Cute planets! This was a unique take on spin. I liked the gravity/blackhole attack of the final boss, was surprised when first saw it, would be great if there were some indicators for it when it's about to occur. Some more variety/unique bosses would also be nice!
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Cosmic Rogue's pageGame's Take on the Theme
the player has to spin around the objects to collect them
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Such a cool cool idea, really fun to play.
Cute art as well, as everyone said menu stops working but other than that, very sweet entry.
Good job!
Menu buttons stopped working sometimes, but the game itself is charming. Love the cute little plannet art but wish there was some juice to the hits you deal/take. I like that take on spin!
I liked the idea of spinning around the asteroids. The only flaw is that when you return to main menu, the buttons stop working.
Thanks for trying it out! To damage the boss, you first need to collect your ammo, by spinning around the floating asteroids. Then, you can hold left mouse button to enter aim mode. From there, you repeatedly and alternately press A and D to shoot! The tutorial forces you to go over this process, so once you complete it, there is no miss there!
Let us know if you gave it another try or if you are still struggling
Very cute art and I liked the mechanic of orbiting asteroids quite a lot. Final boss is quite challenging, which is not a bad thing :D Great game I liked it a lot, and the UI felt polished too
I loved the game's idea with the jam's theme, and the game itself is really cute! The music is fantastic, and the final boss was the best, especially its attacks, but at the same time, it was pretty tough with the hp recover. I had to collect a bunch of asteroids for two minutes just to take it down. Overall, good game!
Simple but addictively fun! I loved the idea and the visual. But I wish there could be more sound effect.
I don't know if it's just me but the game froze every time when I tried to go back to the main page from playing. Also, I couldn't find a way to get out of the tutorial, had to close the whole game and restart.
Yeaaah it was a bummer that we didn't managed to add sound effects to the game :(
About the main menu bug, we were having a hard time with the game build, and we think that this particular bug has something to do with it.. Unfortunately, we couldn't find time to fix by the deadline. I hope that this did not ruined your experience with the game whatsoever! From the tutorial, collecting the healing asteroid should send you back to the main menu, so I guess this could be another bug that we may look afterwards..
Thanks you for playing!

That last boss was very tough! I don't think lack of SFX was a big deal, technically there's no sound in space :)
I think it would have been good to have a second border for asteroids that's smaller than the screen, making sure they can't get to the edges - so the player can always circle them. (and not being able to move while shooting was a bit tough!)
Yesss! It has some step up in difficulty indeed! Also you just made my day better for reminding me there is no sound propagation on vacuum. It was a feature that us, developers, were well aware...... of course........
The second border for asteroids is an extremely helpful idea, it would make collecting the asteroids a LOT easier. Thanks!
Cool concept and the art is really cute! I think some SFX would have gone a long way to adding more of a 'punchy' feeling, but I imagine that just didn't make in because of time constraints. Regardless you did a great job
Very cool game, my final time was 7:05.512.
I like the asteroid mechanic, and being able to push them around to get them a bunch at once or to keep collecting one while dodging is a really nice touch. And that final fight was brutal, took me quite a few attempts.
Art is very nice, the planet you control is adorable, game was fun, loved it, great work :)
Yesssssss! I personally think that it is SOO satisfying to collect A BUNCH of asteroids at once! So imo pushing them was a nice touch indeed :) Yeaah, to be fair, the final boss also took me some attempts xD but i am glad that you made it to the end in such short amount of time. Thanks for playing, thank you for the kind words!
Love the art style and the CRT effect on this one! Reallly well done. At first was a bit weird to get used to the controlls but once you get the hang of it it works perfectly. Maybe I was missing some Sfx but everything else was an amazing experience! Congrats! <3
Really cool use of the theme. Spinning both to attack and also collect the meteors was a good idea. Really liked the last boss as well. My only suggestion would be to change to music to be a bit more exciting as it didn't really fit the style of the game... also some sfx would have been nice, other than that good job!
Man that last boss has a large difficulty spike. I really enjoyed my time with this however. Once I figured out that you can mostly avoid the ring attack by staying horizontal with him, I was able to beat it. All the visuals are great. I love all the expression you managed to put on the planets. I think that having some SFX would go a long way for this title, but I have no complaints with the gameplay. Super unique take on combat in a bullet hell.
I agree about the effects, they are surely missing :( but who knows if my team continue to work on this afterwards.... :)
About the menu, we had some difficulties exporting the game, and maaaybe this has something to do with this bug... Hopefully it did not compromise your experience playing the game!
This one needs more attention. I loved the animations of my little guy, my favorite one was the shooting animation. Bro the feel of like spinning around the asteroids is soooo good. You nailed that. It's the great simple fun game, and by simple I mean it in the best possible way. It fits the theme. It's not overly difficult. It fun to play. You have my vote!
I don't get why only one person so far has tried this game. It's honestly amazing. Like really amazing. Graphics are some of the best if not the best i've seen. Music is good as well, and so is gameplay. If I had to suggest improving something it would be to not let the asteroid's get out of bounds where the player cannot access them. I just saw them out of the bounds thinking I could get them but couldn't. 4.3/5
Omg thank you for your words. I am saying to repeatedly to everyone who is praising the game, but it really means the world to us! I am very happy that you enjoyed this much.
About the asteroids going offscreen, it would be good if we added some inner border so the asteroids were always available to be collected. This was a suggestion from another person, and it would be a lot helpful indeed! Thanks again for playing!
AMAZING IDEA!! I really love the cute, cartoony pixel-art look of the planets. Great job!
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