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A jam submission

Jumpingpoodle - Twilight In GreenView project page

Medieval-like song for an imaginary game. Made for OST Composing Jam #7.
Submitted by JumpingPoodle — 7 hours, 5 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5352.8382.838

Ranked from 37 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Medieval inspired song for OST Composing Jam #7. Made for a fantasy RPG, or a puzzle game/platformer with a medieval setting.

Message from the artist
I started composing music a few years ago as a hobby. I've learned almost everything on my own, and I hope to keep improving myself to compose as much music as I can. Thank you very much for listening!


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
the song evolves as a personal idea in one's own world, taking shapes and forms until it becomes what it really is: A pleasant memory? a worry? an abstract idea?

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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I like your idea ! it sound very peacefull i love it !


Thank you so much!


Very pleasant track to listen to, love the harpsichord!


Thank you for listening! I really like how the harpsichord sounds in general :)


It was a good idea to use harpsichord. I enjoyed listening to it.


Thank you so much for enjoying it!


very nice track! i can totally see this piece being used in the opening or closing sequence of a game, great work! my only nitpicky thing is humanization of the instruments and more dynamic contrast, which could add a lot to your track. overall, very lovely and royal!

thanks for sharing! keep it up!


Thank you for the feedback! :)


Heh... why does this composition sound very royal? It was as if I was immersed in the thoughts of royalty. I like it!


Thank you so much! I guess the harpsichord brings that royal vibe to the song


Pretty harpsichord, really pretty work overall!


Thank you!!


i like this, i'm a sucker for the harpsichord but also this is just genuinely well-crafted. medieval music is usually a bop and this is no exception. good job.


I'm really glad you like it :) Thank you for listening to it!


I really like the harpsicord.


Glad you liked it :) thank you for listening!


Love medieval-like musics so I obviously liked what you did here! For next composition in this genra, you could try to put less 3rds in your chords to be even more medieval!


Thanks for the feedback :)


This was a very enjoyable piece to listen to. I agree with LikeFire1989, very innocent and charming sound. Some very interesting chord changes as well (especially around 1:35). Good stuff.


Thank you for listening !I worked hard on those chord changes, thank you for appreciating them :)


I love that you used a harpsichord! I wanted to for one of my tracks as well, but ran out of time to compose another track, but you went ahead and did it you madlad! I really enjoyed this piece, I think you nailed the feeling you were going for! I would definitely just wander around in Kingdom Come: Deliverance with this playing just for the atmosphere lol.

My only suggestion would be to crank up the volume a tad, and if you're going for realism in the flutes (or any instrument played with human lungs) bear in mind the players will need to breathe! I often make my lines too long for an actual player to realistically play without iron lungs lol. 

Otherwise, I loved your structure, melody, and instrumentation, and the mix sounds good to my ears!

Good work!


Thank you for listening to my song and for the feedback :) Yeah I went too hard on the flute, someone would turn blue quickly if it tries to play the part exactly as I made it hahaha


Lol hey, if it sounds good, it sounds good, and this sounds good! Sometimes realism be damned. I do it all the time 😂 


Woww Where did that harpsichord come from at 0:29.  That was very surprising! 

Very interesting that you composed with antique instruments but in a modern composition style. Very cool mixture you've got there!

You're doing great! Keep going!!


You just read my mind! The thought of having a medieval melody with classic instruments doing a sort of modern song was one of my main ideas haha :)

Thank your so much for listening to my work, really loved yours!


I love the innocent feeling of this work. Reminds me of a happy village with children running and playing with happy people conversing. There is an almost melancholy feel to the melody. It could fit over so many things. Awesome job!


Thank you for listening to my work :) Sometimes I like to put a melancholic feel to a happy melody, is one of my musical quirks, to put it that way haha


Loved the harpsichord flute combo. The arrangement is pretty interesting throughout. I just think everything can be a bit louder to give the piece some needed presence.

This was a very solid submission nonetheless. Keep it up!


Thank you for the feedback! That's a problem that many songs I've made before have haha I really need to turn up that volume


This is a nice fun song, I like the harpsichord especially, always nice to hear one. The beginning chord progression is really good too. This song really captures that medieval feel. Overall, this was a nice listen!

I am also in the same boat as a music hobbyist who joined this event as their first jam. This was a lot of fun for me and I imagine it was the same for you. I look forward to seeing how your music evolves overtime. Great work!


Thank you so much for listening to my work! really glad you like it :)

Making music is a fun and magical experience, it's really great to share that passion with other composers!


This is a charming piece that absolutely gives off some lovely medieval vibes! I can imagine strolling around a quaint little market town that feels filled with the comfort of home yet refreshing, as though the dawn of a new day brings renewed optimism for the tasks ahead :3

Also, *high five* my fellow self-taught jammer :D My background is pretty similar :3 I started out with zero clue, just muddling through, and now making music has become my favourite hobby even over game dev, which is why I got into it in the first place, haha. Now I find myself always wanting to make more music over games >.<

I feel like I have learned a lot largely though trial & error,  but have soooo much more to learn. Like I've barely even scratched the surface of what I’d like to be able to do at some point, haha. I hope you continue to have heaps of fun on your musical journey :3


Thank you so much for listening to my song! I used the good old harpsichord for that extra medieval vibe.

It's really cool to know that there are more self taught composers here, and really good ones, too. It truly inspires me to keep learning and growing. Making music is an amazing experience, and sharing it with others that are equally passionate about it makes it even more rewarding. 

What you made is already an amazing work! Keep doing it because you will only get better and better :) (sorry if my english sounds weird, i'm not a native speaker haha)


Sweet little piece you got here, mix is a little low but we can still hear most of it. One thing to consider, flute melody is great, but it never stops if you want to give that to any flute player, unless they are doing circular breathing technique, they will be out of breath in no time.


Thank you so much for the feedback!


A peaceful village to acquire some wares and rest the body and mind


A really nice setting to put this little song to good use!


Very medieval indeed, a very pretty composition!!


Thanks, I really want it to have that medieval vibe.


Nice use of flute voices in the piece.  Good job


Thank you so much!

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