if you haven't already sent me your game to rate, I'll rate your game! just send me the link to its submission page and I'll try to rate as many as possible. (also feel free to rate my game if you'd like ;)
Cool! Can you try mine? I'll rate yours :) https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972570
I made a 3D flying game about diving into a raging tornado to collect cargo and materials. I know downloadables aren't the popular way to go, but it's less than 40mb! I'd love for you to play it (feels very good on an Xbox controller imo) and I'd be thrilled if you could rate it!
Thanks! Will rate your game as well
if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? => https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2969404
In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there => https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2253652240?t=00h37m00s
hey!, this is my game, I hope you enjoy it.
I will also try yours and comment on it.
Thank you! :D
Hi! Here is my game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972821
This is my first game jam where I made a 3D game. I hope you like it ^^
I'd love more ratings! https://calvin-qazilbash.itch.io/unrelenting-storm
Go ahead and check out my game! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2967403
There you go: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2967087 thanks!
Wow I didn't expect to have so much fun with your game, awesome lighting and mechanics! Will write you a detailed feedback soon. Meantime if you like building games, here's mine about building a bridge to outrun a storm! (I'm more looking into feedback than ratings now so feedback is greatly appreciated!)
Edit: Just finished your game, which I found pretty amazing and left you my thoughts! Great job Justin!
here is my game, a horror game where you take care of a house for 5 days. You must obey unsettling house owner's rules to survive. Obey or face the unknown. This is my first Brackeys game jam:
make sure to leave feedback as this is kinda my first game. Enjoy.