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Full Scale InvasionView game page

Submitted by RicoTV — 9 days, 15 hours before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#2542.8002.800

Ranked from 40 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I like the music. Great game


That was a really fun twist on the space invaders. Really enjoyed the radial aspect of it. I especially liked how the two supporting ships were in the back, so you had to make meaningful decisions as to when to make the trip to the back and leave the earth exposed.

Loved the voice-acted intro, really set a strong tone for the game from the start! I also really liked the UI. Very creative way to display information to the player while saying on theme.

Perhaps the only problem I had was that I wasted a lot of time attacking the big boss in the middle, and noticed too late that it was healing and that I needed to go for the supports. And yet, I felt very good and smart when I figured it out on my own. So maybe that was ok!

Great work, really enjoyed this game!


Thanks I am glad you succeeded in taking out the Mothership in the end. The two support ships are poorly conveyed Shield ships if I had more time would have love to have some beams to convey that.

thanks so much for playing and your kind feedback.


Neat twist on good old space invaders. Voice acting was super cool along with some neat visuals. Good Job!


Unique idea and I really enjoyed the audio/voice acting. However there wasn't much obvious feedback on the shooting, and it seemed very delayed. I would sometimes have to smash both of the shooting buttons for player 1 several times before I would actually shoot. 


I suppose that the idea is that you only can have a few bullets in screen, and when you reach that limit, you can't shoot again until that bullets disappear.


Great twist to the space invaders formula! Loved the sound and visuals specially, they were very retro.

As the spaceship fire is a bit delayed I didn't know if the key was working at first. I missed a bit of feedback there.

Congratulations. It was fun!


Enjoyed the game and played until I defeated the invading ship!  Really liked how you gave the ship a circular path.  I wish the default firing rate was a bit higher! Overall great job.


Thanks for the feedback 😀


Well executed, I liked the 2 player option and leaderboard incorporation

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Submitted (1 edit)

I love the "radial" Space Invaders twist.  I gradually picked up on that if you moved, your bullets were thrown off the "mother ship," so to speak, and I'm digging the strategy element there of clearing enough enemies so that I could park and unload on the enemy and eventually nail it.  Also, it didn't immediately dawn on me to go behind LOL, but that was cool realizing that and getting my head out of the Space Invaders box.  Sweet design!

EDIT: Yikes!  I just realized my review did not save.  Fixed!


Neat game, I liked the concept, and playing it was fun even if I controlled both ships, I'm going to have to revisit this one with a friend for the coop though. The pixel art was great, it ranged anywhere from SNES to DOS, especially that game over screen really felt like something I would play on a PC XT. Good job on the jam!


Thanks for playing and the great feedback.

Thanks for playing!


The music is fire, I liked the idea of playing together, and controlling two ships at once is mind-blowing :)

Thank you, I made the music 🎵🎶

Thanks for playing!


This looks really cool! Good controls, great intro, nice audio. And that Game Over screen was so disheartening!! Haha I loved it.

Yeah, the game over screen is disheartening, haha. Thank you for playing our game!


Fantastic retro game, great work

Thanks for playing!


I enjoyed this one a lot quite a bit.

Very interesting retro art style. Alien mothership thing looks very cool, and powerups look very distinct. SFX are fine, and contrary to Nitro-Gen's review, I thought the music fit with and indeed added to the game.

The fact that the player orbits around the Enemy ship (as opposed to the Earth or just flying around) was a cool idea. Made for some interesting moments where I had to adjust my orbit and the direction I was moving to hit enemies.

I'd say you just about managed to include the theme with the ship getting bigger when you are hit, although it does feel tacked on.

For improvements, I'd say some more variety in powerups, such as changing the projectiles you shoot, would be welcome. I think I only found three powerup types in my playthroughs. 

The UI, while pretty, can be hard to read. Does it say what powerups I have anywhere?

It would be nice if I did not have to press [K] everytime to shoot, maybe let the player hold down [K] to fire when available (the infinite ammo powerup helped a lot, but still).

Finally, I notice that the name you give your Pilot is not saved between playthroughs. I did not realise this and ended up not having my highscore where I beat the game registered :(

With all that said, you've made a fun and original submission. Nice job!


Thanks for playing!

Great feedback. Sorry about the high score; hopefully, we can get it fixed soon.

The idea of holding the 'K' button down is great. Let's see what happens. I appreciate it!


Rating no. 1

The good stuff:
- You can't pickup powerups you already have, which is a nice attention to detail
- UI looks really good and creative but a bit confusing (where is my healthbar)
- The graphics are nice in general

The "ok" stuff:
- The sound effects are decent
- There are some cool animations

The stuff that needs improvement:
- The music does not fit at all but that's what usually happens if you use premade music from someone else. Some synthwave probably would have fit more for the space theme.
- I haven't managed to figure out the goal of the game. Is it to survive? Is it to beat the boss? Is it to get a highscore? It's never stated in the game so the player doesn't have a goal in mind which isn't that nice. I did manage to beat the game and get the top score on the leaderboard which is cool I guess.
- Don't use thin fonts because they can have holes in them sometimes. This happens in your pause menu and doesn't look great.
- The orange powerup thing that kills every enemy on screen explodes my ears. You could solve that by not putting the enemy dying SFX on the same function that handles enemy dying, and putting a different SFX for the orange powerup that only plays once.
- I didn't like the voice acting in the intro, but that's just my personal taste
- One last thing, I have no idea how this fits the theme. Having the theme appear in the story or setting only is not enough, it should appear somewhere in the gameplay. Here you could have added an ability that makes your hitbox bigger and slowed you down for more damage for example. It would still be kinda weak but at least it's something.

I gave an overall 3 to the game, has a lot to improve on.

Thank you for the feedback, some good stuff in there. I made the music specifically for this game.

We use the theme when you get hit (spaceship grow in size) or hit 5 enemies (spaceship shrinks). And we have 2 player option that lets you "scale" the amount players.

Thanks for playing.


Cute gameplay loop!

Love callbacks to classics, and this does that justice.

The circular movement around to defend can feel a little awkward to do, Maybe if the speed was higher it could be explored more, feels really hard to justify repositioning much, but theres a very real chance I'm just bad at the game haha.

Really clean sound design and art direction too, good work all around :D

Thanks for playing!


Instructions show the  fire keys in the wrong order.


Thanks this was picked up on a stream too, I just updated this and noted the fix. You always miss or muddle somethings during the crunch ;)

Sorry for the confusion. 


I could look at the page and that one was correct so I was just confused why I was losing when I was eating the pellets and get bigger :)


It had a touch of Pac man too lol


I like the base idea but I didn't really get how to win (or is it just highscore?). I mean it seemed like the main boss never lost any health even if I hit him a lot of times. I liked the theme music and the simple controls, for me the powerups could have more depth. Other than that good game for a jam!


Thanks for the feedback, the two mid size ships are in fact shield ships - poorly conveyed sorry. If you kill them the boss is killable, ultimately it is a highscore game too though killing the big ships gives you the most points.

definitely something I should have made more clear in hindsight.


i don't think i fully understood what was going on, but this was still fun to play and a neat concept! 


Thanks for playing :) 


Nice job! Addictive, especially when you grab powerups :)


Thanks for playing 😎

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