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A member registered Jul 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Eu gosto de pessoas que arriscam desenvolver ideias bem ousadas, eu diria que você demonstrou bastante disso no seu jogo, já que cara, controlar três personagens é realmente insano kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (no bom sentido, claro).

Eu gostei do conceito que você utilizou, nosso objetivo é simples e temos que realmente trabalhar de forma eficiente com os três. No começo, eu pensava que não haveria tanta diferença assim entre um e outro, mas com o decorrer do jogo, foi ficando mais nítido que sim, há diferença significativa para resolver os puzzles.

Falando sobre eles, eu curti que foram simples, mas diria que foram muito simples. Não digo que gostaria de algo complexo já que sou ruim nisso kkkkkkkkkkk mas um desafio a mais seria interessante. 

Você poderia explorar mais a diferença dos três, com por exemplo, a pequena poderia entrar em lugares que os outros não conseguiriam. O pequeno poderia ser ágil em relação a ativar mecanismos e o grandão poderia empurrar coisas, criaria uma dinâmica interessante entre todos e deixaria o tema mais vívido.

A arte é interessante, possui seu charme único e diria que está mais abstrata do que inconsistente, então considero que seja algo positivo.

Gostaria que a música principal tivesse mais variação, pois a atual fica muito repetitiva com o tempo.

E sobre os controles, acredito que funcionam bem o W, A, D e as setinhas, mas o terceiro ficou muito longe dos demais. Aconselharia a deixar mais perto para deixar o jogador mais confortável em trocar de personagem, talvez o Y, G e J funcionassem melhor.

De modo geral, foi um jogo divertido, como disse no começo, foi uma ideia ousada e eu gosto disso. Parabéns pelo projeto e boa sorte na jam! Uma pena que não teve GDD, acredito que por falta de tempo e por talvez ser uma das suas primeiras experiências. Desanima não, na próxima você vai ver que a melhora é notável.

Oooopaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, olha só se não é o Melhor Andal com um jogo fodástico novamente!

Cara, primeiramente citar a estética que o jogo tem, você manda bem demais nas artes e dessa vez não foi diferente. Ficou tudo maravilhoso, muito fluído e as cores combinaram muito bem com todo o clima do jogo.

Seus diálogos são sempre divertidos e cheios de humor, gostei como você implementou a conversa entre os personagens com dicas sutis de como utilizar as mecânicas juntamente aos comandos. O "F" foi genial!

Aquele peixe vermelho safado me deixou preocupado quando começou o roubo descontrolado, todo peixe que ia pegar o bichão já chegava metendo a boca. Era óbvio o que tinha que fazer, mas estranhamente demorei um tempo pra realizar a ação kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk pensei que tinha que pegar eles antes de serem devorados, mas percebi que era impossível de fazer isso após algumas tentativas falhas.

E rapaz, te contar viu... Mais desesperador que seus 2 segundos de deadline foi a minha situação quando vi aquele peixe cabuloso com tamanho de uma ilha. Pra tu ter noção, o personagem do barco ficou tão assustado que simplesmente sumiu na primeira vez que joguei kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk não sei o que aconteceu, quando eu vi aquela criatura demoníaca em forma de peixe eu fui pro canto da tela o máximo que pude. Provavelmente fui tão pro canto que o personagem só desistiu do jogo e partiu pra outro (e sei que foi bug porque não renasci igual a segunda vez que joguei e também morri pra esse peixe colossal).

Depois que abri o jogo e tentei de novo, foi bem mais simples e entendi perfeitamente a mecânica pra derrotar esse boss ai. Também achei genial a maneira que temos que utilizar ambos, as dicas visuais ajudaram MUITO. Eu não sei se era pra acontecer isso, mas achei uma forma de roubar nesse boss, basta jogar o negócio lá embaixo e depois mirar nos olhos dele com a luz que quando for a vez da boca, já da o dano sozinho.

Uma pena que tenha sido tão curto, mas teve variação suficiente para manter engajado até o final, realmente foi um ótimo trabalho. Não sei se pretende expandir a ideia futuramente, mas uma "jornada rumo ao maior peixe" seria uma coisa louca de se ver. Por exemplo, percebi que os peixes não tem utilidade no jogo no momento atual, mas uma mecânica de pesca progressiva usando peixes anteriores como isca para ir pegando os maiores até chegar nos brabos seria bem legal.

Pelo seu GDD, a coisa ia ser bem mais louca, as ideias foram realmente bem divertidas e acredito que seriam um ótimo acréscimo pro jogo atual caso tenha interesse em continuar. Gostei da forma que foi escrito, bem descontraído e deu pra entender bem onde você queria chegar. Eu sei que foi o tempo (os 2 segundos dando spoiler), mas seria uma boa tachar as coisas que não foram utilizadas no conceito geral, é um detalhe bem "bobo", mas ajudaria a ter um norte melhor sobre o objetivo do game em seu estado atual.

Um jogão!! Eu realmente curti demais, parabéns por ele brother. Abraços e boa sorte na jam! 

(Aliás, comentando aqui porque lembrei desse detalhe no final da análise, aquele efeito do farol ficou MUITO FODA, deu a impressão que era 3D já que a luz ia ficando mais comprimida a medida que virava pros lados. Como cê fez esse efeito? Vou vasculhar seu código, mas uma explicação do criador supremo seria bastante útil). 

Wow, such a detailed feedback, thank you so much for playing and for sharing your rich experience!

Unfortunately, I only had about 4 days to work on the project, so I had to leave a lot of things out.

Initially, I planned to give the robot more functionality, which would have justified the perspective switching, but I couldn’t make it happen.

I hope that didn’t affect your experience too much and that, despite this, you still had fun with the game.

Once again, thank you for your kind words!

Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback! I hope you had fun with the little the game has to offer

Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback! I only had 4 days to work on the game, so I couldn’t implement all the features I wanted it to have.

That said, I completely agree with you—right now, the perspective-switching feels a bit limited in its utility.

I would have loved to have more time to bring my ideas to life, but even so, I hope you had fun!

Thank you so much for your kind words, for playing, and for your feedback and suggestions!

Unfortunately, I only had 4 days to work on it, which really limited me in terms of mechanics.

Some of the ideas you suggested were things I had initially thought of, but I couldn’t implement them in time.

However, I’ll be sure to note everything down for this project or future ones. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for playing! To proceed, you need to go to the objects in the center of the map, press the spacebar, and wait for the robot to repair them while fending off the enemies

I'm extremely happy you enjoyed the game! Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

Unfortunately, I got sick during the jam, so I was only able to work on it for about 4 days.

My initial idea was to give the robot a few more functions, but the limited time was my enemy, and I had to simplify things.

If I decide to move forward with the project, I’ll definitely think about adding some cool power-ups. Once again, thank you for your kind words!

I'm extremely happy you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback. If I had been able to work on it for more than 4 days, I believe I could have added some more interesting features

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! I'm extremely happy you enjoyed it! Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to expand the mechanics and add more variety, as I only had 4 days to work on it. But I tried my best to make it fun, and it’s truly gratifying to know I succeeded, even if just a little

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you found the gameplay satisfying

Thank you so much for your kind words! Unfortunately, I fell ill over the past few days and only managed to work on it for about 4 days, but it’s incredibly rewarding to know I was still able to provide some fun despite the limited time. Thank you so much for playing!

What a beautiful story! It was truly a great experience exploring the different points of view.

At first, I really didn’t know what to expect, but I must say it turned out to be a wonderful surprise.

Your art is simple but extremely, extremely consistent. Could you tell me which program you used to create it, please? I really appreciated it—it’s clean and incredibly polished. I’d love to try something similar one day.

The music complemented the story and atmosphere of the game perfectly, giving it a significant level of immersion.

My only suggestion would be regarding the mini-games. While they add great variety to the gameplay and keep it engaging, I felt there was a lack of sensory effects to enhance the overall experience.

To address this, you could add particle effects, or even light screen shakes to create a sense of impact—just subtle enough to avoid discomfort.

Overall, this is a very enjoyable game that left me with a pleasant feeling throughout its gameplay. Congratulations on the project, and I wish you the best of luck!

A truly great level design! I really enjoyed how the progression flows—it’s so natural, fun, and intuitive.

The mechanics were very well implemented, allowing us to get the hang of it quickly without needing excessive text—just through our own experience and learning. Great job!

The sounds and audio effects were also excellently done, blending perfectly with the rest of the game’s aesthetic. Despite the simple art style, everything fit together seamlessly.

The puzzles were well-crafted, fun, and challenging. However, I felt the progression was slightly inconsistent at times, with some later levels being easier than earlier ones.

Another point I think deserves attention is the explanation of how the second character works. While I liked the mechanic, I feel it could be explained better before it becomes frequently used, helping the player feel more familiar with it.

I really enjoyed playing—it was a satisfying challenge to complete. Congratulations on the project, and good luck in the jam!

Wow, the gameplay really caught me by surprise! I wasn’t expecting something like this, and it was a positively surprising experience. I really liked the way we switch perspectives for combat and overcoming obstacles—it was very well done.

I believe additions like a combo system for defeating enemies or a chain effect with multiple consecutive destructions would take the gameplay to an even more satisfying level.

The story presentation was also great! I’ve always loved space themes, and this one was no exception—I absolutely enjoyed it.

Although the difficulty was reasonable, I feel like there could be an extra challenge when switching perspectives. Perhaps something like a shower of small meteors in space?

And since I can see you’re a fellow enthusiast of the universe’s vastness, here’s an idea for a future game (or even for this one): you could draw inspiration from the varied composition of meteors to create interesting effects upon explosion. For instance, clouds of smoke that temporarily blind enemies (causing them to miss their shots), debris flying around that could hit both the player and enemies, and even combustions on small, medium, or large scales, depending on the meteor’s size. I must admit, I used to think ideas like these were a bit illogical, but over time I’ve realized that fun often comes from embracing the craziness! So let’s just use reality as a foundation for everything.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game—it’s immersive, quick to learn, and a lot of fun. Congratulations on the project!

What a satisfying experience! I really enjoyed the game’s atmosphere—it’s calm and lets you think at your own pace, without any pressure or anything like that, creating a cozy and welcoming vibe.

And what can I say about the mechanics? They were incredibly well-thought-out! It doesn’t just bring two perspectives (as I initially thought) but four! That was a plot twist for me since I hadn’t noticed the indicator at the top right away.

That said, I believe there could have been a bit more explanation about how to fully utilize and understand the mechanics. I managed to finish the game by simply trying, failing, and trying again, which I don’t think was the intended approach.

Perhaps adding some gradual levels to showcase how each perspective works would greatly help players grasp and internalize the entire process. But don’t get me wrong—this didn’t significantly detract from the experience. In fact, it highlighted how well you crafted the game. Not everyone can design puzzles that encourage players to rely on their intuition like this. Excellent work!

An engaging mechanic, relaxing music, fun gameplay, and great sound effects. Congratulations on the game, and I wish you the best of luck in the jam!

As a big fan of storytelling, I have to say—what a MAGNIFICENT presentation! The way we’re introduced to your world is incredibly immersive. I can only imagine how much effort it must have taken to prepare all of this, and I truly admire the work you’ve done.

I noticed you used RPG Maker—what a great tool for creating story-driven games, isn’t it? I’ve tried using it a few times myself haha, but I’ve never managed to create something as good as yours.

The atmosphere is really well-crafted. I loved how you used the colors and how perfectly the sound effects fit with what’s happening in the game. This combination creates an amazing sense of engagement.

If I could suggest one thing for future projects, it would be to consider the frequency of random battles while exploring the map. I felt they were a bit too frequent at times, which slightly disrupted the flow, although the battles themselves were fun and enjoyable.

Overall, fantastic work! Congratulations on the project, and I wish you the best of luck in the jam!

I’d say this is a really fun FPS due to its dual mode concept. The contrast between the two modes and how it impacts gameplay added a slightly comedic touch to how everything unfolds.

I’m not entirely sure why, but my game was running extremely fast, which often caused me to fall off platforms even when lightly pressing the movement button. Adding an FPS cap in future projects might be a good idea to prevent this kind of issue (though, as mentioned, I’m not certain if that was the cause).

Stealing the rabbits’ health and then unloading bullets into them was absolutely wild, haha. The music ramping up during these moments was an excellent touch to heighten immersion, along with the well placed sound effects.

Personally, I’d love to see enemies making more use of the environment to their advantage. It wouldn’t need overly complex behavior, just a few strategic elements like taking cover behind walls or even introducing enemy variations that sacrifice themselves to heal others (and of course, we’d be able to steal that health for ourselves).

It was truly a fun experience, and with these final touches, the gameplay would be elevated even further without a doubt.

Congrats on the project, and good luck with the jam!

The art style immediately caught my attention. The pointillism approach is exceptional, and the way you integrated it into the game’s atmosphere is incredible. I also really loved the mix of 2D and 3D elements!

The ambiance perfectly aligns with the game’s concept, and the music added just the right level of immersion to deepen the gameplay experience.

However, it’s noticeable that the difficulty scaling primarily relies on increasing the number of objects to find. While this certainly makes the game more challenging by requiring players to manage more within a limited timeframe, I feel there’s room to expand on the gameplay mechanics.

For instance, you could introduce a puzzle mechanic involving objects that, when altered, affect the color of others, requiring players to interact in the correct order (with visual hints provided in the environment).

Let’s say we have three objects: one white, one yellow, and one red. Altering the first object’s color also changes the second. Changing the second affects the third, and changing the third cycles back to alter the first. Using this system, you could create a sequence of color adjustments that players need to solve to meet the level’s requirements.

I hope this idea makes sense! It might sound a little confusing haha.

Additionally, another suggestion is related to the game’s feel. When changing an object’s color, you could add some smoke particles, a small animation of the object twisting, and a sound effect. This would make the interaction much more satisfying.

One particularly impressive aspect you nailed is the use of larger dots on the walls in your pointillism art. Using smaller dots might have caused dizziness over time with the camera movement (and even affected me personally).

Overall, fantastic work! Congratulations on completing the project, and I wish you the best of luck!

First of all, congratulations on your level design, it’s amazing! The way you managed to connect the two perspectives of the characters in a simple, intuitive, and achievable manner makes the game very enjoyable to keep playing.

Another strong point is how you introduce everything to the player, especially the dangers, which are VERY CLEARLY presented and make it obvious that any mistake near those areas could result in death.

I really liked your art style, it’s pleasant, and the main characters are super cute. The white background with some highlighted elements was also a great choice, as it keeps the player's attention focused on what’s truly important.

I would have loved to have more control over the jump mechanics. For example, the longer you hold the jump button, the higher the jump goes until it reaches its limit, stopping the ascent if you release the key.

I wish there were some extra levels, but I completely understand the time constraints. I also have a feeling the coins were originally intended to serve some other purpose, right? Either way, if you decide to continue working on this project, I wish you the best of luck! It has a lot of potential.

Congrats on the game, it was genuinely fun to play!

My machine really can't handle such heavy stuff haha. Could you provide an alternative version in MP4?

I’m genuinely happy that you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! Haha, the character was sitting at a kind of table, but due to the perspective, it’s only visible at the end. I left it implicit that the suit being referenced was in the security room marked on the map, but it seems it was too hidden. I hope it didn’t hinder the experience too much

Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m genuinely happy that you enjoyed those elements

Haha, welcome to the Game Maker meeting. Thank you so much for the feedback! Initially, I considered reducing the amount of text, as I also felt it might interfere a bit. However, my hands were tired, and I couldn’t fully meet the scene's demands through pure art, so it was the only alternative. I hope it didn’t detract too much from the experience, and I’m glad you enjoyed the scene, thanks for your kind words!

Thank you so much for the feedback and the kind words! I’m glad I managed to create that atmospheric feeling, as it was the main goal during the scenes. However, given the time constraints, I was worried I might not have conveyed it with enough clarity or emotion

Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m happy to hear that the multiple perspectives were well-received. The character's tension was indeed my primary focus for immersion

Thank you so much for the feedback! That was exactly the feeling I wanted to convey, a brief pause between two sections of the game (perhaps the beginning?). It was really challenging to achieve this in such a short time, but I’m glad it worked

I love themes involving space, and this one was no exception. I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the colors used in the scenery, truly beautiful!

The scene does a great job showcasing the elements that come together to create the story. The camera work and music create a harmony that immerses you in what’s happening

I really wish I could have experienced it through the executable project, but unfortunately, my machine can’t handle something so heavy (it would probably explode haha). Great work with the MP4 format!

One small suggestion I thought of that could add more impact and tension is a zoom-in on the sun moments before the explosion, showing viewers that something abnormal is happening and a catastrophe is imminent

In conclusion, a fantastic scene! I can’t help but wonder what humanity’s fate would be with scarce resources while searching for a habitable planet, no guarantees of a tomorrow (if it even exists, now that the sun is gone)

I really liked how the scene unfolds haha, it was something I honestly wasn’t expecting, and it was a pleasant surprise.

The 8-bit art style is very nostalgic for me, and you matched it perfectly with the sound effects and music, creating a completely cohesive and harmonious environment. Great job!

Simply marvelous aesthetics! It was quite different from what I’m used to seeing, and it was undoubtedly a strong point

The story is clear, and I believe you captured the proposed action feeling very well. I saw that there were many more elements that ended up being cut, right? I would love to see them in a future project

The sounds were really great, truly. Despite the cuts, I’d say it’s a complete scene that does its job very well

The amount of story you managed to fit in such a short time is really impressive! I really liked the interaction between the characters, the dialogues were well written

The setting also pleased me visually, the rain particles added an extra touch of life and dynamism. At one point, a song that I’ve used in a previous game of mine (Another Life) played, and it gave me a huge wave of nostalgia haha, bringing back memories from a few years ago

Considering the time constraints, you did a great job with the story. I just wish there was a slight delay at the end of the dialogues so we could better prepare for the next one, but it's nothing that takes away from the experience

Muito obrigado pelos elogios e pelo feedback! Irei dar uma olhada a respeito agora mesmo. Agradeço pela força, vou me inscrever também!

I really loved the concept of the scene, it’s a very creative and tense idea. Playing chess with death, but in such a fast paced way, was a great decision both narratively and in terms of flow

The art style really appealed to me, I love black and white, and it was definitely a great visual choice for my eyes. The music fits well with the scene, along with the sound effects. Truly, a great job!

What a fantastic scene! The artwork is beautifully done and adds an tense atmosphere to the whole experience. In particular, I loved the protagonist’s expressions and movements, especially the last one before meeting his own demise

The way real time rendering was demonstrated was also very well implemented, a great job on that

The music blends perfectly with the rest of the aesthetics, elevating the experience to another level. Without a doubt, a wonderful and incredible piece of work

The way the scene is connected to a potential longer game is truly great, especially considering the context in which everything unfolds

I really liked the animations and the entire process of waiting for the protagonist. The variation in activities makes the scene feel very natural and vivid, without a doubt, excellent work!

A truly intriguing scene, it opens up many possibilities about what really happened to the protagonist. The aesthetics are a strong point, the way the graphics were crafted is highly appealing

The uncertain ending is undoubtedly the highlight, as there must be a dark reason behind this event

The graphics and effects are simply amazing! I really liked the idea behind the scene, it's quite a morbid concept in a way, since, like it or not, time has the power to destroy everything

The premise is very interesting. I would have loved to see more about it, but I totally understand that time is a tricky thing (in every sense, haha)

(1 edit)

Looks like someone else here also uses Game Maker haha. I really enjoyed your scene, it has an interesting aesthetic, and I absolutely love black and white designs (which is evident from my history of games and even my own scene).

The concept is intriguing, and I liked how things were executed. It’s true that our perception of time changes a lot when we're immersed in entertainment. I think you did a great job conveying that.

I really enjoyed the atmosphere you created, the graphics have a unique style, which I believe gives the game a solid identity.

In the beginning, it was quite challenging to figure out how to proceed. I think one of the main things missing during the gameplay was clearer guidance on our objective and what we needed to do. Perhaps a short introduction level that introduces the objective and enemies would be enough to give players a general idea of the mechanics.

The music you used fits the atmosphere perfectly, that was another element I really liked.

I also felt a bit of a lack of scene variation, but I completely understand that time constraints likely played a part (my game faced a similar issue).

Lastly, a reset button or even the screen going dark until everything resets would be a great addition to make the game flow more smoothly when you lose.

Overall, great game, nice work, and best of luck in the jam!