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A member registered May 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great work by all involved, and I loved the humour. Well done everyone!

Nice visual style, feels polished. Although, I agree with the other comment about the music, I thought there was a bug that caused it to stop playing. The duck sound effect is great though.

Thanks for the feedback. You're not the only one to mention the issue with enemies blending in (I agree it's only an issue with the ones on higher platforms). Glad you enjoyed it!

Awesome idea. I like that getting past obstacles is challenging, but you can just rewind a little bit and try again immediately. Nice use of the mouse scroll wheel too.

It's a decent game with a nice art style. However,  even though I always prefer WASD for movement, I didn't find having movement, sprinting and jumping all controlled with one hand easy to use for this sort of game, even though I'm so used to it for FPS games. I'd rather use my other hand at least for the jumping, but its not possible here due to using the arrow keys to shoot. It's still a well made game though, so well done.

I really like the theme and style. Especially considering this is your first game, it's very well done and quite polished. Good job.

Nice, reminds me of Micro Machines. Would prefer if the game didn't reset every time you touch something, but you did say it was unfinished. Do you plan to continue working on it?

Quite an accomplishment making a game in 20 lines of code, and with no sprites. It plays well and looks decent considering the limits you used.

I like the torch mechanic, having to locate the nearest one when you enter a new area to light it and keep warm. I was lost at first as I didn't notice the castle entrance, and just walked past it the first time. The sword and shield mechanics work well. Nice job.

Strangely engaging for how simple it is. The control feels good, and I like the little trails the astronaut and asteroids leave. The randomized game over messages were a nice touch too.

I somehow got to 19 on my third attempt (mostly luck as I was dashing around frantically), then couldn't get that far again.

Nice little stealth game and good use of the theme. I would suggest making it so that the guards can't see you through walls, as it sort of takes away the feeling of sneaking around. Other than that, well done.

Nice little game, and really easy to understand each new mechanic that is introduced. Wasn't expecting the monster to become an obstacle once both buttons are pressed, that was a nice touch and made me have to restart a level to try a different strategy. Well done.

I really enjoyed this. The action is frantic with lots of enemies on screen, but the player attack is powerful enough that you can deal with them. Nice, simple design and easy to understand how to play.

However, after the second level, the counter kept resetting to 5 over and over, with the timer in the corner going into negatives, so I couldn't progress. Tried again to see if it was a one off, and this time it happened after the first level instead.

Also, the game doesn't appear to have a way to exit (after the title screen), because there's no way to return to the menu, or switch to windowed mode. I had to use task manager to exit.

Hopefully you can fix the bug I mentioned, because it is otherwise a really nice game and I was looking forward to the next level.

I like the simplicity of the controls, and the combined mechanic of moving/attacking. It's also quite relaxing to play. Well done.

I like the idea and style, and the variety of level backgrounds. I think the player is given too much HP which makes it feel less intense, as the enemies don't ever feel like a threat. Other than that, good job!

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! :)

Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it!

Great idea. I like the visual style, and that the inputs are displayed clearly on the HUD. Excellent choice of music. Really nice work.

This is an excellent concept, and very well made. It looks and sounds polished, and the sound effects in particular add a lot to the experience. It's very satisfying to successully clear the board in time.

Really nice style, and controls well. The enemies are varied and you quickly learn their patterns. The difficulty feels right for all the different levels, and I often get to the final second on the harder levels before getting hit.  UI is very smooth, and I like that the mouse wheel scrolls the levels. Nice work,

Haha, same. The music was still being made in the last 10 minutes before the deadline. First jam I've done in a while, wish I'd known about it before it started rather than a few days into it. 

Looking forward to playing through the other entries! :)

Thanks for leaving detailed feedback, it is much appreciated! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it with a controller.

Regarding the butlers looking up, their field of vision is somewhat reduced for the direction they're not facing, but I agree that it could be reduced even further to prevent situations like you mentioned.

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing your video playthrough!

This bug has now been fixed, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! That bug is interesting. Were you to the left or right of him?

Thanks! You're not the only one to have difficulty with that area. It might look intimidating, but gets easier once you realize you're only actually dealing with one enemy at a time. Regain your grip and move the camera around to observe enemy patterns before advancing.

No plans for checkpoints because it's such a short game. You were nearly there, I hope you try again!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the kind words :)

Fun concept, the controls and difficulty both feel right, and the art and music are also very well done. The game feels highly polished. Excellent work.

One small note - the controls on both the main page and the README file list 'M' as shoot, but it's actually 'N' in game.

I was starting to wonder where the game was going, with no points on screen or any sign of progression other than increase in diffuculty, but then was surprised at the end when the game played back the results as a song! That was really cool! Love the idea and it's done well.

If you choose to continue working on this, besides some more songs, my suggestion would be some kind of visual cue to show which block/ghost block is currently active, as it gets a bit jumbled up when the game speeds up.

Great work!

Looks really nice, but the perspective makes platforming tricky. It's a shame you couldn't finish it.

Took me a moment to fully understand what was going on, but once it clicked I had fun with it. There's a lot of stuff happening on screen and it all looks really good. Music is also well done. Unique game.

Satisfying and quite easy to get the hang of. The minimalist style is clean and suits the simplistic nature of the game. Nicely done.

Really unique ideas in this game, and quite polished. A suggestion for improvement would be regarding the camera - currently it leaves very little space infront of the player in whatever direction they're currently moving in, requring that the player stops for a moment to let it catch up and reveal what lies ahead. Other than that, great job!

Nice concept, this could be developed further into something really cool. I like the soundtrack, fits nicely with the game. Suggestions for improvement - either slower enemy projectiles, or more telegraphing from the enemies. It is currently quite difficult. And even though it's not a huge deal, it would be nice to start again immediately rather than returning to the title screen.

Simple and easy to get into straight away. The level of challenge feels right. Love the player character sprites.

Cool concept. Nice art and music, and the game controls well. Having the beat displayed on screen was a good decision and makes it more satisfying when your timing is correct. The game could benefit from some juicing, for example some more feedback when enemies are hit/defeated. Good job.

This game could use some polish, but it's a really cool idea. Metal and Contra make an awesome combination. Nice guitar work. Looking forward to playing the updated version!

It appears this crowd does not enjoy blast beats. Nice virtual drumkit, and good job on the art.

The new time limit in this version is much more reasonable. This is a nice little game. Cute graphics and quite addictive.

A bizzare game, strangely addictive. Seems to be a huge number of different words, I rarely got the same one twice.

"droid humanoid
big act"
