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The secret to getting players and ratings...

A topic by OliverWilliamWalker created Aug 05, 2019 Views: 4,242 Replies: 148
Viewing posts 1 to 79

So I am seeing lots of people not knowing how to get people to play and rate their game. 

But the honest secret is...


 Honestly just be nice to others and it will return to you! Positive karma or something. ;) 

AND if that advice wasn't enough ;) , leave your game in the comments and I'll play, comment on and rate your game! 

And for good measure here's my teams entry, you can play in browser! :D



Nice post!

Appreciate the effort.

If you like, you can have a look at mine :)



Cool game dude, nice little concept! Would love to have see some game feel effects and some audio! Can't wait to see what you do for your next jam! Keep it up! 


Thank you!

I am actually thinking about turning this into something bigger. That would include more "game feel" definitely :)


I would be pleased if you give our game a try. I also put yours on my list of games to play.



I love this one! Super juicy and fun to play! Keep jamming friends!


Thank you very much. I put a lot of focus on the juiciness and I enjoy it a lot myself to :D Trying to push myself for a good highscore. 

The next jams are already planned. I have to get fit for the Kenney Jam this weekend, because I feel the consequences from the little sleep I had this weekend :D


Thanks for helping out! :D
I'll be sure to check out your  game as well!

Here's the link to our project: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463156
It's a simple 2d monster fighting game, where you have to search for the lost shoe and defend yourself from monsters by throwing various objects that you can find lying on the ground.
Some screenshots:


Nice little game! I would have loved a little tutorial in the game, that would have helped a lot. But It's got a cool atmosphere to it! Great job!

(1 edit)

Thank you for feedback we wanted to do it, but time was our enemy.






PS shameless plug...



thanks for the tip, i'm trying to do it...

here's our game, it got 5 ratings so far



 Lovely little space game! Your puzzle design was top notch well done to your design team! 


this compliment made my day :_) thank you very much!


Helloo, this is my game! It's a platform game where you need to think caefully if you want a power up or not, because they are extreme powerful! When you get one it improves you just like: from 1 to 11, 111, 1111... So you can become uncontrollable pretty fast! :D



This is crazy quirky! :') Not sure how I feel about the telling the player to press space then it breaks the game LOL. But cool consept and has a nice retro feel to it! :D


It pauses the game so you dont kill yoruself while learning the game :D Thanks for trying!!!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

I liked the Ludum Dare system for rating games, in which your game gains more visibility the more you rate and comment on other people's games.

This is my game: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462253


Yeah I would be surprised if Itch.io didn't adopt something like that as more big jams like this happen. 

But what a funny quirky well presented game! Very cute, and impressive that you wrote this in Javascript! 


I'll play everyone's games here :) Hope you give ours a try

Our game is a Puzzle Shooter "One by One". The rule is simple: only one enemy can be hurt at a time. The story behind the game is to destroy all the negative aspects of the hero's life and achieve a "Happy life"

Only one screen, only one damageable enemy, only one bullet to snipe your enemy, only one hp. 6 types of enemies and 5 levels to complete

Any comments and suggestions are appreciated, have fun! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461596


Really like this one, core mechanic is really clever and original. Only issue is when the enemies clump together and you can't hit the one you're going for, but I understand limitations like this. Also love the atmosphere, it feels really dark and oppressive. Gread job! 


Here's our game https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462535 You have to dismantle a bomb in only 1 minutewhile using the manual. We have to warn you it isn't an easy game ;)

I hope you (or someonelse) finds some time to play it.

Thank you in advance!


Love the idea, and it's well presented! Only problem was I couldn't work out how to use the manual! 


Lots of cool games. I'll be playing a bunch this evening after work. This was my first game jam and it has been a lot of fun so far. 

Here is my game if anyone cares to check it out. I'll be revisiting this thread tonight to check out everyone else's games. 

Blind as a Bat



Well worth going though and playing as many as you can!

Your game is lovely though! Great twist on games that feature that set of mechanics like copter ect. Great job!


I'll be sure to check your out tonight! And yeah, I wanted to use a set of mechanics that was similar to at least some people so that the main focus would be on the fact that you only have one stimulus to help you navigate. 

Your game was super cool!
 I hope you can give my friends' game a try, if you have the time ^.^


Ahw, why thank you friend. :))) 

But I just played, rated and left a comment! Lovely little game! 


My game is mix of narrative based with top down shooter and has profound ideas about life. 



Interesting blend of genres! Music was very creepy and intense which I am pretty sure is what you were going for.


I hope that you reached the end and could reflect on your choices in game and maybe in life.


You are on point regarding the music - I hate it, because how unsettling it is. But not as unsettling as  *spoilers* idea that you will loose dear people  and that there is only one end to life.

We made a 2D platformer in which you have  one minute and a grappling gun to beat different Levels. To end the game you have to complete all Levels  without failing or you have to begin from the start.  You can play it in browser. Thanks to everyone who gives it a try :D



Wow! Made me feel like a real rope swinging hero! Great job! 

Thank you very much :)


Thank you! it's a really good advice :D
Here is our game, a 2D RogueLike were all the values of the game are driven by the same stat, the value hahahahah
Have fun !


OH MY WORD THIS IS BRILLIANT! Such style! Such execution! SO RETRO <3 


Absolutely agree! And this approach is very respectful to all other developers! :)

Unusago: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461869#post-850973 


It's super important to give back in the game dev community. 

But wow! What a polished little game! Like I said in my other comment this is so good but I think it could be amazing with a few tweaks here and there! Great work! 


You did a great job on the post Oliver! Thanks for your feedback! Keep it up!


Good tip, dude.
After a deserved post-game-jam-rest I'll be playing some games right now.

check my game out


Your team's game is absolutely fantastic, I really loved this one! Good job!

Rest up then play some games friend! :D



Thanks a lot for doing this! I'll be sure to play more of other people's games!


No problem friend! 

Nice little game! You could use some audio and some game feel! That said the core idea is strong and pretty fun! Good job! 


Thanks I enjoyed your game a lot too


I'll join to all you and i will rate as much games as i can!

My game in "Top - down shooter" genre - "Figure Smash".




But nice game! Cool simple visuals. Idea was maybe a little tough to understand at first. But nice job :D 


Nice, another list of games to go trough. That helps to get through by this amount of 2800^^

And of course nice attitude ;)

And a sneak link:



It's a nice little collection! Some really great stuff! 

But cheers mate! :) 

But played your game! Quite spooky and the sound were extra creepy! Good job and keep jamming! 


Very kind of you :) Happy jamming and playtesting :D


Anyone who rates my game will have their game rated by me.
Put the link to your game in the comments when rating (only comments with feedback to my game will be rated).

My submission for the jam is a mini-WaioWare where you only use one button (spacebar or enter).



There is a little "Submitted" icon right your name. Makes it a bit easier to find the games and you dont need to copy a link ;)


Played and rated ahah :') 

Love the one button for all the different games. Great job!  


That's a really interesting post. We can all help each other.

I would like to share my game too: BalloOne


Only One level, jumping trough 1 km, using only one button. This is the concept idea for my game.


I think it's really helpful to think of jams this way! We all worked hard to make something we're proud of, the least we can do is play each others hard work! 

But what a charming little game! I would love to see like a little charge up UI element that shows where the ball is going to land (or maybe you left that out on purpose...;) Great job though! 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the tip! A lot of cool Game!

Our first online game jam. A lot of fun!

Check out our game:

Action game that you can only do one damage!!



Anytime, always happy to share advice! Glad you enjoyed my teams game too! 

Congrats on your first jam! Keep jamming! It's one of my fave parts of the game dev life.

Cute little game though! I got maxed out on one of the stats. 

There is a lot things we want to implement. But we need to cut them out because of time-frame.

Need to improve about features estimation next time.


Keep posting those games everyone! 

I am (slowly but surely) making my way though everyone's games and rating and commenting!


Trying to go through a bunch of these games, but there's soooo many!

Here's my game if anyone wants to try it out. What I did with the theme was to make it "Only One Color", where you can change the color used in the world and depending on the color, the properties of the world (where you shoot your bullet) will change.



LOL You're telling me ahah! :')

But dude what an awesome game that you've made! Love the concept, plays really well, and just the right length!


Nice man! I'll se other people games now, if you could see mine! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462492


That's the spirit! 

But cool little game! I enjoyed it! 

Submitted (1 edit)

My game is a 2D Puzzle-Platformer about a little blue guy liberating his blue homeland, one flag at a time. You must secure all positions quickly before any of them falls back into enemy hands!


Also, I'd like to recommend a card game I really liked:


Submitted (1 edit)

Your game is cool! Love the way you push the guys onto flags to capture while you're getting the others! Good job! 

Loved that card game though! Really cute concept game me those warm feelings ahah! 

It's very nice of you to recommend someone else's game, that's what jams are all about!

Nice idea !

you can try our game : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462340
(better with controller)

We will try your games as well :)


Thanks friend! 

Ohhh like 2D god of war but coop! Nice idea! :D



Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice friend! Clearly you're a person of few words. ;) 


Try mine! https://gamerking885.itch.io/operation-one-shot


PEW PEW FPS ACTION! :'D Loved the weird boss guy who floats above everyone. 



Submitted (2 edits)

Hi, thanks for the advice, I think I will start by playing your game (and maybe some from here). 

And my game, if you want to try it, is twisty chess (In the description in the itch.io page, please read what's after IMPORTANT. It's, um... important):



Cool idea! I actually don't think it's too complex to understand. I will have to play again with a friend! 




Hi !
Enjoy slaying all the slimes and the four bosses. There's 20 levels. Can you beat'em all ?!

In this game you have only one bullet that you can pick up to shoot again !

Share your best time and the level that you reached.

Don't forget to rate !
Web is available ! Windows too ;)



Wow that's a lot of content! So glad you added the upgradge between the levels that was a really clever touch. 


Thanks !


Gonna try some of the games on this thread too, I know there's a few haha - mine is Decrafted, a crafting game where the objective is to get down to one item rather than craft your way up to as many as possible: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463986


That's a clever concept! I wasn't sure if I was getting it right or not most of the time. >.<


Haha yeah I may or may not have run out of time, work shifts got in the way lol - it’s mostly a time waster thing really, if there were more time it’d probably be smoother lmao



Submitted (1 edit)

Hi try my game then I'll try your. https://admixpl.itch.io/one-light


Hey guys! I will be more than happy to play your game - I will do it as soon as I get some free time after work (Today will be quite hard for me) 

https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460800 - here is my game! I hope you enjoy it - please forgive me the precision jumps, I promise there are not many of those!

I will try to play your games Today/Tomorrow evening :3. 

PS. I am sooooo sorry if you have seen this post in other posts. This is my first game, so it is quite important for me to get as much comments and suggestions as possible. Love you! 


Hello friend! :D

Don't worry everyone posts all over the place, and there's no shame in it! ahah. 

But wow! For a first time Jam this is so impressive! Very polished and well put together! Congrats and keep Jamming! 

But play mine if you have chance, if not no worries!


I unfortunately just realized that since a different one of my team members submitted the game people don't see the little "Submitted" thing next to my name when I rate their games, which means it's harder for people to find my own work after I've left them a rating. :(  That said I'm doing my best to check out everything I see!

 Do check out mine when you have the time, a simple little digital card game: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463570


Not to worry these things happen! 

Very cute game! I am somewhat environmentally conscious and I really liked the theme and ideas here. Great effort to make a change and spread awareness. 


Some really nice looking games in this thread great job guys! Take a look at mine here https://kingcon.itch.io/date-with-destiny


That's very lovely of you! 

And I should expect nothing less from the creator of such a lovely game! This is so cute and wholesome I love it! :D


Thanks a lot man! Good luck in the ratings and keep jamming :)

Submitted (2 edits)

I made a calm puzzle game. You create one macro and use that to get to the goal:



Cute game, very code-like!


Thank you! You’re awesome😄

So many cool creators !!! Playing with pleasure ) 
Hope you would like to play our game
"Evil master took your hand, bring it back or you will die from bleeding."


Yeah it's unbelievable how many people got involved!

But man this game is stylishhh! No idea how you managed to get something so complex so polished in such a short time. Nice work! I'm very impressed! 

Oh, thanks a lot ! )))


Played your game, really enjoyed it. If you're wanting something else with a cubular  protagonist - check out our game? 



Ahww thanks for playing friend! Glad  you liked!

Also cube!? YES PLEASE! 

But great little game! Love the addition of the color blind mode, very smart! 


I'll be sure to try out your game.

Here's mine, a little text adventure about the end of the world - jolly, I know.



This is cool! Love a little text adventure! 


I will play your game as soon as I get home from work!

If anyone wants to try mine, it’s my first jam so criticism is very helpful :)



yeah there are too many submissions. I'll leave my game over here. https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/46244


Helo! Great games everyone!


Here is my game, it's a simple top down shooter, where  you move and shoot using just one button


This is minimalist, clear, and direct. I LOVE IT! 


this is really great i love it


I will play all the games on this list tonight!

Please checkout our lumberjack survival game - Bret Pilgrim



Get playing friend! ;D

But really nice little game! Didn't know what to expect then BOOM ZOMBIES :') Good work and keep jamming! 

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey, I've been playing so many interesting games that I didn't think of plugging in mine for people to try. Here it is, hope you like it!


Really liked how your game controlls by the way, felt quite satisfying. My max score was 663!


Be sure to share your game as much as you can! It's an important part of the process! :) 

But thanks so much for playing mine, and what lovely feedback thank you! :))) 

Your game is really nice though! Clever game design for the puzzles, bravo! 


I'm doing my best to rate as many games as I can, it certainly works to your advantage as well! If you wanna play my game: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460975


That's great! It's one of the best thing you can do for the community. :) 

But what a cute calm little game you made! Strong core mechanic, lovely presentation! Great job! 


Thanks! ^^


Hi here's my game: its a bit of a resource magment top down shooter tower defense thing. If you read the game page it will make sense. Anyway going to go play some games in here



Wow this is one deep game! Next time I would strongly recommend an in game tutorial, it's one of the best things you can do for your players. Keep jamming! :D


I made two games this GTMK jam. The first is a social anxiety during networking simulator
And the other is a skill game.

I've been going around rating sooooo many games. I'm gonna try and get to all of yours :)

I played Terry Flight, and it's pretty cool! Maybe next time consider focusing on one idea and polishing it up as much as possible. I still think you did great, especially making 2 games! 


thanks for playing! i was a part of two different teams, i just had more down time than expected on one of them and decided to work on something else in the mean time


SO I have played 50+ games and left comments on everyone's pages! Congratulations everyone on creating finished playable games! That's hugely positive and you should all be super proud! 

If you want to keep posting your games that's fine I will get round to playing them at some point! 

But for now I am going to take a break. 

And remember... 


See you all next time! xD


This is a cool topic, I'll definitely check out as many of these as I can. There's been just a TON of cool games with this theme.

If you like action movies and pugs, please try TIME SKIPPY, and rate it if you'd like! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462635


Alright, Ill give your game a try!, Here's my Submission to the jam:  https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462609


Really cool game, will have to try out the others here later.

In the meantime, feel free to check out our entry: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/46258


Hurray for browser games!

Cool game! I always fell bad for the little guys getting run over by the big red blobs =(

Here is mine: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460908

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi !

Fun  game you have made there, and "Juicy" as Mark would put it ^^.

I like the fact that you can spot the blue orbs outside the screen by the light they cast, more elegant than an indicator or minimap !

I have been checking out games all day myself. 

I think as of now, one really stood out : "Only One Tower" by StopSignal, be sure to check it out, it's quite fun, as in "ready for release" fun !

Our game is called "OneOnOnes" : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463229

You control a ship giving basic orders to a swarm of 1000 ships to destroy only one huge enemy.


While this has mostly become a "rate for rate" thing, I appreciate the message.

Might as well through my hat into the ring, https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462323


I loved your game! Really unique concept and design. Very juicy too!

If you have the time to rate my game, I would really appreciate it.


I would really be happy if you rated our game. I did the art for it.



Last one standing game.



Thanks for the advice! In a few hours i've only rated about 25 games. Only 2779 more left!

Oh and here is a link to mine of course :)



Very real post, I appreciate it. You were also one of the first people to comment and like my game so I'll gladly return the favor and check out all of these as well.

Feel like I'd be slacking if I didn't slip this in...


This is my first jam and it is nice to see how positive people are in this! My game is Broken Robot which is a puzzle platformer where you can only press each button once per level.



i did't know the competition is so difficult, and i wanted my game to really get noticed because of the idea.

thanks for this topic. here is my game game if you wanted to try it out.


Submitted (1 edit)

We made a top-down puzzle-action game! 

You play as Juan, a jelly who can absorb colored bullets from enemies to gain their properties shoot them back!

The game follows 3 simple rules:

1. Each color has one weakness against another color Blue > Red > Green > Blue

2.  If a bullet and character share colors, they negate each other and the character blocks the attack. 

3. If a bullet hits a character and the latter has the stronger color, the bullet is reflected.

Bullets also bounce against walls, so be on the look for incoming attacks!

This is the tale of Juan, a once lauded knight who was transformed into a jelly by the evil wizard Severin!

If you think you have the courage & wits to help the Juan and Only Jelly Knight recover his human form, the challenge awaits you.

Don't forget to rate the game here! (You can play the game in your browser, or download a Windows/Mac build).

Reply to this post with your game link and I will also play/rate it!

Thanks for playing!


Heck yeah! I started going through the entries and it's been a blast so far! So check out our game Einnsámr: The Lone Warrior and link me yours so I can play it :) https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463168#post-861306


Thanks for the post, I've been playing game for like 3 hours straight forget about karma it's really fun too hhhh and I really liked your game

My game is A resources management game, where you only have ONE land to construct and deconstruct buildings on it.

Thanks for trying it guys


Would love to hear what you thought of my game :)


Here's my game!

My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page: https://mark-auman.itch.io/one-shot-in-the-chamber






You guys have very good games. Here's my game!

This is my first game jam. Hope you like it. One level, one life, one weapon, a shooter game with just one bullet. How long will you survie? Compare your score to other! Use W, A, S, D or arrow keys to move. Press left button to throw your boomerang and press right button to call it back. Help Zack survie!



Thanks for the advice, I will do some test (has yesterday) after work ;) 

I live my game if you want to try it : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460819



These games are so good. I kind of feeling bad about my game. Here my game and please rate it: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463557


Now that I've awoken from the post-jam coma, I'm excited to play all of your games!


Your game was fun! I was in fear the whole time. The sound of getting splattered was so visceral. Nice work!

If you have time come on by and check out my game.



Check out my fun clicker game https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460716

Feel free to play and rate mines :)

