some reason my pickerupper bots have decided to run back and forth between my two cereal farms. Instead of just gathering the nearest 6 cereal and popping it into storage, they're getting maybe 2 or 3, then running past the fertilizer/windmill to the other field and getting one, and then running back twice more, then delivering. Their orders are as follows: 

REPEAT(hands full) find, move to, pick up cereal

REPEAT(hands empty) move to storage, drop off cereal

on forever ^^

I dunno if it's a pathing algorithm, but they are most definitely not looking for the "nearest" cereal...


Yeah i think this might be my rubbish search algorithm. Instead of looking for the cereal nearest to the bot it looks nearest to the center of its search area. It's on my to-do list to fix. Thanks!

(1 edit)

i already notice that when my bots try to build new fences and after that i discovered the beacons. i just grin at that logic and spread out some beacons and all is fine. let that code in for the first two bot types and call it a feature and the next gen. becomes then a more logically ai code. x'D


Yes we'll be re-balancing all of the tech progression as we go. Thanks

(1 edit)

Can you add the 4 bars of inventory on screen as hud and stack item in those 4 slots? like having different tools or the same tools on the bar at the same times, because press , is kind of inconvenient. Add a feature where you spawn on a random island that's big enough to begin with when create new world.


Yep we've got both of those on our to-do list :) Thanks!


Could we get a volume control? I like to watch some videos on a 2nd monitor while playing but the sound is just to loud.

Window sound control?  Nothing in game just yet.

It also freezes the game when you tab out

Window mode?

Yeah, in window mode too

I have an issue where a worker bot can't be charged from inside of a building. The recharge bot wouldn't react to it and the farmer can't interact with it at all. I tried recharging the bot with empty hands, but I just grabbed from the fertilizer storage. I tried with items in my hands, nothing. I tried these both while having the whistle blown, nothing. I fear if I can't retrieve the bot then poor Chinsuko will starve :(

how did you get autonauts

Deleted 4 years ago

Which version are you using? That was fixed in version 5.


Deleted 4 years ago

Yes it does.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

I started the game for today an hour ago and reload it two times, to realise that these cereal crops don't grow fully like they are just planted on weeded Soil. After someone wrote it here i realised that fertilizer brings me the missed use for that hoe. So i set everythin up for that new discovery and all fields wehre fully grown the first minutes. now i realise after some game hours from jesterday thes bots only worked on that small part.

i can manual cut the cereals to get the bots working again on that fertile soil, but that shuldn happen.

and now that i know to fertilise may farm i can clearly see all the soil patches that are buggey and fifteen is much more as i thought the first time i report that.


The crop not appearing tall and yellow on load is a known bug.

Try re-programming the bots to see if they start working the whole field.

Also I can see you've got loads of weeds on a single tile. I'll be making a change in version 7 that will strip out bad weeds.


(1 edit)

just for you, an update on my world. xD

i think the weed is only partial fixed for my old world and the cows only eat gras atm. and the straw... well i think i got alot to feed them and 1k in storage... ^^ cereals are also available for my cows, see that two small stacks? that are the cereals i mention for my cows + 1k in Storage. :'D

Edit: Also that delicious Apple Pie-Stream... JUMMY


Can you send me your level and I'll try and fix the weed problem?

I stopped the cows eating cereal and straw for now because it was causing too many issues.

The pie problem will be fixed in the next version.


(1 edit)

At first i was copying that text here, but after that i though it looks more like a troll, so i used google. x'D

Hello Denki. I am having a problem where I have a savegame, but everytime i try to load it, the game crashes : (. Would really appreciate some advice. Thanks


Oh no! Can you send me the file please and I'll see if i can fix it. Thanks!

Thanks so much for the speedy reply! Kinda embarrassing, but where do I find the save again?


If you're on PC it's C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts


Thanks so much. On its way here it is! Sorry about delay, only got compy back today. Been talking from mobile


Ok this loads up fine for me but it just takes a long time because of all the objects laying around on the ground. You should probably put them into storage to help speed it up. Thanks

Ohhh. Makes sense. Thanks for your speedy help. i was clicking a lot during load, maybe that was prob. Thanks so much once again

Somebody succeed to build bridge which reach other side of the sea ??!


Yes, you can drag the blueprint into the fogged map parts, the last part slopes into the unrevealed map and after building you can remove that sloped part and extend your way.


(2 edits)

Here's a short video demonstrating it:

You may want to sing along "Bridge Over Uncharted Water" by "Erin and his Uncle" while watching the video.
When you're weary, feeling small ...  :-D

I've got some funky stuff going on with the cereal planters - got a nice big patch of fertilized and tilled soil... But when I tell them to go find nearest free spot, they plant *one* seed and hang up. The cereal grows beneath them, gets cut and only *then* they deign to go plant the next spot.

Are they thinking that the planted ground they're standing on is the closest tilled soil or something?


What version are you using? There was a related bug that was fixed in version 6.

If you're up to date can you show me your script please?

It was in 6.2, save continued from about v3, but I reprogrammed the planters in version 5 I think? Here's the script, he was just endlessly cycling through the three steps of find-move-plant

Hmmm, I just erased him and gave him the exact same steps and he now plants them properly. All other planters on the save still glitching.

So looks like the bug just held on from the older version?


Yep that's right, there's some information lost from the previous version. Thanks

I see the behavior ardynor describes, however 6.2 is the first and only version I've had. I waited a while longer, perhaps, than ardynor and saw that eventually the bot does move on. Breaking the cycle, e.g., by putting in a moveto coords, does not workaround the issue as the bot just retargets the same spot, which is now not plantable is cycles through the list of actions again. That is, I tried the program ardynor shows and a whole mess of others, any that find and move to tilled soil present this issue.

Oh and now a new thing.

So I decided to auto-build a bridge.

And then make it extra bridgey.

Unfortunately, the bots did not take well to the experiment. 

The nice convex portion in the middle went smoothly. But after fourth and fifth row, their little minds started to break. They stop placing parts and just... walk away. Into top left corner of the map. Here's two 'pilgrims'. 

There also is a third one that got much closer.

After a recharge, two of them settled down in a corner while one came back to work. I was just about to say that somehow it seems to only affect plank and pole bots, but here my log placing bot went off too. Buut one of the previously stuck bots came back.

So yeah. Fun.


Yes there's some sort of bug where they're trying to reach one of the un-reachable blueprints causing the route finding to tell them to go to tile 0,0 (top left corner). Thanks for reporting

Ahh I see. I noticed they started to come back at random as other blueprints progressed, so now I figure that's because they could reach their target.

Glad to hear it's on your list, good job with the game guys!

is there a bug with "hands full" and holing a bucket? i want to make a bot want to trigger a bot do sth if his hands are full, first i gave him 2 logs, then i thought it is easier for me gave him just one bucket...but it doesnt triggered....

@Denki: pls remeber the last pos of the find near an beacon and search form there...cause when the little bots are more away form the mid-point (where the beacon is) they e.g. go on the top and the down and then top...go on go on and that is really anoying cause the battery drain...

i hope i could discribe my problem/idea in hopefully good english...forgive me ;D



Yep that's a known problem on our list. Thanks

I am not sure if this is a bug but I created a crude workerbot (Hedy) to specifically charge only Basic Workerbot. However, I noticed that it still trying to charge other Crude workerbot. I tried resetting Hedy's instruction already (removing all instruction) but still no good.
I am not sure if this is already reported or not. If it is I am very sorry.

And thank you for the nice game.


Sorry but at the moment the bots don't care what type they charge :)

I see. Thank you :D

i kinda like them just going after any bot.

When will we get control of sound? Also, the next update should lower the sound of the whistle when getting the autonauts attention


Oh, huh. Looks like my attempts to block off the unwanted farmlands are too weak to stop the planters :D

lol rip


Hi, I just picked up the game today and I'm finding the whistle sound effect when you select a bot really loud and grating. I got a headache just from a few minutes of play. :(

deal with it. just lower your volume

Found a problem with the times command. For some reason, if i put it like this it makes it so John does it infinitely. Is it a bug? Or am I just really bad at this?

Putting "repeat x times" inside a "repeat x times" isn't supported yet, sorry :(

Thank you, I hope it's fixed soon! :D

beacon is nowhere to be found if its supposed to be in the building menu or crafting. atleast on linux

You make it in the workerbot maker

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, i downloaded this game not long ago because i saw other people play it and i loved it, but every time i try to open the game, everything gets pink and the game lags a lot and then crashes, can someone please tell me the cause and/or a way to fix it?

1. make sure your video card isnt pure fecal matter. 

2. load the game with the itch application because everything is complicated without it.


On no! At a guess it sounds like your video card isn't up to scratch. If you can send me your log file I can have a look for you. You'll find a file called Autonauts_Data/ouput_log.txt in the place where you've installed the game. Thanks

It's a trap xD 
The middle stood when finished :D
But it's not a bug ..... sry


This will be fixed in Version 7 on Monday. Thanks!


Hi Denki,

I'm back and I want to say that the robots in this update are badly counted.
Or am I giving a bad order?
If there are less than 16 places to stop ....
Thanks :)


Sorry I'm not sure what you mean

(1 edit)

thats is the new feature in 6.2 (not a bug!). the storage is full at a point of 95% fullness!


Thx bro

hey Denki, great game! I have a lot of fun with it, but i can't figure out how to plant cereals in version 6.2?! no matter what i do i cant plant them enywhere... is there i trick i missen?

shovel the weeds?

(1 edit)

Shovel and fertilizer and plant creal seed

(1 edit)

didnt work
nevermind... was just incompetent as hell.... thanks guys

This game is great! I suggest trying to create a mobile copy of this, so people can play it on their phones. I think that can be SUPER successful! You just need to better the graphics a bit. And more.

Hello Denki, I found a bug right i enter in the game i cant move my Character!


Oh dear. Can you give me some more details please?

this game is amazing and has a lot of potential. it's like factorio but i'm fine with that, it adds other mobs to deal with and it's great! i do have 1 request that we can code bots using python, like if then else, or something like that, maybe an option to have a specific code where we can type it in or the normal way to code it, idk, whatever is easier. anyways.

so i told the bot to go to where my seeds are kept, pick up 5 and take it to the seedling tray, and repeat that 3 times, then go to the fertiliser storage and pick up 5 fertiliser and put it into the seedling tray. instead it went and picked 5 seeds, took it to the tray, did it again, so far so good. did it again, still good, then it did it again. didn't go to the next step which is to pick up fertiliser.. either i'm a numpty and screwed up or this is a bug, i am using the crude robots though

Below is the code i used when i found this bug:


|  |=====repeat 3 times

|  | go to general storage (tree seed)

|  |  |======repeat 5 times

|  |  | take from general storage (tree seed)

|  |  |======

|  |  go to seedling tray

|  |  |======repeat until hand empty

|  |  |put into seedling tray

|  |  |======

|  |=====

| go to fertiliser storage

|  |======repeat 5 times

|  | take from fertiliser storage

|  |======

|  go to seedling tray

|  |======repeat until hand empty

|  |put into seedling tray

|  |======


P.S. i didn't put a screenshot on as the gui is still too small currently and i got rid of the code and set 2 bots to do it and now it works fine


Unfortunately putting in a "repeat x times" inside of a "repeat x times" isn't supported yet. Thanks

oh ok, well i hope to see it resolved soon. But seriously, more options for coding bots would be fantastic. Some people could really go nuts with typing the code in and stuff. I personally find it more appealing to type code in myself and it will serve as a learning tool for people to learn how basic python coding works. If it isn't added it's not a big deal. This game is amazing and i would love to donate but sadly i don't have access to my bank account yet

I cannot use the Repeat function on crude workerbots. Is this a bug or a feature?

bug. I can use all the functions i usre. Moving, picking up, digging, dropping, taking and putting in stuff, repeats, etc. I can use them all. Probably a problem on your end or i got lucky. Can't use repeat x times inside a repeat x times though

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Good evening, I have some suggestions for the game:

  • Make storage accesible from all 4 sides.
  • Provide a way to customize workerbots by both changing color, name and maybe even hats so people can tell them appart and come up with uniforms for different jobs.
  • A map, a list or any other way to make the camera jump to a bot's location easily
  • Provide a way to tell workerbots to "go here" without the need of teaching them to go to said location or simply picking them up
  • The same way we can detect workerbots with depleted energy so others can recharge it, we should be able to detect a "cursing" bot in the "my tool broke" state, and maybe trigger workerbots whose job is to give them a new tool.
  • Expand workerbots logic: more in depth flow control of the program, like if clauses wrapers to set instructions to only be executed when certain conditions are met (maybe the next tier of workerbots that use the metal gears have this expanded logic?)
  • Comunication and trading between workerbots: Allow workerbots to yell a message that can be detected by actively listening ones and maybe trigger actions across the map. For example set a "MyShovelBroke" yell in case the bot enters the cursing state that can be heard by a shovel delibery bot that is waiting.
  • Beacon type that is still valid even when someone is holding them.
  • The cap of 10 on some item types in storage crates makes it more worthwhile to just stack them in the world. Clearly, your intent isn't to have players stacking 100+ shovels directly into the clouds.
  • Wireless item storage? This behavious is provably intended, but maybe this feature should be behind more expensive crafting processes. Right now, 4 mere planks isn't all that dear.

Some wonky things I was able to do:

  • When a bot is in your hands after telling it to stop, you can trade it as any other held item to another bot. If this bot is also in idle state, you can repeat this process as many times as you like, creating a tower of stacked robots. Not only does this look really funny, it also enables the player to move entire armies of workerbots in a single trip.
  • "Refined" wooden gears storage allows bots to drop new gears even when the cap was met. When this happens, the newly made ones simply go to waste and disappear, even if you build new storage after that and set it to the same item type, the "lost" units don't come back every single time, so there's some inconsistent behaviour going on.
  • Using repeat X times wrappers set to 0 to disable parts of code on the fly. While useful this is a very un-elegant way of commenting instructions. Maybe add a wrapper with a literal on/off switch icon to archieve the same results?

we kinda have on/off switches with repeats that are affected by outside objects and the hand


Lots of good ideas here. Thanks!

With the bug about Wooden Gear storage i wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Can you show me what your script looks like please?

Can't reproduce it myself after the update. 

Colateral bugfixing FTW

I stacked up a lot of materials of various kinds and the game tends to lag a little. The basic storage doesn't hold much and building them is a little bit of a hassle. I was wondering if there is going to be any kind of larger storage system in the game. It would be very nice to have. 

the normal storage boxes are simple to make, 4 planks, and you can make multiple boxes for the same item. Set a bot to make a box and then pick up the item and put it in the box 100 times then make a new box, easy


Why would you want to continuously produce stuff that you have no use for? You can teach any bot to stop his work when it's no longer required. And that's where the true fun is: in developing sensible routines for your bots.

just a question, will you ever allow modding support? Modding would allow thousands more possibilities and allows other people to add features for you, meaning you can work on refining the bugs out of it


Modding is a good idea but right now we need to make a game first :) There's a lot to do so modding is way down the list. Thanks!

true but like i said, let modders add features, you can work on bugs then take the modders coding and add it to the base game. Saves you effort and allows you to allow others to contribute more to this great game. It has a lot of potential and is already a relally cool game

(1 edit)

remove bugs while modders add new ones (by adding features)?

Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, to be frank.

(1 edit) (+1)

When is put repeat puttting things  in workbench or saw until a storage is full, it doesn't work. One example is that when I program a bot to put logs in bench saw until a pole storage is full in forever, it just shows a arrow going from repeat to forever. The bot just stays there.      Also is there gonna be an enemy in game or a story/quest in game


This could be a number of things wrong. Can you show me what your script looks like please?

(1 edit)

It looks something like this.      forever- repeat until pole storage full- move to ( log) storage- take from storage- move to bench saw ( set to planks) - put in bench saw

And it just shows a red arrow moving on forever and repeat


Ok can you send me your level please and I'll have a look. Thanks

With version 7 the new buildings can't be deleted. I built them just to see what they could make before I found their permanent home and can't move or delete them.


Ok thanks. That will be fixed in 7.1 later on today

In Version 7 

The hitbox of the Kitchen Table is wrong and the Apple Pie is invisible 

I miss the followcamera on button "C"

Repeat times x don't work in repeat times x


If you update to 7.1 that will fix the problem with the kitchen table.

The apple pie problem will be fixed in the next version, thanks.

Putting "Repeat x times" inside "Repeat x times" is not supported yet.


wow I made new Town and already liking the small changes...specially disappearance of seeds so much cleaner XD

Thanks Denki!!! More Support!!!



The cereal crop bug is back but now my people will only tend to one tilled soil square. I guess my people will go hungry this version lol.


Oh dear. What's the version number in the bottom left corner?

It seems to have fixed itself after the 7.1 update. Thanks :)

(1 edit)

@ Dev's
i have a bug - i think at last.
my bots that uses buckets are always stuck at theit destinated storages at the last step Add to Milk/Water Storage with thair empty Bucket after loading the Game. The Script is short and easy so this time only Text.

In a Forever loop:
Find nearest Cow (Full)
Move to Cow
Use held Item
Move to Milk Storage
Add to Milk Storage


Just did a quick test and it seems to work fine in clean set up. So check the obvious things : Was this worker created and taught in an earlier version? Is the storage full? Did you delete and re-build the storage? Have you tried re-teaching the bot to see if that fixes it?

it looks like it is working now in 7.1 or it comes from space spamming if i need to find the right bot when they are in the same spot. 

so as a suggestion, how about ther nametags also show ther tool and if multible bots are at the same spot their Tags will stack ontop of each other so we can clearly see them? i always search long for my wood chopping bot between the trees. ;)

and while my mind is going, how about a locate button underneeth the close button in the teaching screen. if a bot runs away becaus you are not want to stop them right away from work, just want to look into the code - and then you need to search for the bot. that can get messy if he is stoppet under a tree or behind and so on.

Feedback to V7 update: The 32kb of Memory the bots have i think thats is to low. Maybe double that?

or more bots? MAHAHAhahahaha


The limitations are intentional of course to get you to think about how to solve the problem. And of course better bots will come along with more memory :)

Okay cool.

I build manual 4 Bots but well ... i think something went wrong. I noticed that and decide to place each bot separately.

can't figure it out but i think these are a bit too much, three of them are are not in line because i realised that nice happening after starting to setup bot 4. top left of the red marking is bot 4 that i build as planed. all other are duplicates.


I'm not quite sure what the problem is you're having. So you're saying you don't know where all those bots came from?

(2 edits)

yes, i do only build 4 because it's not possible atm that x times works inside an x times command so i'm not using that bot and build them right away by myself. most of them also have no names, that i think is also not possible because i already do have some bots with the same name. 

I updated the save file on my google drive with a version 2 of that save with that bots, if you like to look at that mess. i will wait for you and if you like to, this version is my latest so if it is possible and not to much to ask, that version can be fixed with that weed problem. Thanks. :D


Ok can you send me Autonauts_data/output_log.txt please? There might be something useful in there for me

(1 edit)

As you wish, here you go. + Edit in the post before.
Edit: If you Read that part at the Top, yes i do have a nearly 8 year old GPU. x'D Can't wait to get my Hands on a Threadripper and RX Vega.


Nothing useful in that log. So was this a one-time thing or have you been able to reproduce this problem? Is it still happening in your current level?

it's a one-time only thing. i was trying this four times by now, starting in my previous save. i think that was just a glitch maybe based on my own unity installation? or visual studios or what ever.


Just to check, have you used the level editor on this level at all, or modified the save file in any way?

No, but is there one? x'D


An unofficial one but yes, there is!

Thanks for helping everyone out on Itch btw! If you want you could join our Discord server and speak to others about Autonauts :)

Hey Denki, i try a lot the last days in my spare time but i can't reproduce this Bug.
I will switch these days to V8 or maybe i need to skip to next Monday because my Workload is granting me not much time to play anyting. 


Ok no problem. I've had a few other people report it so hopefully someone will produce a log file. Thanks

I make one bot and I was teach [take axe to chest, cut tree, return axe to chest]. and that axe din't broken even log is full of chest. is it bug? or other?


Yeah that's a bug. Tools reset when you put them in storage.

(1 edit)

there is a bug, the bot for some reason never leaves the first 4 times loop, it just makes butter for days lol



   while(storage.butter == not.Full){

      for(var i = 1; i <= 4; i++){   

         for(var a = 1; a <= 2; a++){





         for(var b = 1; b <= 2; b++){







      for(var c = 1; c <= 4; c++){





      while(held !== null){






also i can confirm it runs fabulous on kubuntu 16.04 with onboard graphics


Unfortunately "Repeat X Times" inside a "Repeat X Times" isn't supported as yet. Thanks

ah i see

Aw shucks, was just going to post this same bug.

(1 edit)

Hello! I think I have found a bug: when my robot was about to chop out a tree I wanted to teach him new stuff and the tree wasn't fully chopped out, the log itself was still in the soil. I can't do anything with it, I can't finish the job.

After returning in the game the log wasn't there anymore but the place of the tree was there. Can't do anything about it.


Oh dear. I've not been able to interrupt chopping halfway before. There is a bug where the bot runs out of energy half way through chopping. It's not something to do with that is it?

I got 3 soil that shows a hole but says it's a tree in my test save, which I can't find after the version 7


Hopefully that will be fixed in Version 8 on Monday. Thanks

(1 edit)

A botlist with (energy) status, active task, 'go to' button. The selected bot should also be highlighted on the map that hopefully is comming.

How about an option to decrease the range for pickup things so "factorysets" dont interfare?

Visualization for benches what they produce, an icon over the bench (could be ugly) or some additional details on the bench.

I dont know what you planned for bots but for charing i like to have fast bots and strong bots for storagework. And what advanced bots could do i cant imagine yet.

In 4 games i only build 2 crude bots. It shouldn't be possible to skip the "tier 1"-part of a game?!

Edit: Hats could give a Bonuses. Something like "-2 chops to fell a tree". But then they should harder to craft, maybe with an additional resource like hempfibre. To use hemp you have to build something with metal to make it more "endgame item".

Same for totems an Area of Effect: "+X time to become hungry" and Beacons "+Movementspeed".


Some great ideas here. Some of them we've already got on our list. If you want to what we have so far you can view it here

Only saw so far the list is not short but more brainstorming is going on:

- stone walking paths (or deco floors when bots can use scooter ;))

- Electric bots powerd by a network of beaconlike poles. The power is provided by using charcoal and water in a steamboiler.

- To add a kind of progress there could be a reseachtable used by an advanced bot. For that bot you'll need glass (diggin+smelting sand). Maybe there could be different tiers of reseach, so its possibly necessary to reseach the refining of metal/glass first.

(1 edit)

Damn, i got nothing new :(

I didn't see stone/metal storages for more/most capacity.

When you add nighttime u have to add lightsources too (torches or lampposts that needs coal as fuel and electric lamps for lategame).

And when there are hostile creatures we'll need military bots (melee+archer) to protect the villagers. Midgame military bots could have crossbows, shield/armor, maybe cavallary (horsebreeding?).  Guns can be for lategame depending on the hostiles. ;)

no Spinning Hat Cap for faster bot movement?  hehehehe

(2 edits)

The bot-scipting window shouldn't close after trade.

edit: change gamespeed, 2x,3x....

edit2: show walking-path

Totally need IF / ELSE statements
also hard to click the checkboxes on find nearest command, it should be on the left side instead closest to the left wall so it doesn't get hidden.

(1 edit)

I found something interesting. I ordered my robot to dig out weeds and plant cereal seeds on the spot, but after approximately 10 times it plants the seed and the seed remains at the robot. 

EDIT: In the 7th version I don't experience the bug. 

(1 edit)

dunno if someone found it before me, but when creating a loop with X times within a loop for X times, the outer loop will run indefinitely.


2 times[
    2 times[
         do X]
do y]

you might wanna try that. had a robot set up to make other robots, but only four at a time. ended up with an army of robots :D

i scrolled up a bit. someone else already reportet it.
i also had a hard time starting new because the tree seeds disappeared before i had time to make a workerbot to assign him to collect them. had to chop down an additional forest for new tree seeds to kickstart my tree farm :D


Yes nested "Repeat X Times" isn't supported yet. Thanks

(2 edits)


For me cereal planting is bugged in 7.1 ( the worker stays in the same spot, plants, waits for the plant to grow and be harvested, plants again). Cereal seed planting works well.

I think he still sees that stop as a weeded soil as it keeps looping " Find nearest Weeded Soil" "Move to Weeded Soil".


Would you mind posting a picture of the script you use for this bot please?

(1 edit)

Sure, it's the same script i use for all bots

Also this happens for all buildings on 4k

you should move the >Move to General Storage with >Take from Gen.Storage inside repeat.

Nope, it works like this and it is faster :)

And that is not my problem, cereal gets picked up just fine.


So, just to be clear, Cereal Seed works fine but Cereal doesn't. Is that right?

Yep, i can give you a save if you want.

The game was started on 7.1 so there shouldn't be any upgrade issues.


ok yes that would be great if you could please.

I will do that as soon as i get home.

Also you where asking about a usage for the IF/ELSE statement. I would love that as it would allow me to tech them to get resources from the nearest general storage or from them ground instead of walking half a map when there is a log or something else next to the autobot.

Here is the save!AiXBIYMh6Ex7ls8v7-ZQLL9ZzmFztA


Right I think I've got that big fixed. It should work in Version 8 on Monday. You'll need to reteach that particular bot however. Thanks

I have tried to automate the production of buckets but it wont let me.  The bot moves to General Storage but doesnt pick up anything but moves to basic workbench and gets stuck here.  Also when I was fixing this I seemed to have some "ghost" item in my hand as i was unable to pick anything up and i had to drop this "ghost" item on the group to fix it


Yes the "ghost" bucket is a known bug and will be fixed in version 8 on Monday. I think everything else you're seeing is as a result of this bug. Thanks

(4 edits)

Awesome game. Love the concept. On the bridges everything levetates for me but the ramps up to bridges are good. also the trees grow kinda wierd with the final growth step being lower than the preivious. looks cool tho and i don't mind it. being able to interact in the freecam would be cool. also a first person mode would be neat. thanks for the awesome game.

the following are not bugs but ideas. could the water start off being discovered or able to be discovered from the land as it is quite difficult to bridge and it makes the map look wierd. in the script for recharging a bot, it specifies crude or basic but they will do both anyway. maybe 'recharge bot' instead would be better. i like how the bots slow down as the battery becomes flat - that is a really cool feature. items in the inventory and not in the hands could change the speed of movement. also holding a 'heavy' items (which you can only hold one off in hands)  could slow down movement by more than 1 'light' item does (light - can hold 4 in hand). 

(3 edits)

please allow bots to carry others. i left the game running over dinner and have spent 20 mins manually moving bots and i don't know how much longer i will need to do it for to get to the basic bots. also i made a few hundred crude bots and the new ones with no name don't follow their script or do anything. kinda my fault for letting it run too long but a little annoying. any solutions before i start over? folks should not always sit in the same direction. in the huts it looks wierd.


We disabled bots carry bots because it was causing too many problems but we'll probably add it back in at some point.

Yes I'm trying to work out how the bots with no names bug is happening but I've not been able to work it out yet. So I don't really have a solution to fixing it for you yet.


Hi guys i'd like to report that milk buckets are somewhat buggy IE they are sometimes invisible while being held in main slot of both player and robots and if i try to empty such bucket to milk storage nothing happens and i cant move ever again.

Hi, there seems to be a bug in the pathfinder, after building a bridge to the island on the west, at least 4 of my robots end up going all the way to the upper right corner of the map while looking for the closest item, including 3 cases that have a beacon nearby (foundation seeking builder-bots) and one that doesn't (a clay pot pickup bot).


Yes this is a known bug with my flaky route finding :) I'll be re-writing at some point. Thanks for reporting.

There also seems to be an issue that if I click far enough from the current location the player character will not move.


Yep this is a known issue. Thanks

Player could eat to get a +% movementspeed for X seconds/minutes buff. Maybe the cooked food can give different % or lasts longer.


The native's squeaks are cute for a minute, but after an hour


Hi! I found a bug. Sometimes (every times I play Autonauts) I open the game and all is ok. But after  minutes of gameplay the image stop but the game continues. And I need to close the window and start everything again. I don't know what is happening.


Hmm sounds like a video driver thing. Can you send me a file called Autonauts_Data/output_log.txt please and I'll see if that has anything useful in it. Thanks


First of all, it is my birthday this Sunday and it would be the best present ever if my favourite game, Autonauts, would be updated on my birthday. Please!

Now, onto the bugs:

I have found a bug which I have found on v8 macOS and v6 windows 64bit (I have only checked on these versions, it is likely that it is in other versions too) where a tree has the effect on it of a mouse hovering over it, so the leaves turn a lighter colour. This is fixed by hovering the mouse over the tree and moving it away again, but eventually another tree will have the same effect.

Also, I have found a rock that naturally spawned inside a mushroom, so the mushroom looks like it has spikes on it.

I don't know if this is a bug or not but I found a folk doing a handstand.


Hello. We're actually going to start doing builds every Friday and the first one will be in 3 days time so that kind of counts :)

Yep both of those issues are known. Thanks for reporting.

Think I found a bug, maybe. Everything disappeared from the world. Trees, buildings, grass, weeds, crops, folk, everything but the player. Weeds eventually started growing on soil, but otherwise the world was empty. This happened in 7.1 (screen shot is from 8.1, but it looks the same).

I was not sure I should report this because I did edit my save. I changed the names of the bots but nothing else. It is possible I made a mistake, but not likely. The edited save worked for a few days, and I have versions of the save that are still working.

My Emptiness

Me and the Weeds


Sounds like the level has been broken :( If you send me the file I can fix it and send it back. Thanks

I have a bug

If you program a bot to use a beacon and then pick up the beacon and move your player and don't put it down, the bot still finds stuff in the place the beacon used to be.

It would be awesome if the bot would find stuff in an area around the player/bot that picked it up.

Also, can you please delay the update to be on Sunday not Friday because it is my birthday then.

Btw I have played this game from v4

I don't think it is very smart to delay the update to Sunday if the next update is on Monday.... That doesn't make sense to me...

updates are now on Friday


what do you mean?


"converter" is our term for any machine that takes ingredients and converts them into something else.


can't open game shows only as a ZIP archive cannot decompress, it's on a Mac

I just downloaded the game for macOS, moved it to my desktop then ran it and it worked

I'm not completely sure if this is a bug or a feature, but here goes nothing:
I cant seem to change my crude robots original "sensing area" (or "work area") whatever it is called, not by changing by teaching it anything new, no nothing :( I just started so its only running a very simple "find tree in area, chop it, do forever" kinda script.

Also while I'm posting anyway, It might be nice with a simple UI thing that lets you know whether a building needs flooring or not, it was quite confusing at first. (The buildings that dont need floor should possibly also be able to be placed on flooring, just for looks :) ).

Regards Jule.


Both good points.

The Find Nearest area centers around where you teach the bot so by re-teaching in a different place, you'll set a new area. Also you can use a Beacon to specify an area. Just click the "?" symbol on the Find Nearest instruction and select the Beacon.

Yes buildings that require flooring are not clear at all. This is something we'll fix in a future version.


Weird graphical issue. If a bot has a script and you put in a new script using the floppy disk, the old script is visible underneath it.


This is actually a known bug but thanks for reporting.

(1 edit) (-1)

haha! i posted the bug before you!

anyone seen the apple trees yet?


coz you can only see them if you change the water digits(16) to the grass digit(0) or any other walk able surface.

lol just use a bridge

you cant place on the blacked out/gray area because you have not "explored" it yet and you cant swim/ move in water to "explore" the area.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

if you click and hold on 1 side, then drag to the over, you will have a bridge blueprint that goes into unexplored area

also, i made a fully automatic apple tree farm before you uploaded your post, so IN YOUR FACE


oh wow thx for the info bro!



I first downloaded autonauts at version 6, if I want to download a new version, is there any way I can transfer my civilization from the previous version? Or is there any way to update the version I already have and save my current files? Thanks!

(2 edits) (+1)

if you use windows then download the new version, go to C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts amd take take <your world's name>.txt and put it in the Autonauts file, under the app and not in the data.

if you use macOS then you will need to right click (or press with 2 fingers on the trackpad) on the old version, select the second option (Show Package Contents) and then select <your world's name>.txt 

put that in a place that you would be able to find it, download the new version, right click on it, select the second option and put  <your world's name>.txt BELOW the file called contents, NOT in it.

if you use linux, well, i don't know.

(1 edit)

on windows there is a way easier way to do this.

First go into the new version of the game that you downloaded then press escape then click the load button. After you have click on this C: ( should be on the side bar) and find user. Then find your username. Once done find app data then go localLow then Denki then Autonauts. Your save file should be somewhere in there.

(1 edit) (+1)

I have something to I want to be added to the game, better workerbots the crafting recipe could be something like this

Number of metal gear(s) Number of metal plate(s) Number of metal rod(s) = Expert Bot

EDIT:One thing is never enough, so I got more. one thing  is you need a better Worker assembler (maybe call it a warehouse or a factory) to craft these new bots, another thing is you could upgrade your Bot at the Worker assembler and not need a warehouse or factory (whichever one you choose to name this possible structure.) and it will cost a lot

plz add this in v10 Denki


Yep another bot type is high on our to-do list. Not sure when...


Thank's for doing such a great job, by the way, I love the game and like the way it plays

Keep doing a great job!


\o/ Thanks!

(1 edit)
Weird blue overlays. Or Glitches. Or something.

Ok, so i just installed the latest version on my MacBook, and there a very annoying bug that pretty much makes the game unplayable. Unless I am alinged in a specific way with a world chunk, there is weird blue overlay on top of that chunk. And it occurs most of the time. It doesn't seem to flicker but it does seem to depend on the angle you look at it from. It is also rendered above the ground, but not enough to cover items and the player. I have a feeling it might have to do with my Intel Graphics, let me not try to describe it, have a look for yourselves. And if you care there is a screenshot of my specs in there too.

And if you think the screenshots aren't enough, I could upload a video to YT. Just tell me.


Wow! Not seen that one before. Yeah at first glance I would blame the gfx card. Looks like it's just the ground tiles not drawing properly. If you could make a video that would be super helpful?

I edited the video to give a little more context, bucause i forgot to setup the audio recording. Also notice how the "Made with with UNITY" appears for a bit after it has faded completly. I don't know if that happens on other computers, but I thought I'd point that out. Don't mind the stuttering, it's just the recording. 

Also I'm not sure I made clear in my initial post, the bug is annoying, but the game still works and I kinda tried to show that by picking up the stick in the video. Just to clarify.


Fantastic video! Thanks for the help. I'll add it to the bug list and see if i can get it fixed.

Thank you. I also just downlaoded version 8 and the same thing happened. So it looks like it's not a v9 thing only.

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the game, but it lacks music and what feels like an objective .

Although not being a critic i rate 

7/10 Still In Beta But Has A Good Future

Side Note* Don't Rush Or The Game Will Be Bad


I found bug. When i place dry stone wall next to end of the world it get that yellow-black think enxt to general storage.

You can that on this video that i create : 

Please fix that.


Yep this is a known bug and should be fixed in Version 10 on Friday. Thanks for reporting it.

First of all Autonauts is a great game and I like it.

I played version 9.1 and I think there are some things that need to added the game

- Grouping buildings and items.

- Some sort of achievement for unlocking buildings. because having all building at the start is confusing.

- Game need day, night, season, climate, rain, snow and …

it is boring with out these and less challenging.

- Add more modeling. for example the Flour model and Charcoal is a simple cube or Wooden Shovel and Wooden Axe are very similar.

- The color and modeling of most buildings is not good, These colors just doesn’t look right. Generally the game need more color and wise choosing.

- There isn’t harmony between models style. for example compare Boulder with Grass

- Drag and drop from inventory for dropping an item.

- Bot programs need if statement something like this: if cant find Crude Shovel pick up Wooden Shovel

- Bot program need something like: wait for 10 second

- Design of menus isn’t beautiful.

- Does robots really need inventory?

- Add something to inventory for building Crude Axe. The way of combining Stone with Stick is not the best way to do that

- Showing how much left to break a tool in inventory or model.

- Use color image for General Storage

- Rotating building blueprints with mouse

- Rotating camera with arrow keys

- It is better to program bots with flowchart


Great feedback. Thanks.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Grouping buildings and items"

for example, build menus like this:
Item > Tools > Metal Shovel
Item > Material > Metal Plate

My English is not good so excuse me if I can't  explain better


Do you mean show what kinds of things each building can make when you hover over the option in the menu?

I've found a bug  in version 9.1. I've looked through the past couple pages of this thread and didn't see it being previously reported, but I could have missed it.

When two bots are set to place an object into a currently-full storage, and you take one object out of the storage, only one succeeds in placing the object in storage, but they both move to the next task in their program, so the other bot is still holding an object and its program gets thrown off. (My two bots are at separate storage boxes, in case that's important.)


Ah ok I thought I'd fixed that one. Thanks


Actually I just realised it's already on our bug list! Thanks for reporting


Where is the bug list? Searching through that would probably be easier than trying to comb through this thread.

(1 edit)

Omg yea! that's a great idea roger. denki you should make the buglist a public document so that users know which bugs have already been reported and also have a link to the original person thay found the bug, so that we can see the original screenshots and videos posted with it. and if the bug is to be fixed or currently is investigated, you should also have that noted there. preferably it should be a google document (my opinion) which you can just open up in a browser.


Try this

(4 edits)

oh nice. that's really good and detailed. you should probably put that in the first post in the thread so that people know. (damn typos, i keep seeing after i click post)

Thanks; that's perfect.


I think you should add resolution options to the game, for those who want to play at a lower resolution
Even the game being extremely lightweight, in pcs like mine, which sucks, they lag in large resolution, with lower resolution option I can play without lag
Would it be difficult to put that into the game? By the way, the game has an incredible idea and is very good, if possible, keep adding and improving it.

Bad english, google translate fault

I think it would be nice to have in game the ability to set a specific resolution "H x W" since my monitor doesn't support the preset ones and has black bars on the top and bottom >.< (no the black bars are not graphical problems, I know)

I was reading through the change log and I saw the fix "If you used LMB on a worker while you were teaching it, it would produce recharging instructions."

I was actually very happy when I found that, and considered it a feature. Because I tend to keep a network of recharging bots covering all my other bots, it can be a hassle to actually get a dead bot when I want to train new charger bots.  Would it be possible to add an easier way to train recharging bots? It doesn't have to be the old way, but something easy/straightforward would be nice. Or does this exist already and I just don't know about it?


In the future I'd like to have all instructions be added to a script by just dragging and dropping them from a selection. This might be a while coming though :(

That sounds like a good solution to me, too. No rush; I really like the game so far! :)



Found a small bug, when building something there is no information pop-up to show what is needed build the object. It is just labeled as "foundation". The picture shows the crude bench saw, but it happens with the flooring, storage crate and the crude workbench as well (I haven't tried anything else yet).


If you hover over the name you'll get the extra information you're looking for :)

Ow! That is very fancy! Awesome!

I SO cannot wait to play v10.  I'm stuck out work.  ARG!

When you hover over the name and finish building the popup info doesn't go away until you save, quit and load.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Thanks. Yep, we have that bug logged and will sort it soon :)

(2 edits)

Hello, I have found something that could cause confusion to (mostly new) players.

I don't know in what update it got changed but at the Worker assembler(for example) you need a "CrudeCog", but at the Workbench it's still called "Crude Gear" and it would be good it you could change that.


it does not use gears and

and on blueprints it is called a gear

and it is called a Crude Gear

also it is called a crude gear when you craft it


Found a bug: Some bots making really, really long bridges will go to the upper-left corner. They even did this when the map was black. Attached is a save and an image. Also, lag, but it goes away when I press space. is the save URL.


Thanks, @henryfbp. That one's already on our list :)


i hope one day this game will be on ios and android


that would be really nice ...

hallo denki, i think this is a bug:

i would build the brigde to left - but my robots going over the other bridge to the upper left corner from the map and hangs there->> so i must manually hole back the robots - because i tell the bots find blueprints around beacon

hope i could help you - the game is very nice und makes fun

This has already been reported. In fact look at the post above yours and you will see that it has been reported MULTIPLE times.

sry for this - i have only klick the report botton on the first page :-( - next time i will look before


Hey, no problem, @telekar!

Is the thing where my people refuse to eat still a thing? I constantly make them porridge but they get bored.


They also like milk, bread, fruit and pie.

Thanks guys

I have the same problem before.My solution is take all the villagers and put they down on Crude Huts again,then they will be happy and eat food.

(1 edit)

Hey, @Denki

I don't know why have you implemented "the two steps" on hover information on buildings. I mean on first hover it gives only the name. To have more information you need to hover again on name. Is it something about game performance?

In my case that only increase the time that you need to achieve information. Even the basic ones on storage depots which you constantly check. It really annoys me. 

It's really a way to combat a fairly common graphic bug where the hover info never disappeared. Maybe when the game is further developed or is requested enough times, then a new UI may be implemented or the old one would be restored.

To achieve two step hovers, you need to keep the first opened window for a while, to be able to leave the hovered item and hover the opened window again. So there is a timeout on each hover window to be disappeared. This also cause another annoying issue. even on every tile of the map mouse hover gives you an info. You need to wait for it to get closed to reach if anything below it. That is also causing the hover bug. On some situations timeout resets and the hover window never be closed again. To fix this you need to open another "type" of that window. That system is totally annoying for me... Forget the names just open the info window...


Yes we were trying something new out to stop having an enormous panel on screen. We'll probably end up having a second panel in the corner somewhere instead.

Folks still appearing on deep sea/water


Yep that's a known bug, thanks for reporting


More impressive is how they don't drown.


(1 edit)

I have a bugged out steambot. He needs charged for some reason (not sure why as I set them up to retrieve a full inventory of wood). I can't charge him or trade with him to give him wood. I can't interact with him at all to see what's wrong with him. Oh, also I had to download the game manually (no update came through app.)

Developer (2 edits)

You need to have wood in your hands and then RMB on him to give it to him

Developer (1 edit)

Ok the autoupdate through Itch should work now. Thanks

Ok thanks. Apparently the new bots just can't be one that uses a tool. (well w/o manually giving them tools) In other words, no way to set them up to fill their inventory w/wood get a tool--use until hands empty but also keep inventory full with wood. They are still nice and useful. I love the canoe makes finding new areas a lot smoother.

(2 edits)

You can technically have the tool-using ones keep their inventory with a log in it.

Fill their inventory with Stone except for the last slot, in which you put a Log, and their hand, in which you put the tool.

With this, if they burn their Log, they will stow their tool, grab a log, and then cycle back to their tool, leaving them back with a full inventory and a tool in hand.  Then they'll do their task up until their hands are empty (and their tool broke), after which they'll go back to the tool storage to grab a fresh tool.

You can add an empty "Until (X) storage is not full" just after the "until Inventory Full" block if you want them to not bother doing their task if your storage is full for that item anyway.  For example, I could say "Repeat Until Clay Storage is not full : (Nothing)" and the bot will just sit there waiting for there to be room in Clay Storage before they start digging again. Since waiting around like this doesn't use any fuel, it's okay that the program will wait there until there's room in storage.

When the bug is fixed that is making the bots consume their entire inventory, you don't have to prime them with stone anymore.  They'll still have a full inventory of logs they won't be using, of course, but the time saved not having to hand them a bunch of stones first makes up for it.

Edit: Actually, there's some problems with this, because for some reason, burning a log that's at the front of your inventory won't actually shuffle the rest of the inventory down.  Instead, it leaves the gap at the front of the inventory, meaning it messes up the cycling since when you store the item, it'll be at the beginning instead of at the end.  So you have to use a full inventory of logs, and use Cycle item Up instead of down.

Game doesn't load up for me :(
Just says "Made with Unity" then stays black.


Oh no! Ok what OS are you running?

Windows 10


Ok can you send me a file called "Autonauts_Data/output_log.txt" in your install folder please and I'll see if I can find out what's wrong?


(1 edit)

How should I send it?


You can just use something like Dropbox or Google drive or any other number of file sending services and then put the link here. Alternatively, if the file is small enough, you can just copy and paste the contents here (it's a text file).

Initialize engine version: 5.6.3f1 (d3101c3b8468)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX (ID=0x179c)
    Vendor:   NVIDIA
    VRAM:     3072 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Fabric.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Fabric.Core.dll into Unity Child Domain
- Completed reload, in  0.025 seconds
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Rafi\Documents\Entertainment\Autonauts\Autonauts_Data\Managed\System.dll (this message is harmless)
desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0
<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
(Filename:  Line: 1514)

The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'MasterManager') is missing!
(Filename:  Line: 1743)

A script behaviour (probably MasterManager?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 44 bytes)
Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
(Filename:  Line: 1879)

UnloadTime: 1.628049 ms
Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 210c -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: 2294 -> priority: 1


Looks like you've not unzipped all the required files properly :)

Less of a bug report and more of a feature request: It would be nice to have a "Repeat until X storage more full than Y storage." (Either by raw number or by percent storage full would work for me.)

Motivation: When I add automation for producing a new resource, it sometimes drains my supplies for the whole pipeline until that resource is full. (In a concrete example, when I added metal / metal plate production, it consumed all of my coal, which in turn consumed all of my logs.) I can add a "repeat while [ingredient] storage full", but that just moves the problem somewhere else. Having a way to balance production based on available inputs would be helpful. Then again, maybe this is moving the robot scripting language too close to a full-blown programming language (with variables and comparisons and the like), and I'm not sure how you feel about that design-wise.


Nice idea. 

Hopefully we're heading towards a system  of proper scripting with things like branching like you're suggesting. The next version will reveal a bit of where we're heading :)


Ooooh. I'm eagerly awaiting this Friday, then. :)

(2 edits)

Can we please have more cows then sheeps? like 80% - 20% ratio on map creation? Cows needed for milk and we need a lot of milk for butter. Folks get bored from crude bread. Lets give them more  better food :)

i found a bug where you pick up a villager then go in a canoe you are stuck forever  i got a pic


I just tried that myself and couldn't make it happen. I just RMB an adjacent tile and I'm out again.

Hey Denki, First of all. great game. Im excited to see how this game is going to develop more and more. anyway. I tried to access the save file for version 12 but i cant seem to download or it just lags i dont know.


Hi thanks!

When you say "Save file" do you mean you've run the game and you created a save file or you're trying to download the game?

(3 edits)

I was trying to download the safe file but i couldn't for some reason can u put it on mediafire or something so i can download that safe? ;)

Look this is what it just endlessly loads while other sites instantly load for me so it cant be my internet. xd oh and i mean the safe file you put up for download on the front page. its called Party.txt Sorry for not mentioning. Anyway i guess it's not an issue in the game however i'd like to see the safe file :) by the way an idea, Put descriptions under what stuff does like for buildings i was first confused how to make a gear took me 1 hour to figure out i had to build a wood router :P 


Try this

 Thankyou that worked! :) Now im going to check out dat save boiii

i cant make a bridge accross the water even if i try i  build it at the edge of the i build to the edge of the undicovert water but it dest dicoverti


Try using a Canoe to explore first :)

(1 edit)

So, it's not a huge thing, but have you considered having your save files be gzip-compressed json instead of raw json? I just tried compressing one of my saves (using WinZip, but same idea) on a whim, and it went from 900KB to 70KB. I know both save files are pretty small in absolute terms, but I have a habit of making a new save file on each save in case I mess something up, so it adds up.

If you're worried about save backwards-compatibility, you can save the new files as [name].aut or something, and still parse [name].txt files as raw json. (And maybe have an option to save in the uncompressed format for people who want to fiddle with the save files.)


Yep this is something I will do in the future. It's become more of an issue now I've implemented autosave which fires every 10 minutes :)


Oh, I had missed the fact that each autosave went into its own file. Glad to know the suggestion wasn't as silly as I first thought. :P

Ok, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I just need help, but when I open the game, every time, it shows the made by  unity screen, the game opens, aaannnddd it's just frozen. Nothing happens. I still haven't gotten to play the game. Please help.


Ok some questions:

* What OS are you using?

* Are you running in a window or full screen?

* Can you send me a file called Autonauts_data/Output_log.txt please in your install folder and I'll try to find out what's wrong.



In version 12.1(I have Windows 64-bit), I keep saving my progress, but it never saves past some time(I think about 1-2 hours...), and after that I can't find my save files in either the main saves or the autosaves menu...I tried this several times and it happened every time.


I just did a quick test and let the game sit for 2 hours autosaving at it all seemed fine. Are you running on Windows?

Can you send me a file called Autonauts_data/Output_Log.txt and I'll see if there's anything useful in there for me.

oh what I mean is I play for some time, save it, close the game, come back to it a bit later, and I cant find the saved file when I try to load it

here's the content in the txt(I dunno how to link it sorry)

Initialize engine version: 5.6.3f1 (d3101c3b8468)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 (ID=0x1916)
    Vendor:   Intel
    VRAM:     1133 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Fabric.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\Fabric.Core.dll into Unity Child Domain
- Completed reload, in  5.552 seconds
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: C:\Users\Markus Bao\Downloads\Autonauts_Version_12.1_Windows_64-bit\Autonauts_Data\Managed\System.dll (this message is harmless)
desktop: 2736x1824 60Hz; virtual: 2736x1824 at 0,0
<RI> Initializing input.
<RI> Input initialized.
<RI> Initialized touch support.
UnloadTime: 5.380515 ms
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 27.679190 ms
Unloading 216 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3809.
Total: 7.374772 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.346666 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.153435 ms MarkObjects: 6.482464 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.391384 ms)
FabricSceneLoader Main
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 2ef8 -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: 1ff0 -> priority: 1
UnloadTime: 0.445128 ms
Unloading 1440 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 58195.
Total: 98.536247 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.666668 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.065026 ms MarkObjects: 89.488449 ms  DeleteObjects: 3.314462 ms)

At first I thought I was not doing it on administrator but the problem kept recurring, so now I don't know

Hello great game. I don't see this bug  on ure list :d

I start to build a Gerneral Storage and add a wood axe. Then I teach the Bot's to take and add the item in there Work flow.
This items are not breakable.


There's a similar bug already to do with dropping the tool but I was never able to reproduce that. I'll update it with your addition. Thanks!

Not sure if I missed it in the current bugs, however in freecam, if not full screened, the mouse can move off of the window. Not sure if intentional or not, but due to the method of how it works, I would suspect it should be locked in the center while in free cam.


Added. Thanks

Bug: "Wait" doesn't work properly on linux (at least for me) the time a robot waits is greater than the seconds in the command . i tested the Party.txt and it waits like 2-3 secs on 1.0,  also with decimals like 0.1 the thing get worse...  i tested the Party.txt on windows and the wait time its correct so i think it's only a linux thing

update: i re-tested and this is the thing: 

0.1 -> 1sec,

0.01 -> 1 sec,

 0.010 -> 10

1.0 ->  10,

1.5 -> 15

15.0 -> 150

in summary: the " . " isnt recognized


Gah! Ok thanks for reporting. Added

i found why this happen: apparently, my computer's language settings (spanish) change float's  dot(" . ") to a comma(" , ") on string conversions. this may happen to other languages so a String.Replace() should do the work. i found that this comma problem also happens in savefiles (floats like CameraDistance, CameraX and CameraZ  have " , " instead of " . ")


Ah ha! ok no problem. Thanks

i wasn't able to fix the problem until now, if someone else is having this same problem this is how i could make the game recognize dots as decimal separators:

open a terminal in the game folder and write the command:


then in the same terminal open the game:


Okay i'm not sure what happened, i took a bot out of the bot storage and tried to give it a shovel. it dissappeared. i tried it several times and then i could finally reach its program screen but then i got stuck in it and the bot dissappeared aswell. Also it says "Name's brain" (Me is confused) it also ripped 1 hour of work as this is a world from the 1.11 build which i think autosave isn't enabled? Nothing to do about this. I'm not sure if this is considered a real bug or something but it certainly affected me! goodluck fixing this (If its even possible) Denki you're awesome.


Ok that sounds bad. Can you send me a file called Autonauts_Data/Output_log.txt please? here i think this will work


Ok I'm really not sure what's gone wrong there. have you tried loading up again to see if that fixes it?

nothing special, just all i did for all that time was gone :(. 


Check your autosaves and see if you can get a better one :)

It was a 1.11 build so autosave didn't work/enabled. Or autosave folder was full (there we're 5 in there from the Party world) I dont know but it's ok today is a new update anyway. Ill start a new one :)

(1 edit)

Suggestion: The current interface for crude data storage is kind of clunky/unintuitive. I was eventually able to find out how to use them by digging through the change logs, but for a while I just assumed that they weren't implemented yet.

I think that one possible alternative way to use the data storage would be to left- (or right-) click on an inactive bot to open up a screen similar to the bot teaching screen, but with a second panel on the right showing the program stored on the disk, and two buttons to save to and load from the disk. (The buttons could either be "save"/"load" or stylized `->`/`<-` buttons.)

So how do you even use Crude data?

From the v8 change log: "Put a Data Storage into the bot's inventory and Backup/Restore will show up in their script panel."

Bug: after clicking Weed with a wooden scythe,my character did an animation of removing it but then  the game got stuck. i tried save /load to get unstuck but after that my savefile was empty (i have my inventory, but every object in the world dissapeared: buildings, robots, animals, items, even trees!)


Yep that's a known bug and will be fixed very soon. I'll do 13.1 shortly :)


Version 13.1 is now available which fixes that bug. Thanks

There's a bug! When you take a bot out of storage, it gets a random name (IE. Bert). It must be fixed!

Not really important, as you can simply rename them.


Yep that's a known bug but thanks for reporting

My SteamBot which I made shear sheep is now floating in the air. What?!


There's a known issue where a bot will slowly float upwards if they shear many sheep in a row without moving in between. Is that what you're seeing?

hello ,

great game, i love it.

i have a bug with treathing maching , it broken when i load my save, can t craft an other, but 2 work nice , and 2 broken, in a new game its  ok.


ok can you send me your save file please and I'll have a look. Thanks

how can i send my save?

i see there other machine are broken, i enjoy to give this save with bug for the future patch.


You can use something like Dropbox or Google drive (but there any many other file sharing solutions) and then send me the link here.

sorry i dont fond how to insert a file


Just search for "online file transfer" and choose one :)

hello, can you send me an e-mail adress at , it was more esay for me to send my save. 

i try the lastest update 14 , good idea the reshearch  and fish.

if possible you can give the folk to need some cloth? 

I broke the bot storage once by making one and it said it was a log storage andd I could actually put logs in it

Hey When I save some blueprints will disappear and i'm trying to bride with robots but i can't

Relatable! >~< I have a similar problem.


Try updating to 13.3 and see if that fixes the problem. Thanks

There is a crisis! In my last save I had structures built (Walls and fences). But when I came back today, some of them dissipated!

I deleted the save, so I don't know a way to show you, but if it happens again I will!


There was a bug which may have caused this which has been fixed in 13.3. If you can find your old save it should still work with the new version.

I used it in 13.3, however I migrated to 13.4 to see if it's fixed!

(1 edit)

I am having trouble saving. The game stays on the Save Game? screen after I press yes. I am on a Mac with the newest version 13.4. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?


Mac doesn't like saving in the same folder as where the game is installed. Try saving to the desktop or another folder.

Thanks for the help

when i try to load my game all i see is a white screen help plz


That doesn't sound good :( Are you running on PC? Can you send me a file called Autonauts_Data/Output_log.txt please and I'll see if I can fix it for you.


i have the same problem can you help me

(1 edit)

the game sometimes loads when i load autosaves but rearly and my autosaves are far behind 

Hey ! 

I love this game but I can't save my game  !! Can you help me because when I click on the save button  a gray screen is displayed :( 
PS: Sorry for mistakes , I'm french 

Hi! Try saving into a different directory like the desktop for instance.


Hi! Thanks but i changed the place of all files but it's not working and i delete and reinstall and any changement :(                                                                 I need help for saving my game please !

PS:I'm still french ;)


Ok I don't mean change the place where you install the game. I mean change the place where you save your levels. So save the levels onto the desktop. Let me know if that still doesn't work. 

The problem is that the screen to select the place where I want to download is not displayed


Oh I see. Sounds like it's breaking. Are you running on Windows?



Ok can you send me a file called Autonauts_Data/output_log.txt please? You'll find it where you've installed the game.

I don't know how i can transfer file :/

Is that good ?


Not the one inside the zip file, I mean the one on your computer. Each time you run the game it will update this file on your computer

How do i actually write on a sign? :P


Press Z while holding it

thx :)

I am on version 13.4. Stared a new map played a bit. Also altered the map with Unofficial Level Editor

After a while bot teach screen has been messed up like the image below. It doesn't allow me to do anything. Also never get fixed even after a restart. Here is the save file


Ok it seems you've hit this problem because of something the editor is doing to the instructions. I'll forward this onto the creator of the editor and see what he makes of it.



Howdy, an update has been released to the editor that should correct this issue, if you still occurs after updating please get in contact with me over on the map editor, I have opened up the community to allow bug reporting.

I started a new map and edited it a bit. I continue to edit it after even playing some more. problem seems solved. Thanks.

Hi there! I'm new and I'm not in many communities...Autonauts brought me to this one... :-)

So, I enjoy playing Autonauts so much, that I have some questions about it (i think dumb stuff that everyone knows)....

....why doesn't it work, when I make a time-loop in another loop, that only has to repeat x-time? my workers repeat it forever, if this scenario happens. But...if I put various loops like "until hands full/empty" in a x-time loop, the workers will correctly stop the actions after x-time repeating...

Am I doing it wrong??  :-)

thx for help


if you make a loop inside another loop, one probably is a "forever" loop and the other one  is the "repeat x times", that translates to "repeat x times infinite times"

(3 edits)

no, the one outside is also an "repeat x times" in the example ;-)

the 1-time repeat which contains all of it, doesn't work, the worker repeats it forever i think?!

also like this, the worker repeats all forever, but he should go to 217.121 and then stop there, or i'm wrong?

like this it works, or the "repeat-x-times"-loop inside is replaced by another like "hands full/emtpy"...only when the one inside is also "repeat-x-time" it's not working...

hmmm you are right, but it used to work before :/ 


Hi. Unfortunately nested "Repeat X times" isn't supported yet. Sorry :(


Hi! No worry, the game is so cool, and there are many workarounds to come over with it.

At least i know that I'm doing it right! :-)

Thanks for this great new game, i'm playing each major and minor release till "20 happy hangers", check the features an design/overlay-changes. great development, really nice!

Using 2 logs to get 1 coal seems like a rip off,it should give more than 1 coal. 

It's less wood (in price) if your making axes.

I guess you could say it's better in the log term! ;3

(1 edit)

It is actually charcoal, not coal. While creating charcoal, logs/branches are loosing a lot of volume during the process. It is acceptable to make 1 unit of charcoal from 2 logs. Even 1 on 1 is acceptable. It actually forces us to increase log production when we get into metal works. I personally like 2 on 1 rate. But if you hate to create log automation i can understand you :) I myself hate to create cereal seed automation because of the low yield/messy straw production and the amount of bots you need to feed everyone in the map

This is just a suggestion,

Okay Denki, think about this. how about you make us be able to SWAP characters :) We can be any character we want, as in The little mouse the dog the farmer in the autonauts thumbnail. i know this is not a super necessary but please think about it. i'd be fun. Also have different worlds not everytime the same world :P and make it bigger. make a World creation option menu. Where you can choose how big you want your map and stuff :P

Thanks for reading.

Keep on the great work Denki! :)


Yep we're going to do all of those things! We'll have proper player customisation and randomised maps in a future version.



Sick nice! Im excited for tomorrow's update :)

(1 edit)

I kinda wish there were clothing slots for glasses, shoes, pants and the like...


You can see there's placeholders for those things but we've just not had a chance to make any yet. We'll get around to it :)

Major bug when i was teaching a bot i had bot making automated and one of my bots put the bot into the storage in the middle of teaching cause the teaching screen to be glitched and i couldn't get out of it 

I also had a similar problem dude! i couldn't figure out what it was 

Lmao is this normal? :P


This was fixed in version 14 but only for new maps. Old maps may still have this happening

Ahh okay figures lol

If you do this the Bot will go to the top left corner, dont know what exactly will trigger this


Oh dear. I've added it to the bug list. Thanks


Actually would you be able to send me your save file please?

Deleted 7 years ago

The Save file

Uhh just asking but what's the point of the fish... the villages won't accept raw OR cooked fish


I just did a test with cooked fish and it worked fine. Are you sure the Folk was hungry?

hmm the folk just puts on a green, sour face and then throws the fish out


Yes but is it hungry? You need to wait until the happy face goes away

yep definitely hungry, i didn't feed them ANYTHING up to that point

I wonder how they're even alive...


And are they living in a hut? You need to house them first

ohh that's probably why...ok well thanks!

It would be nice if you can programm the Bots something like an if than else condition.

Also could it be nice when you programm the Bots the until not full condition with a named limit. For example do this until the Resource in the Storage reach 50.


Yep we've got "If" statements very high on our to do list but this requires a large change in the way scripts are handled so it will take a while. Same with your Repeat suggestion. 


Well, I was playing autonauts for a while and it seemed pretty fun. I created a 3x3 simple flooring area where I was gonna put my workbenches and stuff, and when I created 2 workbenches and 2 crude benches, after I saved the game and later played it again, the simple flooring under one of the crude benches disappeared! It just...vanished. It still worked and all, but I couldn't place it back and it looks very weird. Please send help!

try deleting your workbench (when you place it down again it'll already be built) after its deleted , put down the flooring then thw workbench, that's the best I can do for you, sorry.


Oh dear. What's the version number you're running? We had a bug in an earlier version that was deleting things like that but it was fixed

I just noticed that in version 14 basic bots, when assigned to use a scythe on fertilized cereal crops will "stop" after awhile. they will keep doing the animation, but only on a single plant, and the plant won't vanish and produce wheat like normal. I think this is a bug, it happened both before and after I restarted the game.


Yep that's a known bug but thanks for reporting!

Need help! ive been looking for how to do this for 30 mins, how do i change the name of bots


You need to build a Name Badge, put it in on of their Upgrade slots and then click on their name on the Brain screen.

Simple :)

Also, could you change the repeat times limit to over 99 maybe 250 or 500?


Before I do I'm interested in what sort of thing you want to do more than 99 times :)

Yeesh, ive been saying lots, also in record mode when i try to set a beacon, it would never actually set it there, it would set to eherever theyre walking


So on any of the "Find nearest" instructions there's a question mark button. Just click that, then select the beacon you want to use.

Hi! The last update makes very difficult to pick an object if it's beneath another one. New bots also can't be taken if two or more are in the same spot. And I noticed that it takes more effort to put something in storage. Stuff fall off on the other side. Love the new Tab, I used to compile sheets to keep up with dozens of workers.


Hi, yeah I made a bit of a boo boo and there's now a version 15.1 to fix those problems. 


Not a problem, thanks for the quick response!

Hi. I updated from version 14 to 15.1, and now newly created raw apple pies and planks get gradually taller and thinner. Only these 2 resources seem to be affected.

After a while(~30-40min) they get so thin I can't even see them :D , which in itself wouldn't be a problem but then weird shadow artifacts start to appear and the game just stops being playable. Restarting the game or even just reloading the save file resets it, so they again start to "grow" from their normal forms. It happens on both the 32 and 64bit windows versions, haven't tested the others. 


That's a known bug but it will be fixed in the next version. If it becomes too annoying just save and load and it should reset.

Thanks for reporting!

(2 edits)

Seed were duplicated/stuck together.  They count as one for the material cost.

That's just the way the model looks. They always come in pairs :)


Yes planks and poles can scale strangely when you use them in a Crude Oven. This will be fixed in the next version. In the mean time you can save/load and that will reset everything.

The repeat times (x) command is looping (past the specified amount).The command.


Unfortunately nested Repeat Times isn't supported yet.

In the repeat until storage full, the repeat command doesn't work once the storage fills up once.   Additionally if you switch the command to repeat until not full  afterwords they will work even after the storage is filled up.

Dude. A Repeat command will loop as long as the condition is true. Once that condition is false, it will move on to the next step. Like, they were told to keep doing something until the storage filled. If they find that it isn't, they keep doing the task. If they do find that it's filled, they'll move on to the next step, which is nothing, which means they stop. They weren't told to keep checking after the condition was fulfilled.

You need to put the whole program into a forever repeat, then once the condition is reached once, it will go out to the forever repeat, and that will bring it back to the top and keep checking the condition until it's false.

(1 edit)

for some reason, the flour and pole is stretch up.


This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next version. In the mean time you can save/load to fix it. Thanks for reporting

denki did you see my topic?iy's called what to add in 1.61 you might like it but it will be tough to do it all in 3 days!

Please change the default inventory key to something more convenient for my left hand (tab, ~?).  Or even better, use the number keys for inventory items.  I'm just looking for a way to be able to hold multiple tools at the same time and easily switch between them.  Right now it's simpler to just drop an axe on the ground and pick up a shovel rather than put it inventory.  


Ok thanks.

In case you're not aware you can use Q to stow your currently held item and "," or "." to recall an item from the inventory.

Also you can change the default key bindings before you launch the game.

True, but it's more an issue of ergonomics rather than functionality.  Q is on one side of the keyboard whereas the "," and "." keys are on the other side (this goes for "I" as the inventory access also); and with one hand on the mouse, it breaks the flow of the game .  Obviously, the focus of the game is on the bots, but there's no reason the main character can't be easy to use.  I still think the number keys could be used for quick access to the inventory, especially the tools.  1 = axe, 2 = shovel, 3 = pickaxe, etc.  

Don't get me wrong, I love the game.  It reminds me of a mix between "Human Resource Machine" and "Factorio" and I realize you guys are progressively refining it.  I'm not saying these are things that are wrong with the game, just suggestions on further refinements that could be made.  


Yep I would agree. Thanks so much for your feedback.

(9 edits)

Woah, that's cute sounds, great piles and algorithmathics! Ah, like in times of Colobot programming!
Ohh, I play 5 hours in first try and  hardly make stable Forestry automation. Hm, still without tools remaking.

Its quite hard to manipulate things in inventory for work steps. Especially tools check in the middle of harvesting.
Need to use number buttons for slots and place stuff to inventory slots directly.

...Or I just simply add one worker especially for log transportation and axe guy cut until his hands is empty (then take fresh axe),  so no more axe-logs inventory messing.

Sometimes need Copy and Repeat of selected lines.

Times repeat over Times repeat is infinite cycle. 
Same with Full hands over Full inventory repeat.
Ah, already.

Find nearby Log after cutting tree take most far away Log.
Same with Tree Seeds.


Version 16.3

Typing an 'h' in the name badge field toggles the hotbar at the same time.


Ok thanks. Added to the bug list.

Is this my PC or why i can't save?


Sorry I'm not sure what you mean?

Laisse ton fichier .rar ouvert quand tu joue puis joue fait ta sauvegarde et quitte le jeu il va te demander si tu veut apporter des modification.

Sa serra ta sauvegarde donc dit oui.

When the bot is at the entrance of the building, he can not use a bucket.


Ah, great find. Added to the bug list. Thanks for reporting!

In the move mode, only the shadow moves and occasionally the building can not move.

I feel that this symptom is occurring when the bot is at the entrance.


That's right. The building has to wait until it's safe to move, so it waits until there are no bots accessing it.

Je ne peux pas casser le rocher sur la version 18.1.


Voulez-vous dire les gros rochers? Ils ne sont pas censés se casser. Vous pouvez les exploiter pour toujours :)

Tout a fait, mais là je ne peux pas les exploiter. ;(


hmmm. Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre. Les rochers se sont toujours comportés comme ça. Est-ce que quelque chose a changé pour vous?

(1 edit)

Oui, dans les versions précédentes je suis exploiteur les rochers. Mais pas dans cette version.

Ceux du nord (ou on spawn) je peux les exploiter avec une pioche en bois et ceux du sud avec une pioche en fer.


Juste pour nous assurer que nous parlons de la même chose, vous voulez dire l'un d'entre eux?

J'ai juste essayé d'utiliser un pic en bois et fer et les deux peuvent être utilisés sur le rocher pour créer des pierres / minerai de fer pour toujours. C'est le même comportement que dans les versions précédentes.

Je ne comprends probablement pas ce que vous voulez dire, pouvez-vous envoyer une photo s'il vous plait?

Je peux exploiter le 1 avec du bois et le fer mais le 2 qu'avec du fer.


Alors que se passe-t-il si vous utilisez un pic en bois sur 2?

Rien aucune action je ne peux pas utiliser un pic en bois sur 2.


hmmmm. C'est étrange. Pouvez-vous m'envoyer votre fichier de niveau s'il vous plait?

I build an endless loop.


Yes unfortunately nested Times loops aren't supported yet. Thanks for reporting!

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