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yOur WorldView project page

Orchestral Fantasy OST for an imagined action JRPG. Submission for OST Jam 7
Submitted by BodoTheSerf — 2 hours, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#144.3144.314

Ranked from 51 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Title: yOur World
Cover art by sleepytea

Join the Priestess Celyse and her Guardian, as they journey to the Shrine of Salvation on a quest to summon their Goddess to the mortal realm.

This is an OST for an imagined 3D Action JRPG, with music in an orchestral fantasy style.

You can experience the entire OST as one story here!

Or you can listen to the tracks separately on this playlist!

In an age of unrelenting strife, the world lay in ruins, torn asunder by war, pestilence, and famine. In their despair, the people of the land prayed to the heavens, pleading for deliverance from their suffering. The heavens remained silent, save for one entity, who promised salvation in return for devotion. The people proclaimed this entity as their Goddess, and she in turn carved out a sanctuary amid the chaos - a sacred land encircled by a mystical barrier. Within this sanctuary, the followers were protected and blessed, their lives infused with prosperity and magic. Yet, this haven was but the herald of a grander promise, for the Goddess has foretold a day when she will descend from the celestial realms, to finish her work and forge a perfect world for her faithful. And now, as the prophesied day draws upon us, a story begins within Her World...

Track List

1. Theme of the Goddess (Opening BGM)
2. Celyse's Theme (Character Theme)
3. The Goddess Festival (Town BGM)
4. Awakening: Guardian's Theme (Character theme)
5. Their World (Exploration Music)
6. Fight for Whom (Combat BGM)
7. Sanctuary of the Forsaken (Area BGM/Cutscene Music)
8. Her World (Final Boss BGM)
9. My World is You (Ending Theme)

[Track 1] Theme of the Goddess
- This is one of the main themes which recurs throughout the soundtrack. This particular track plays during the opening cutscene which depicts how the Goddess created this world protected by a mystical barrier. I used this theme in the other tracks as a way to convey how the people view the Goddess and her world, and in this rendition, I kept it sounding holy, neutral, and with a hint of ominousness.

[Track 2] Celyse's Theme
- Celyse, a priestess of the Goddess, serves as one of the protagonists of the story. She fully believes in the Goddess, seeing her as the benevolent savior of her people, as reflected by her warm and loving rendition of the Goddess's theme. Celyse's signature instrument is the harp.

[Track 3] The Goddess Festival
- It's time for the annual Goddess Festival, and the townspeople are ready to celebrate and give their thanks! Similar to Celyse, the townsfolk also love their Goddess, and happily play out a jaunty rendition of the Goddess's theme as they have the time of their lives. I purposefully took out a lot of the audio effects that are present in the other tracks, and messed around with note timings to make this track sound more 'human' and 'imperfect', compared to the other tracks.

[Track 4] Awakening: Guardian's Theme
- As the festival draws to a close, Celyse suddenly receives a divine vision from the Goddess. She is to be the Oracle for the Goddess, and journey to the Shrine of Salvation to undertake the ritual required to bring the Goddess into this world. To aid Celyse in her journey, the Goddess imparts part of her Divine Essence into an ancient set of armor, and commands this newly raised being to become Celyse's Guardian. The music begins with melodic fragments sung by the vocals, which slowly coalesce into one melody, the Guardian's Theme, played by the Cello, the Guardian's signature instrument.

[Track 5] Their World
- Celyse and the Guardian set off, and Celyse is happy to show her beloved world to the Guardian. This music details their journeys through the lush fields, enchanting forests, and soaring mountains of this realm. I had originally planned to make a few overworld BGMs, but instead decided to combine all of the musical ideas I had for those into this narrative piece to better convey what this world is like in a concise and better scoped style. It portrays the wonder and excitement Celyse feels about exploring the world, and the joy she feels from being able to share her love for it with another person/being. For Celyse, the words, 'My World' points to the place she belongs to, the place she calls home.

[Track 6] Fight for Whom
- Of course, the world is not without its dangers. This is the combat BGM for the battles in this action game, where you can switch between the Guardian, a tanky melee fighter, and Celyse, the fast-moving magic user. The piece is largely split into two parts, the first half having a somber melody based on the Guardian's Theme from earlier. Part way through the BGM, I pivot on an E major to switch to Celyse's version of the combat BGM, based on her Theme from earlier. To convey their different fighting styles, I made the Guardian's half of the BGM sound heavier, with longer melodic lines and slower harmonic movement, to match their careful, defensive fighting style. Meanwhile, in Celyse's half of the BGM, I use a variety of flourishes, much more active harmonic movement, and more digital sounds to convey her faster, magic oriented combat style.

[Track 7] Sanctuary of the Forsaken
- During their journeys, Celyse and the Guardian discover a ruined Shrine serving as a refuge for the Forsaken, those who have been cast aside by the Goddess, or willingly renounced her. The player can choose to do quests for them, and help rebuild the Shrine to its former glory. The first half of the BGM is meant to be an interactive looping BGM, where the music becomes more and more grand based on how much of the Shrine you've managed to restore. The music feels quite lost and weak, but not fully broken, and amidst this music that struggles to rise up, there's an unrelenting bass line, the Goddess's Theme, always playing, always looming over these people. Once you fully restore the building, the Elder of the Forsaken tells you a story about what the world was like before the Goddess, where people may have struggled, but were also free to choose their own destinies. The music to accompany this cutscene is the second half of the BGM, where the time signature switches to a more willful 4/4, and the melody has a much more defined structure and stronger cadences.

[Track 8] Her World
- Having finally reached the Shrine of Salvation, Celyse prepares to undergo the ritual to summon the Goddess. As the great descension begins, the Theme of the Goddess is unleashed in its full glory, and the fate of the world now lies in your controller. This tracks portrays domination, awe-inspiring, incomprehensible power, and the twisted love and obsession the Goddess has for what she considers 'My World'.

[Track 9] My World is You
- After a cataclysmic battle, the Guardian and Celyse finally manage to banish the Goddess from the mortal realm, but at a great cost, for Celyse has been both mentally and physically broken by the fight. With the power of the Goddess now severed from this world, there is no source of magic or miracles the Guardian can use to heal Celyse...except for one... the divine spark imparted into the Guardian at the beginning of this journey. The piece starts with Celyse's theme, now shifted to minor, and no longer being sung. Although this melody almost fades away, the Guardian now cuts in with their theme, and after a long climb, manages to bring back Celyse's voice. The two play her theme one last time together, now with a more hopeful resolution, before the Guardian fades away, having given their all to save the one person that matters to them most, what they considered, 'My World'.

I knew I wanted to try and make a 'complete' sounding OST, so I spent the first few days of the jam really planning out the story beats, then how I could most efficiently hit those story beats with the least amount of BGMs. I then wrote out all of the themes, and planned how I could incorporate them throughout the OST. Coming up with the themes beforehand let me cut down a ton on the time I usually spend blindly looking for good melodies, which helped me finish everything on time. (Though I did still have to pull one all-nighter (^^;) )

Message from the artist
I hope you guys enjoyed the music!
I can't wait to listen to all of your music as well.

Huge thanks to sleepytea for the awesome art!

Music all made in Cubase 12, with some sound design done in Reaper.


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
Aside from trying to portray a fantastical world through my music, I also tried to incorporated the theme "Inside my world" into this OST by exploring the two following things:

1. How the experience of 'Being Inside Someone's World' can vary greatly for different people
2. How the phrase 'My World' can mean different things to different people

First, I examined how the experience of being inside the same world can be perceived very differently based on a person’s identity and perspective. I did this through the recurring Goddess's Theme, which appears throughout my submission in various forms. For characters like the Goddess's followers and Celyse, the Goddess's world is a paradise, and their rendition of the theme is joyous and warm, as heard in the Goddess Festival and Celyse's Theme. Conversely, for the Forsaken, the theme transforms into an ominous bass line, ever-present and looming like a dark cloud.

Additionally, I went into the various interpretations of the words "My World." For some like the Goddess, this means a world they own and dominate; for others like Celyse, 'My World' points to the place they belong to, a place they are happy to share and enjoy with others. And in some cases, someone's world can be just a single person, the one being they care about the most.

I actually got a lot of the inspiration for the story from the theme image, from worlds stuck in magical bubbles, to an otherworldly figure guiding a human.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services
Full OST presented as a story:

OST Playlist on Youtube:

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Your output is crazy given the time constraints, you were able to complete an RPG soundtrack with all the bells and whistles. There's a good deal of mystery evoked right from the start, and there is a ominousness that resurfaces many times throughout the soundtrack. There are some lighter moments here and there but overall this one of the darker stories of this jam, and the music perfectly captures that. Excellent mixing, production and composition throughout, a very impressive submission.


Thanks so much! I knew I wanted to try and make a 'complete' sounding OST, so I spent the first few days of the jam really planning out the story beats, then how I could most efficiently hit those story beats with the least amount of BGMs. I then wrote out all of the themes, and planned how I could incorporate them throughout the OST. Coming up with the themes beforehand let me cut down a ton on the time I usually spend blindly looking for good melodies, which helped me finish everything on time. (Though I did still have to pull one all-nighter (^^;) )


good work man, their world is my favorite. good mix and everything is very cohesive. keep up the good work.


Thanks so much!


The vocals are mixed nicely! Really enjoyed the tracks, my favorite is "Fight for Whom".


Thanks for the comment! Really happy you liked 'Fight for Whom', that one actually took me the longest to finish out of all of the tracks. Figuring out how to transition smoothly from the Guardian's half of the music to Celyse's half of the music took forever!


Yeah great job connecting one track to the next. It felt seamless!


Damn man what an effort you put with the video!! Such a great experience. Your sound is so professional it's impressive!

Each track has a great progression so it's moving and entertaining, and it would still perfectly work as a background music =0 (I'm thinking about Their World especially but they almost all do this)

You did an amazing thing as a whole with reinterpretation of themes and modulations. Plus every track feels like it comes from a good old jrpg with a great variety. Fight/exploration/festival/charachter theme, it all fit together so well.

Hyper solid submission, congratulations :D


Thanks so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the video as well, I almost passed out trying to finish that one in time haha


Haha I can relate seeing how much you put out! Hope it will be well rewarded !


I love the themes you carry all throughout the OST. The track list is super diverse but still feels cohesive. Also, I can tell you're a fellow Nier enjoyer, which will always win me over. Amazing.


Was it that obvious I'm a Nier fan? Hahaha. I love the whole series, especially Nier Gestalt. Listening to Okabe-san and his studio's work really opened my eyes to what's possible with JRPG music, they have so many amazing pieces! Thanks for commenting!


Can I be honest? I am amazed by the beauty of this soundtrack...

Theme of the Goddess - I want to sing the same way!

Elysees Theme - Calms and Soothes... I love that gentle voice in the background)

 The Goddess Festival - ooooh... I LOVE FESTIVALS. Their atmosphere of fun, a bunch of funny people and even a cheerful air! You have conveyed this in perfect accuracy! (I remembered the festival from Magicka)

 Awakening: Guardian's Theme is These drums... POWERFUL!

 Their World - there is so much cheerfulness and feelings of new discoveries in this track that I wanted to walk through those parks that I have not walked through yet)

 Fight for Whom is a good fighting theme. Despite the fact that there is a fight going on, it is still a cheerful composition... It's a lovely rhythm towards the end

 Sanctuary of the Forsaken - heh, cool drums again!

 Her World - this transition to 0:36 shocked me... A very, very epic composition with a CHORUS! (It's beautiful)

My World is You is a beautiful ending to the story. Which turned out to be very exciting). (And... can I be honest? I cried a little... You are very good at evoking emotions!)

Very skillful use of voices as a bright instrument! Cool!

The atmosphere of some tracks reminded me of my favorite Magicka 2... have you ever played it? I advise you to listen to the soundtrack)


Thanks for the feedback on each track, I really appreciate it! I'm actually a HUGE fan of the first Magicka, so I'll def check out Magicka 2!


UNDERRATED GEM ! I had "Children's of the Whales" vibe  from the goddess theme, my favorite really ! 


Thanks so much! Really appreciate it!


Wow, what a complete submission, and JRPG! It totally picture the kind of game I would have played younger, with great story, characters, a sense of exploration and wonder, and the feeling of completion (and bittersweetness) when you finish the game! But then, you get to hear the OST of the game you finished, and it reminds you of your experience!

That's what your music did to me, and I like your extensive explanations of your intentions for the tracks (and the efforts made on the youtube video with visual storytelling as well)!

And when you get to fully hear and see your intentions, I loved your clever use of instruments and leitmotivs for characters. This is the kind of submission that really feels like it comes from a real JRPG (that I would gladly play).  

I especially loved track 4, 5 (this one's incredible), 6 and the leitmotivs (and of course, the boss theme is awesome). 

Thank you for your submission!!


Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm really happy to hear that it sounded like a real JRPG OST to you, that means a ton to me. Also really glad to hear you enjoyed the video! I was originally planning to just have a static cover art, but then the artist I worked with sent me such an awesome illustration (w/ variations in character expressions!), that I pulled an all-nighter on the last night of the jam to try and make a video that did justice to it. I'm glad that was worth it haha


Loving the story.

Theme of the Goddess: cool vox!

Celyse's Theme: Harp! Reminds me of FF. 

The Goddess Festival: So jolly sounding! Gives me that town square festival feel.

Awakening: Guardian's Theme: Love the change of tone. 

Their World: You NAILED the JRPG overworld vibe. This is my favorite track here. 

Fight for Whom: Very cool rhythm. Effective battle theme.

Sanctuary of the Forsaken: Beautiful Dorian usage, forest vibes! 

Her World: Powerful and sinister. Organ is always effective for final boss themes.

My World is You: Great leitmotif usage and a beautiful end to the OST.

Great work! Very enjoyable OST and its clear you put a lot of time into it. 


Thanks so much for the detailed feedback for each track! I really appreciate it. Also, really happy you liked 'Their World', that one was one of the trickier tracks to pull off, since it goes through so many different 'areas'. Thanks so much for listening!


Amazing work in general! I haven't really seen that many songs with vocals (although that's probably just because I haven't been able to rate that much stuff as of now) so when I heard the first song I already knew this OST would be great! You also nailed the fantasy JRPG aesthetic and this would absolutely fit with the game you described in the description.

My favorite track of the OST would definitely have to be Her World, everything from the intro to the dramatic shift was amazing to listen to (all the tracks in the OST slap unbelievably hard as well, tho)! Overall I think you did a wonderful job painting this world of yours through the medium of music! As I've already said before, I also love your use of vocals in the OST. I think it makes the songs more human in a sense.

That's all I have to say really. thank you for granting my ears the privilege of listening to such beautiful medieval tunes, and have a good day :D


Thanks so much for your kind word! My favorite is also 'Her World', it felt amazing when it finally came together towards the end of last week. Hope you have a good day as well!


That first track was so incredibly striking, had me entirely hooked right from the begging and made me so excited to listen to more. Your versatility is super impressive, with the more soft songs being stunning while i really enjoyed more upbeat tracks like Their World. Your use of rhythm (or sometimes lack thereof) throughout this is really tastefull, it makes every song exciting to listen to, especially the upbeat ones because the beat is so fun and engaging to the ear. Just to revisit the vocals, I really love how you build underneath them and give them some really cool support, like all the pipe organ in Her World! The drums also sound super epic!!! 

I love the detail of each character having their own instrument to signify their part in the story, which was really beautiful when it culminated in My World is You, made the whole journey feel worth it. You should be very proud, this was clearly a labour of love and I enjoyed every second!


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, I super appreciate it! I'm glad it seems like the ridiculous amount of coffee I consumed last week paid off haha


Impressive work, can't believe you made all of that in a week. Nothing to say. Stunning work.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks so much for your comment! I'm really glad you enjoyed the music!


Really like the heavy use of vocals, one of the first I've listened to that's gone for that so far and they're used very well and make a big impact.

Definitely completely nailed that high-fantasy jrpg feel throughout. 

Some very strong melodies and choices when it comes to instrumentation throughout also.

One thing I would highlight is that everything (all the drums, instruments etc) within each track felt very balanced and sitting just where it should be, but with a few of them there was maybe slightly too large a gap in volume between one track and the next? Not to the point that it was a big problem but I did notice it a couple times.


Thanks so much for listening and for the feedback! Regarding the volume differences, could you possibly point me to which tracks had this issue? I'd like to take a listen and try to be aware of / be able to address such issues going forward, thanks!


Yeah sure, gone back and had another listen through, like I said it's not a huge difference really, but I did think track 8 felt a tiny bit quieter than tracks 7 & 9 (when they're hitting their peak of volume), I wouldn't really have thought much of it and probably even not noticed usually, but as 8 was a much more dramatic track it felt like it should be the other way round? 

Either way though it's a tiny complaint about a great soundtrack! Like I said previously the balance within each track is spot on and it really feels like something you'd hear done by a professional for a game in this style.


I like the medieval and fantasy atmosphere. Would perfectly fit the game you described! 


Thanks so much!


I love the fantasy twist on yours! I tried going for a orchestral fantasy fusion myself! You def got the fantasy genre down pat and it sounds awesome. Melody in this is very nostalgic for me so it drew me in.




Haha, really glad you enjoyed the music!


This music definitely throws you into a fantasy game, love it! The art reminds me of Goblin Slayer too, so you would get bonus points if I could give them :(


Really glad you liked the music! And now that you mention it, yeah, the cover art does kinda have Goblin Slayer vibes, huh?


Really impressive stuff, definitely fits the theme you envisioned.  The storyline behind the tracks is amazing, has a nice followable structure going on.

What VST or library did you use for the first track?


Thanks so much for listening!
For the Goddess's Theme and the choral stuff, I used:
Ethera Gold Atlantis III for the solo voices (This one is super good, and I think it's on a summer sale rn!)
Audio Imperia's Chorus Lite for the choral ensembles (I think this one is a great deal as well)


Wish I knew this before the jam ;-; I also did a piece inspired by the JRPG genre and was in dire need for ethnic vocals/choir

Planning to add these to my collection in the future, thanks!


Incredible work! This is the bar by which I judge what I do, and I've got a long way to go from the sound of this submission lmao.

You're in my personal top 20 for sure!


Thanks so much for the kind comment!


Beautifully done! Watched the entire story on Youtube and I'm impressed. Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff


Thank you so much for checking out my submission! Really glad you liked it.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

I cannot believe this was done in the span of a week! The youtube video and accompanying tracks are so insanely beautiful and everything is through the roof quality-wise.

Everything makes sense and i can totally picture it being all in the same game.

I'm looking at this as my target for the next OST Jam I hope to be a part of, this is amazing through and trough. 

I cannot critique really anything, just please keep going, and you got a subscriber <3

PS: Just listening again to Her World, my god this is SO DAMN GOOD

PS PS: Top 20 easily for me. Incredible work!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm really glad you liked the music. 'Her World' is probably my favorite track in this OST, but man it took A LOT of coffee to finish haha


yeah I bet! Such a massive undertaking, and still such a beautiful result overall! Incredible!

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