Hello everyone! I thought this might be a great thread to start because as a creator I'm always looking to make new connections and talk about projects/collaboration. And if you're not a creator, it'd be cool to hear what draws you to ttrpgs and what you like playing!
My TTRPG experience started when I got thrown into a 2E DnD campaign when I was in college 15? years ago, and ever since I've been really interested in the area, mostly as a player and sometimes DM.
Looking to explore more of the creative space in TTRPGs, I started creating pixel art projects for Roll20 and for Hex Kit two years ago. Lately, I've been exploring more independent creation of TTRPG content, mostly DnD 5E. I've been challenging myself to stretch out into traditional illustration, layout, and writing.
Mostly, I'm excited to learn from others and make sweet TTRPG content!
On a more personal note, I live in the Pacific NW, I'm a vegetarian Hindu, and I love cooking. I love reading and comics, and basically would die if I'm not creating stuff. (He/Him)
You can find me on:
Twitter: @Zeshio
Discord: Zeshio #9351
I'm always up for chatting or helping other creatives out. Looking forward to hanging out with everyone!