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A member registered Nov 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I really loved it! My high was 620. Simple game, yet wonderfully themed. I really adore that art style and the whole take on the feeling of void and loneliness (and I'd be definitely surprised if OMORI weren't a big inspiration for that xD I love that game too!). The phrases appearing from time to time were a nice addition, and it never felt so cool to see a gameover screen. The soundtrack is beautiful, though the upbeat music felt a bit off at first but I guess it does fit for a runner game (and it slaps). Greatly done!

That's a fun space idle game! I feel like this gameplay loop of building your own ship really opens up many possibilities for the player. Only complaint is that it wasn't too clear when I'd level up next, and I also took some time to realize that just opening the shop automatically forces me to buy something. But overall, it was really cool to progress and feel the difficulty ramping up as bigger enemies and mini bosses came in, and the presentation is great. Nice job!

Nice game! The controls feel pretty distinctive but also familiar enough, in a cool way, and it's quite satisfying to play!

Hey, I loved this one! The tree and rock fellas felt really alive and the game reminded me of PvZ in some way, which is cool. Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the end, I found it extremely easy to just fill the whole area with the characters up until around 40s left I think when a wave like 8000x bigger simply decided to come and destroy everything almost instantly. I'd love to give it another try if the difficulty is rebalanced though!

(1 edit)

Great game! I love space travel sci-fi stuff, so the exploration was really fun and the lore books were a cool addition. For the criticism I can give: 

  • Sometimes it felt the eyes were coming from below me in the planets, though I didn't get killed for it at any point;
  • I did like going through the planets, but I skipped the last one because it didn't feel worth it to face more danger if I already had the mothership on sight (and because my life support was almost dead already :P but that's a skill issue);
  • One minor accessibility nitpick I have is that the sensitivity slider didn't seem like it ranged enough, I had it at max and even then it was a bit below my standard (which stands pretty low on the sliders of most games I play).

Overall though, the game looks and sounds good and I very much had fun with it. Awesome job and awesome entry!

(1 edit)

Cool game! I like how you implemented the theme, and the design of the monster is very creative and has its charm. The abilities are also really fun to use, and were explained well. Nice one!

Yo, fun game! I only died once, and I'm surprised it wasn't on the bricks xD
My only nitpick would be that sometimes it's a bit hard to see the platforms considering the distance the camera is from the player and the background colors sometimes blending a bit with the platforms.
Other than that though, nice job!

Nice educational game! Though I know no japanese at all, I see how it can be very useful for memorizing the alphabet in a fun way.

I got stuck at a certain point, unfortunately. Not sure how I'm gonna open that door or get up those platforms. It can definitely benefit from polishing, but overall I think the concept is pretty creative!

(1 edit)

Great little game! My high was 2:08. It just feels so smooth to play, and I think a big reason for that is the visuals and audio design, which I really loved. Shooting the thing you use to kill enemies and have it warp back to the field in the borders is such a neat mechanic which really adds variety. I like the design of the enemies and the difficulty ramp up was well balanced. Even if you had to cut down the scope, this is already really good and well made! Nice job!

(1 edit)

Neat game, I had fun! Despite the amount of info in the tutorial, I think it was still explained it quite well and it's good you could break it in some parts throughout the gameplay rather than just having it all in a manual.
Other than what's already been said in other comments about the enemies fading out a bit too quickly right as they appear, I think my only suggestion would be good to limit how much the player can hit them at a time before they disappear. I realized I could just spam click if I had my mouse on them fast enough, and this would grant me at least 3 or 4 clicks and making it far easier to kill them. Though it still wasn't trivial, you might prefer to have a cooldown or make them disappear more quickly if they're clicked (so as to limit it to one hit per appearance).
Either way, great job!

(1 edit)

I love this so much! This writing is great and the way it's tied to the theme is perfect! And the art and music are just so well-made and polished too. Story games of this kind are my favorite, and honestly this one is really no less than awesome!

Nice one! I think it could have some polish on the controls (some of the stairs were easy to miss for some reason) and also on the visuals, but overall it's fun!

(1 edit)

Though the concept seems pretty good, the controls felt quite janky and the game isn't running very well on my end. I think other comments have explained it well, it'd definitely be better to get rid of the jump cooldown, have the dash cooldown be way shorter and work a bit more on the box grabbing. I also fell a lot in some of the early pits that were (I assume) impossible to get out of, and I'd have to wait for the light to kill me every time. I suggest making it possible to jump out of them, or just putting some big spikes for a quick death.
Despite all that, I can see there was effort put into it and the concept is well thought out!

(2 edits)

I assumed it's a rage game, which is a genre I do like, so I just made the review ironic (sorry if it was actually unclear). The W and A controls really didn't work correctly by the way, only S and D did, and apparently somehow Q is left and Z is forward. I use the standard QWERTY keyboard. I didn't try the other keys at the time so I played the whole game using right, I've seen some games that restrict movement like that on purpose so I just went on with it. (it really added to this very specific mood, combined with the troll platforms and the loud death explosion :P)

It's a fun game! There are things you could do to polish it further for sure, for example making the moving platforms that go up a bit lower when they're at their minimum height (so as to make it easier for the player to time their jump right) and resetting the health bar and oxygen bar when you reach a new checkpoint (the player currently has to die first in order to reset it). But overall it's really solid already, nice job!

The puzzles are really cool! Personally though, it felt like the snake parts were just hindering me from enjoying the rest of the game. I think their difficulty could be toned down, or maybe these 2 types of game just don't match so well imo. It really felt frustrating to die with 3 points left on a snake level that requires 30 while I could be doing puzzles which are more interesting. Still, a very nice game overall!

This might be the most juicy entry I've played so far, it genuinely just feels so good to play! The best part was spamming dash and managing to blow the enemies up all over the place at once. And the way you made the intro for the levels is just so satisfying too. Amazing job!

I think maybe the jump and platforms could be a bit higher (proportionally) and/or the camera be closer, but the gameplay itself feels good already! Nice entry.

(1 edit)

Wow! I wasn't expecting a metroidvania with this large of a map in the timeframe of a week, this is just really impressive! I even stumbled upon a hidden entry once. I finished it with 30 points, would totally have explored the rest if I'd had more time. The game was quite fun and the upgrades felt good to use. Congrats!

Loved this shmup! Got to 76. I think the colors could be better, as this almost-pure red can tire the eyes, but other than that it felt really satisfying to play!

Hey, this is pretty fun! I think the controls could definitely improve, but the main mechanic feels quite unique. Nice job!

Nice game! Limiting what you can see really adds an interesting layer of challenge.
It'd definitely be good to change the sudden flashing at the end screen of every level though, it feels way too bright and hurts the eyes as it contrasts with the regular dark theme of the game.

This is a really creative idea! I was somehow stuck for way too long on the first stanza alone, though, and had to give up and see the solution. I definitely wasn't expecting it to start with "was" without an "I", so that kinda fooled me. I tried the next ones for a bit but I think this type of puzzle is just generally very difficult to me, there are many possibilities that feel like they fit but it ends up just being a guessing game sometimes. (by the way, the hint for the first stanza of the second screen says the solution has 3 words but it actually has 4, I assume it was just overlooked).
Overall though, it's a very charming game!

(1 edit)

Feels like it's a challenge both in reaction time and muscle memory! I made it to around 2k left I think. Fun game!

I loved it! Really nice and charming game, very well polished, with some quite relaxing vibes.

(1 edit)

Such a unique and well polished entry! Feels like a brief life checkpoint.

Neat game! I love the minimalistic artstyle, and the patterns feel quite on point!

I love it! Just being able to water my flowers casually as I'm slowly sucked into a blackhole totally sold it to me.

Nice entry! Maybe a bit too difficult considering the physics and the vastness of the map, though. I found it pretty hard and slow to control the ship accuratelly, specially when having to kill so many enemies with a mid-range weapon (which also made it kinda more tedious at times). Going any faster would result in me easily getting out of the screen, or falling into the blackhole, or getting hit by a random bullet.

(1 edit)

I can't say I really knew what I was doing most of the time, but it was pretty fun! Got 200. I think it would be good to make the complexity ramp up more slowly (i.e. introducing the mechanics and enemies each at a time so that it isn't too overwhelming right at the start of a run).
Also, the aiming center seems to be fixed at a point at the bottom right of the screen rather than at the player, which made shooting a bit more difficult.

Ohh, that makes much more sense! I thought they were making the sins higher somehow. Almost every time I'd use it, the counter would show 5 or 6. I guess that was luck, and indirectly helped me anyways!

I finished the game, so I can say without a doubt it's one of the WORST experiences I've ever had.
11/10 will never do it again.

Good entry! I didn't quite figure out what was really the point in getting the red potions, it seemed like they only made things worse as I was supposed to keep sins while getting rid of souls, but other than that it was pretty fun!

The concept sounds good! Unfortunately, I can't seem to progress at all after the dishwashing as I'm forced to press ESC to get out of that dialogue box, which is also the button that makes the game lose the mouse capture mode in web with no way of getting it back without restarting (thus making it impossible to regain control of the camera). I'll be happy to try it again if there is a fix or workaround!

I probably shouldn't blindlessly follow every instruction I read. 10/10 It was worth it.

Nice game! There was a point where I tried falling as fast as possible because it was safer than trying to beat the flying enemies (oh and the first ones looked kinda like hearts, that actually fooled me into thinking they were health at first too). But of course there was always a full floor at the end with enemies I'd have to face either way, so that was a fun challenge!

Limited time to sell limited time. Clever idea, I really like it! The only thing that felt off was the soul puzzle, it feels like a lot of trial and error in some way and it doesn't match the core of the game imo. As I see it, someone would play this game mainly for interesting dialogues, decision making and "time" management, but forcing a very specific type of puzzle like this into the gameplay loop will just annoy many people and kinda ruin the rest. That being said, I think it's definitely a good entry and has potential if you try to expand on it!

Nice! Managed to get over 5k. Even when it became chaotic and I barely knew what I was doing, it was quite fun!