The controls for this game felt... strange. I would frequently have to hold both F and WASD at the same time, which felt weird sense the same finger is usually used for both of those. It would've been nicer if that was bound to something like Shift instead. Vault and Climb felt like you wanted to include interesting movement, but didn't think about anything beyond 'we should include this'. The level design frequently includes parts that look like you should be able to vault/climb, but you can't (for example, any two-block-high wall with a box pushed against it). Not to mention that anything a vault/climb can do, a basic jump would've been able to do too, while feeling much more intuitive and a lot less janky.
The camera also felt strange. All of the puzzle-solving elements take place on a 2D grid, but the camera (and therefore the directional controls) are offset 45 degrees away from that grid. Also I frequently rotated the camera in the opposite direction that I wanted to. I think making Q+E rotate the direction that the camera is looking would've been more intuitive than rotation the direction of the position of the camera. Also why no mouse-based camera controls? That would've been by far the most intuitive.
The puzzles were also not ideal. For the most part, the difficult part of the puzzle was 'find where the goal is', and the easy part was 'get this box to the goal' when it should've been the other way around. Every single puzzle in this game more complicated than a tutorial seemed to have one of two solutions: either use a box to make a bridge, or use a box to block lasers. I would've liked to see a bit more depth/complexity there.
One thing that took me a while to learn about gamedev is that you should playtest early and playtest often. The sooner you playtest things, so sooner you find out what is and isn't working, and you can focus your attention on those issues.
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