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Anthony B

A member registered Sep 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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A well made and designed game, love the audio and sound effects within this game as it worked well throughout, liked that you included a menu screen with credits to those in your team and what they did for the game, with the instructions was great to know beforehand on how to play but did find that the pause function did not work when I was playing which was the only negative I think I could find with this but everything else from the art background from the first level especially which I think was spinnaker and guildhall (could be wrong) was a great inclusion to have and by having the next level made me want to see how many there were but after a couple did feel like a repeat. Great game overall, well done all involved

Liked the idea of this being based underwater and having the enemies as the sea creatures, the art was well designed and fitted the theme and loved the sound effects that were made from the shooting to the background music, would of been good to include instructions somewhere but they were easy to work out quickly, and it would have been good to have an exit button, but a good attempt was made, well done all involved!

Was not expecting something like this, really loved the idea of making your own ship before playing the game the main scene was well designed and could tell a lot of effort was put into this, the background audio and sound effects worked really well and fitted this game and even having the challenge aspect of trying to find a successful build which I enjoyed working and trying different ways, only negative I would say is did find it hard to quit the game and having to use windows key to exit every time instead of pressing a quit game button, other than that this was a great submission so well done all involved!

A good game, liked that you made a menu screen to start with a picture of one of the enemies displayed on the screen, did find this challenging but in a good way as it made me want to play the game for longer and try and survive for longer in a previous attempt, from this I liked that you included health along the way which was useful when I had taken a lot of damage but feel that audio and sound effects would have made this game stand out even better also once I had died there was no way to quit the game and would just continue in a loop, but other than that I can tell a lot of hard work was put into this so well done all!

Great Game, loved how you used the war type style by having the spitfire as the main transport for this and having the enemies as a different plane to fit the style of war, the music you used fit perfectly for the game giving it an army type feel and the sound effects of the plane I thought were spot on, I loved the menu screen as well but did find the game challenging in a good way as it made me want to reply to finally get past the 60 seconds, well done all!

A nice challenging game, I loved the art styles within this and having the main character and enemies as animals, I loved how the game starts with a backstory before playing as this informs us on what the game is going to be like, and with sound effects and background music working well throughout fitting with the art style made this game stand out, it is clear a lot of hard work was put into this so you all should be proud of this, well done!

A solid submission, I loved how you had a retro type style to this with the 8 bit music really making this stand out and the sound effects I felt were spot on, the retro styles combined made this game make me want to play for longer durations and by having different paths made me want to explore every area and find the correct path to beat the game, I loved how you had a control for changing colour which could then be used to open areas as well and another for shooting and even within the pause screen a restart cart which made this even more retro. You should all be proud of this submission its hard to spot a negative for this, well done!

A good attempt, I liked the artwork and style of this game especially the characters as this worked well for the background, I liked how you had a menu screen for this before starting the game but it would of been good to see some instructions even though they can be quick to follow once pressing the random buttons, I did feel that there could of been some collisions with the ground and sky as I was able to skip the game and get to the end, it would of been good as well to see a health bar for the player to know how much damage he has before losing the game and even some sound effects I would of enjoyed within this but it is clear that a lot of effort was put into this and you should all be proud of what you have made, well done!

A solid submission, I can tell a lot of hard work was put into this, I liked the overall concept and animations at the start with tutorial as this really stood out to me, I loved the overall sounds that were included as this worked well for the laser and made it seem more realistic, I loved how you even had a tutorial then 3 different levels so that it was like  a playthrough story and getting to experience different areas instead of just the one, I liked how you included a full screen option as well, but going back to the tutorial I loved how this is where you included the instructions, very well done to all involved!

A very well made submission , I liked the concept which fit well for the starfox type style when flying through different parts of the city area and turning corners facing different enemies at each turn, the healing after a while worked well as well. I like the start screen with the options and play button but unfortunately when playing the exit button did not work, but other than that the audio worked well but it would of been good to hear audio as well whislt playing this game, but I was not expecting something luke this with turning different corners as it made me want to play again and again to see how far I could get each attempt, I also found it hard to start with by working out the controls by pressing random buttons, but I really liked how you could include your own name within this instead of the set name. Great submission!

A very well made game with a great concept of being an angel and getting out of hell, the artwork worked well within this idea and was clear a lot of effort was put into these designs throughout, I liked how you did the wave as this made it more challenging to try to get as far as possible and replay the game so that you can beat the previous wave or get further than before, the audio fit well within this game and made the game more enjoyable, you should all be proud of this submission, well done!

A good submission, I liked how you had the theme of it being underwater which worked really well, and by having more than one enemy and way to shoot made this work really well, the artwork was well designed and I especially liked the look of the enemies as this stood out to me the most overall, I liked your loading screen but got abit confused by nothing in the credits, and would of liked to of heard some background audio or sound effects as this would make the game stand out even more, overall it is clear that a lot of effort was put into this so well done all!

A good submission, I like the art style of the background and main characters and was good to see the scene change whilst moving forward, I like how you had two different modes, however I feel it would have been good to see the score go up on invincibility mode, but at least it worked for hard mode, I would of liked to of heard some sound effects or background music within this as well and by having the controls written under the game makes it easier to remember how to play which I feel is a positive by submitting it like this. Well done

A very challenging game which fits the theme well, I liked the artwork style and concepts which I felt fit the theme and name of game, even by having more than one enemy made this stand out, the sound effects and background music worked really well for this as well as the music is what I normally tend to like within games and from the challenge of no shooting made me want to play longer and get further than I did on previous attempts, a lot of effort was put into this and you should all be proud of this submission, well done!

Was not expecting something like this within the jam, a well designed game with easy controls to follow, I liked that you had different types of missile when attacking the ships and the main idea I really loved, the background audio fits well for the scene and even having Ted and Charlie do voice lines made this stand out even better, it is clear a lot of effort was put into this and you should all be very proud! Great game, well done all!

A good game within 3D format, I liked the background which looked like it was professionally made and the characters fit well within this, the animations work well as well , however I felt there could of been a lot more within this from a main menu to be informed on how to play the game as I had to press all the keys to work out which was the correct ones, and some audio sound effects and background music would of made this look professional with punches and music fitting the scene, it would of been great to have more than one level or character to play as as well, but still a good submission, well done!

A well designed game, I liked your menu screen with clear instructions on how to play the game and loading into the game having background music to make this stand out to the player, I would of liked to of seen a lose condition within this as nothing would happen after leaving the player not attacking for a while which I would of liked to of seen a game over screen or something, I feel that the art and design was done well as well and another level would of made this stand out as well, but a clear attempt has been made and is a good submission so well done!

wow, a very well designed game which really stood out to me from the character designs to the background which combined fit perfectly, I liked the retro style and sound effects that were also added to the game which really stood out to me the most and by having the menu working with animations with clear instructions made the game look to near professional standards, if there was something that could be added I would say a selection of fighters, but from going back over to backgrounds to end on a positive I like how every time you load it is different every time which made it unique, you should all be very proud with this submission, well done!

A good game linked to the task, I liked how the controls were set for the fighters and even surprised me with some of the animations, the background I felt fit well with your fighters and I agree with what was said by another user about the title screen as I did struggle at times and forget how to play the game but that's just me, also as already mentioned about audio as I would of loved to of heard this but you have given your reasons about this by the time I played this which is great that you were able to comment why this was not included, overall a good game and submission so well done!

A good attempt at the game task, I like how you have two different characters and different levels so that the game is not always the same and gives the player the chance to experience different levels created which was well made, I liked that you had a controls screen and made it for 2 players, but would of liked it as well if there was a face a bot mode which would make the game more challenging, another thing I would say if audio was include such as background music and hitting sound effects this would of stood out even more.

A well made game liked the who visuals of the character and enemies within this and that you had a menu screen with instructions made it clear on how to play, I would of liked to of seen abit more such as different characters and more sounds within the game such as shooting sound effects and background music to make your game stand out more and make me want to play for a longer duration, but it is clear an attempt was made on this and its still a great game overall so well done!

A good game, liked how you had a main menu screen to inform the players on the controls that they would need to play the game and a training mode to get used to the controls, I liked that you had background music for this which made the game stand out and make me want to play for longer, the artwork and character design was well done, I would of liked to of seen more levels within this and the win boxes lighting up, but a clear attempt was made and I still enjoyed it and liked the way it looked so well done!

A great game, liked the overall style and sound effects used within this from the menu to the main game music which its nice to have different sounds for each, liked that you had an options and controls menu so that we know how to play the game and having multiple levels and characters really made it stand out, I would of liked to of tried this against a bot instead of player v player but having this makes it more interesting playing against friends or relatives and the timer making it more challenging to beat your opponent as quickly as possible, great job overall!

A very impressive submission, you should all be very proud, he music audio and sound effects worked really well and suited the overall theme for the game and with animation effects for the main screen really stood out like a professional game would, I liked that you could customise your character within this and that there was more than one to choose from, I liked how the music changed when you went into battle to make it more dramatic but did find the game challenging to get used to the controls but made me want to play longer till I best the bot. It is hard to find something in this as a negative. Great job!

A good game, liked how you fit this within a coliseum type theme with the artwork fitting well, the background music was well done and the characters really stood out to me, I really liked the enemy designs as for some reason they sort of reminded me of rayman with the body and hands, I liked how you had a health bar at the top but was expecting their to be an end screen or something, if there is I may not have got far enough, once I got used to the game I did find it easy and would of liked a challenge within this, but overall this is a well made game. well done!

A clear attempt has been made for this game idea and reasons have been given for why it is unfished which I like how you have stated the unfinished areas for this to inform us before playing, but you were still able to submit something in time and you should still be happy about that, if this was worked on more with team help, I think this game would be great. But a good attempt on the game. Well done!

A good attempt at this type of game, I liked that your background music fit well within the artwork of the forest and surviving the slimes, these and the character art were well made but did find it challenging when slimes were coming from behind as was unsure on how to turn around without getting hurt from the slimes, it was good that you included an instructions area on the main screen as it gives the player the right idea on what to press to survive. well done

Wow, a great game, the main menu screen really surprised me with the disco type effect and having more than one character which made me curious on how to unlock them, I liked how each level was different including the music which really stood out to me, I would of liked to of seen enemies come from both directions as well on a harder level as this would of made it even more challenging as with some of the levels once I got used to the game I was able to beat the game more than once, but with art and sounds like that and programming light movements within the screen made this game stand out really well so great job to all involved within this game!

A clear attempt has been made within this game, I like that you could control both characters within this fighting game which I was only expecting being able to control just the one, you have said that the coding did not go as planned but I can still see that you were able to have the characters coding movement within this submission, the artwork is well made and feel that if you did have sound as well then it would be great, but as you have said that problems did occur and you still submitted something, good attempt!

A great game overall, liked the idea and name which really stood out to me for this type of style of game, I liked how you made use of left and right click to attack which made me want to see the different types of attack that would be seen from each click or hold, the second part surprised me with the moving background which I liked about this game the most and that more enemies would appear whilst being shot at and having the barrels to hide behind whilst trying to run forward. I think if sounds and sound effects was included within the game then this would be perfect, but a great attempt of the game overall!

A well made game, I liked that you had you instructions within the main screen which led towards the retro type style game which really stood out to me with the arcade type background music and sound effects, the characters and enemies work well and fit the main theme and even the hitting sound effects and death sounds, I even liked that you had a timer counting down and having the player move towards the screen and further away which is unique and I was not expecting it to happen I just randomly did it. Having the timer made me want to play longer and try and find out what happens when you hit 0 but I was unable to get close to it as this game was challenging for me, great job on this game!

A good attempt at the game task set, the robot sprite really stood out to me, especially the animation of the hitting which I could tell was well made, especially whilst fitting in with the background and enemies within this game which worked, I liked that you included a main menu screen with instructions and credits so we could be informed who made the game and how to play which is useful to know and can be useful to new gamers as they can clearly find out the controls before playing, I would of liked to of heard some sound effects within this game or background music to make the game stand out even more but I can see a clear attempt was made and as a team you should be proud! well done!

A good attempt at making a platformer type game, liked that it was themed around underwater as you don't see many games nowadays especially platformers that are based like this idea, the art and sprites were well made and even the main character, from what I saw and played it looked liked there was more than one level? I could be wrong? but when falling off the scene looked different and then at one point bigger, which is great, I like how you informed us as well about the software crashing. If there was more time for this task im sure that this would of been a great game, so you should be proud of what you have done within this task. Well done!

A good  platforming type game, loved that you included background music which made me enjoy and want to play the game for longer which was suitable for the surroundings, I liked how you made the main character like an astronaut but feel that there could have been some improvements, with this I feel that there should have been something when clicking as when this occurred the spaceman moved and nothing happened but arm movements, was he supposed to shoot? and was unsure if there was an ending as got to the end to expect a you win screen but it went back to the main screen and unsure if I had completed it or not and would of loved to of seen another level but a good game overall so well done!

For some reason I was unable to install the game and it kept giving me loops of installing, but I liked how you included a video on your game which still gave me the chance to see it and review it.

From watching the video I liked how you included sound effects for items such as jumping, collecting items then a death sound effect as this made the game stand out  to me whilst watching, I liked how it was different by having the character upside down and jumping to collect the treasures, I feel for the cave game the sprites worked really well and the score counter to try and beat previous bests.
Would of liked to of played this but unsure why I could not install, but from what I've seen within the video a great attempt was made so well done!

A very challenging platformer game with the unfair parts used to the advantage to make the player want to play to work out the correct path, I liked how you did your starting screen as was not expecting that to happen with one of your voices, I liked that you included sound effects and background music within the game as well which made the game more enjoyable and the art style worked well in my opinion, liked how you did say as well 100 times for it to skip as was nearly tempted to go downstairs and get a cuppa tea but managed to hear it before going down, anyway great challenging game overall so well done!

A great platform type spook game, loved that you included sound effects and background music within this to make the game more intense especially within the start screen and end screen which really made the game stand out whilst playing and discovering the jump scares, did not expect to see or hear a ghost screaming at me, there was not a lot I could see anyway that could potentially be improved, if I had to say something maybe more scares or hidden areas would work well, but as a team you should be proud of this game, especially with 2 mins 11 seconds before the deadline. Very well done! :)

Liked the overall idea of the platformer being in a jungle and that the wildlife was the main enemies, and I liked how you had the treasure spawn in different parts each time. There were some things within the chest part however that did go off from one spawning at a place where I was unable to reach or work out how to get there, with this I feel that background music and audio effects could of made the game stand out as well and made me want to play for a longer duration. However this was still a good platformer overall.

A great platformer type game, I liked the concept and art style within this which suited the scenes and the character as a knight really worked well, loved that you had background music and sound effects within the game as that's what makes me want to play games for longer durations if they're included, as someone else said about the slipperiness I did find this quite challenging within platforms and that I would keep slipping off the same area, the health bars made this stand out as well and I like how you got the music on a loop as well. Great game!