A very cool game! I really love the concept and visual style – it's a real standout in this jam. Excellent work!
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I Saw, I Conquered's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
You are a spinning saw blade with googly eyes, fighting robots that you destroy by cutting them. Spin speed affects cutting power.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
1 music track, several sound fx, and about half the art assets were handmade during the jam.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
https://rubikow.itch.io/body-parts https://iron-audio.itch.io/tool-sfx-vol-1 https ://tallbeard.itch.io/music-loop-bundle https://kronbits.itch.io/freesfx https://kenney.itch.io/kenney-game-assets https://filmcow.itch.io/filmcow-sfx
I really like the visuals and the mechanics a lot, it feels easy to play and fun, I would advice that maybe you change the direction we are dashing to point in the direction mouse is, but its good as is too, feels really powerful when we connect the attack. also I feel BeyBlade could have inspired you a bit, well for me this was the case haha, I made a game inspired by Beyblade, yours is really cool trust me. I rate graphics, , mechanics, fun and music on top but all is cool really!! also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Really cool take on the theme! Bouncing off the walls was a lot of fun, and shredding through the bosses felt incredibly satisfying. Kudos on the saw feedback sound, it was spot on!
really liked the gameplay and the take on the theme! the game felt satisfying to play!
(If you're willing to I'd love it If you rate and give me some feedback on my game! I'd love to see where I can improve for the future! :D )
Very cool take on the theme! It was quite hard to control though I guess it makes sense in the context of the game. The art was also a great and unique style :D
Controls are a little hard to grasp in the beginning but after a while you manage to learn how to deal with them. Good mechanics and system implementation. I love the idea.
Someone said it's like watching the dvd logo hit the corner as a game and i can't describe it any better. The bounce when hitting the heart was also one of the best things.
Yo! Very cool boss design and art, music is a bit too low in comparison to some SFX. Overall design is very neutral, but gameplay and spin theme are represented on a superb level!
I had so much fun! Oh ye, destroying bosses armor also feels amazing! Thanks for the game!
It was way more satisfying than I expected! Great idea to have the saw cutting through the robots like that.
In a way, a very waiting for the DVD logo to hit the corner of my TV game, which is a crazy thing to be able to gamefy. Thoughtless fun, bouncing around and crunching the enemy both feel great. I think hitting the heart is pretty weak and not very fun, though. The good part of the game is eating through the enemy, so the feeling that real battle started when the heart is out isn't conveyed to me. It's more like pillow talk.
An indictment of how fun it is au naturel is that I didn't notice there was a dash and beat the first boss just bouncing
shredding through the bosses was pretty satisfying. it'd be nice if the bosses' attacks and behaviors are affected by losing body parts, or at least have a phase change when the heart is exposed.
I had a lot of fun playing this one, and I was actually able to beat all of the bosses! I really enjoyed the boss name load in effects those were slick! Great Job!!
When I figured out that ramming into enemies was more effective with the purple power-up, it started making a lot more sense. Tearing up bosses was super fun and the art and music were also a great time!
Love the spin mechanics here, the boss has great telegraph, 2nd boss's electricity sounds gave me an earape though and the visuals are simple but cute. Overall enjoyed the gameplay.
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