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Game jam progress!

A topic by KepFox created May 21, 2022 Views: 2,345 Replies: 99
Viewing posts 1 to 35

Hey there! Just sharing a GIF of our current prototype, cause why not?

How is everyone's jam going!?

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Wowzer!  That pretty parking lot is toast!  

Voxel smashy fun?

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I got my intro cutscene up and running. I'll share some pictures.

Wow!  That's amazing!  Did you do all the art and writing and textures and characters and code and... that's incredible.  (and even if you didn't, it still looks awesome!  GL!


Thanks! All the textures and assets come with the software (RPG Maker MV) that I'm using, and there is little to no coding involved in the whole process (I'm not a programmer to any level). It also has a character creator tool, so I was able to make lots of custom NPCs. It's really not as impressive as you made it sound :)))

Of course, I could make custom assets anytime I liked, since I'm actually a fan of digital art and got a little practice, but for the sake of the jam, I'd rather get the bare minimum in place before spending too much time on esthetics *sniff*

As for the writing, yeah, all the lines of dialogue are off the top of my head. I love writing fiction, so this part was honestly the easiest of all :D

P.S. Sorry for the late reply, somehow your comment got lost in the notifications and I only came by it by accident :/

Hey, no worries.  Wow, I hadn't realised RPG Maker was so cool!  I still don't belittle the effort.  With those sorts of games, a huge part of the enjoyment is the story, characters, world-building etc!  Enjoy!


Wow. I'm feeling inadequate and I had the idea already (the theme I voted for won!). Nearly 24 hours in and I've set up a github repo and imported some free assets to get me start.
I've had stupid obligations getting in the way. I'm busy tomorrow 2. I don't even plan to have the rapid prototype finished until Monday :(

I feel ya.  A day full of other stuff here too.  Managed to sneak in some time in the evenings!  GL and keep going.  Anything you manage will be worth it!


so after finally getting to do some work my first day progress is basically zilch. Nothing has gone right :(


@Yangamedev and @Nim_Lorekeeper good progress there! Loving the dark aesthetics on yangamedev's and the sprites/worldbuilding on nim's look neat! Looking forward to your finished products!!

@RyanH82 I'm sorry to hear! Do you have any game concept good to go? Make sure to break everything into little pieces to make it easier, you'll get there, I believe in you! <3 On top of everything, don't be too hard on yourself; by merely submitting something you'll still earn one of the gamedev courses and on top of that, plenty of game devs will often still give feedback on the things you DO have rather than the things you "might" be lacking. Good luck! I believe in you!

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Great idea to post.  Here's something much less impressive to help those with imposter syndrome feel better!

Started writing spam then decided to can it and pop it in a project blog post!  Also figured might as well start pushing WebGL builds since maybe that'll mean I won't leave doing that to the last minute ;)

GL everyone!


broo i hope we are not doing same game :D


My progress so far! My inspiration for this was Sniper Elite 5 as I am very excited for that game to come out this week :D

It's hard to see the bullet cam properly on that video due to the low quality gif, here's a screenshot:

Submitted (1 edit)

Here's where I'm at for the end of day 2... I've got four baddies pacing, and jumping, and flying.

There's enough in place to call a level for a platformer. I've got my player moving around pretty well.

More to come!

Good night!


Hi Im going really well. I dont wonna share much about the game but you play two different chapters one before and one after death and Im currently close to finishing the first chapter but I don't have much gameplay to show

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

We're going at a good pace, I'm almost done with the core features and I have an artist who is doing all characters and enemies art. We're making a platformer where the player controls multiple zombies at once


*speaking to myself* remember, that this is your first jam and your first game und that you are no where near the level of the others here, and your game is good enough for my skilllevel, dont be discouraged by all the others *silent sobbing* 



Don't worry mate, as long as you are able to submit a game you'll have won, it's not the end result what matters, it's the journey and what can you learn about it.

We, for example, are a team of two, but we don't have enough time to produce all the art so for the environments and artwork we're using some free assets and we're making custom characters and enemies, but we don't have any level layout yet.


Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah, the journey counts. My art will be colored cubes :D


Long live default cubes!

Very very very true.  We're all on journeys, some further ahead, some barely begun.  Most are very happy to encourage others and offer help where they can.  Keep it simple, keep it manageable and see if you can submit (even if it's broken or embarrassing).  We've all been there.  You learn an unbelievable amount simply from trying to make something submittable.  GL!


Sorry I hope some of us aren't discouraging you! My first game ever was a very simple poop emoji that could jump up and down on neverending spawning blue squares. That was about 6 years ago - now I'm at a higher level but I'm still learning a lot! You'll get there as well :D Don't try to see it as a competition, but more of a learning curve/challenge for yourself. As for me personally; this is the first time I'm dealing with some sort of AI ánd combat in a single project and I'm having a blast while learning many new things! I also took the opportunity of this jam to learn about key remapping on the new unity input. Good luck!


It's been pretty well! 🤙

glad I joined this game jam.

Good luck everyone!🤩


wow pretty impressive!




That looks promising. Is this some real world map plugin you are using?



Yeah, it's called "WRLD for Unity", like a real world map you can use in your games.


Awesome. What a gem for creating simulation games. :)


It's mostly placeholder art while I get the mechanics working but this animation makes me very happy.


That's quite good, looking fordward to see how it evolves




Poor ghost, it's only trying to make a new friend :) Love the idea you're going with!


NOOOOO he's a scary ghost who only wants to scare! :)

oh that is AWESOME!  I will definitely be playing this!

My little ghosty isn't anywhere near there yet -- got way too bogged down in 'AI' framework coding.

Geeky tangent: How're you doing yours?  Line of sight on something marked as "scary" or something?  (I'm doing similar -- AI has 'sight area' which, if something strange is within, they react by investigating, correcting or running from!)  Seemed like a cool idea but whew!  turning out harder than I initially assumed :shrug:

Oh and don't belittle your graphics.  I'd give yours a play with those graphics!  I love the semi-8-bit aesthetic :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks. I'm just using raycasts. When the ghost haunts something the object sends a raycast and if it his a person facing it they panic. Also the people have a raycast in update and if they come across a haunted object they'll get nervous for a few seconds and reset it. If they come across another haunted object while nervous they panic. You have to scare everyone who lives in the building before time runs out and there will be other people like paranormal investigators and priests who try to slow you down and stop you.

My philosophy on this stuff is just get it done as quickly as possible. It can always be changed later.

What are you working on? It sounds like you're doing something similar? I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Great minds think alike :p Our team is doing basically the exact same thing but in 3D.


All y'all's stuff looks great so far! I don't have anything to show really, mostly because I'm considering scrapping my original plan. I don't have a lot of time between now and when the jam ends so I've been trying to just make a small project, and the one I was working on seemed to be too high of a scope.


If you watched the livestream. Don’t worry about it! Just try for a few minutes of playable content. Get the mechanics you got down running, then go from there! You got this 😊


This was my progress before I forgot about saving lost everything lol


This looks so pretty! I'd love to explore this world, whatever it is. And sorry to hear about the lost progress, but the 2nd time you do the area should be quicker, and might even turn out better too!



+1 everything Nim said!




This is my first game jam! Wasn't sure if I was going to join or not, but I slapped something together using mostly free asset store assets and I'm happy with it so far. Very early WIP, I'm hoping to add skeleton enemies to fight and make the furniture destructible. Tentative title: Skeletons on Skeletons



its also my first game jam. Your Entry looks great so far. Dont forget to add the Button Configuration. 


it looks cool. I love my a 3rd person action game. What’s WIP stand for?

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Day 3 Progress.  Anyone who's done the 2D course will see where I got my inspiration, lol.

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Reminds me of battlezone!


I'm confused at the code having the camera change render modes every frame.

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Ah, you're right. I wrote that late at night and mixed up the Start and Update methods.

Well,  part of the gamejam experience is to learn new stuff. So I guess we learned that URP glitch doesn't work. XD


Day 3 is looking good so far. I'm working mostly on creating NPCs and maps so I have the foundation for tomorrow when I'll focus on actual story progression.

So far, the player can watch the guards train in combat, chat with random NPCs, rent a room at the inn and make the tavern owner angry because they don't have enough money to pay for drinks (I should probably create one or two side quests so they can actually get the money!). There's plenty more to come. Here's a sneak peek at some of this stuff.

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Wow, cool guys! I am about to submit my game for this jam. Unfortunately I dont have any spare time this week. I would have liked to add more stuff and polish everything a bit more, but oh well. I learned a lot about gameobjects, instantiating and destroying them, working with public variables in the inspector, made a basic health system and even modeled the - very basic - main character in blender. 

So, overall I learned a lot and am happy to keep working on learning this amazing activity :)

(Lets hope, the upload works as I need to do it :D)


Wow, that sounds like a lot of stuff, and I personally have no idea what half of what you said even means. Good job!

Also, question, would you be willing to share a picture with the blender model for the character? I'm super curious about that.


Sure, when I get home the next time. Dont expect sth special :D


Here it is. It is not animated yet - lack of time - but it was quite fun to make this piece of ... art :D

Submitted (1 edit)

Ooo looking good. You can easily mess around with some vertices to give him a little more dimension. There's an option in Blender to drag one vertex and have those in the vicinity follow proportionally. I found it does wonders for polishing a rough mesh. Also, in case you haven't done so already, using a reference image in the background is super useful for getting the proportions right with minimal effort.


I know about the vertx, but not how to implement that, yet. The Image sounds interesting. Have to Look that one up :)


You can do the vertex trick from these options right here:

And for the reference img, you have these options right here:

Hope this is useful to you :)


awesome. Thanks!


Hey! It’s a fun style of biped! But it looks very smooth. What’s the vertex/face count? Do you have a remesher for when you put it into the game?


I think 3/3 with the smooth Option. 

No idea what a remesher is :D


I feel you on the learning curve with the GameJam! I tried to dip my toes in things I’m not used to, and it was a success and failure on different parts. What engine did you decide to use??



I'm going for a blast from the past technique: about 90% of my game will be FMV (full motion video).
For the younglings among us: that's something they did in the 80's & 90's:  using real actors instead of sprites/images.


Love seeing everyone's progress! It's great inspiration and motivation for me! I would add a GIF of my progress but I'm not sure how to make a GIF! LOL! This is my first attempt at creating a game all on my own without following an online course, so I am running into problems frequently, but none that I haven't been able to solve! (yet....)

Submitted (2 edits)

Some more progress on my entry:

Video finally processed!


Finally got my movement working correctly. Always struggle with the rotation.


Damn, that looks awesome!

It's really interesting how to players snap together, great mechanic for a game.


Oh this is just a coincidence while running around. The NPC is not really sticking to the pawn. But this sounds like a really cool idea.



this is my very first game jam ever. Try to make a souls like 2D Arena Game :D 

The Skeletons are still placeholder Art from a asset. The other stuff is my own . I'm also new to pixelart. 

I startet to make a MVP(minimal viable Product // Prototype with placeholdergraphics) now i can add my own Graphics and more stuff. 

Hope i got the game in a "okayish" state till jams end....


It's the end of day 4 and I submitted my project. I don't think I'll make any updates to it for lack of availability, so if anyone wants to try it out, please enjoy. You won't be losing any of the experience for trying it out earlier than when the jam ends.

For context, it's an RPG Maker story-based game where the main cast finds itself in a life-after-death scenario, and are hoping to somehow return to the living (some pictures for reference in the posts above). I would estimate about half an hour of casual gameplay, if this holds any importance to you.

In any case, good continuation on your projects and make the most of the experience. Nim out.


I have a busy week ahead so I went ahead and summitted the game. It has a few mechanics, two mini games, and a puzzle element. I spent much of the time on lighting and getting a simple shader I made to do more then it should...  It you guys/girls could check it out and leave feedback as this is my first Jam and most polished game so far.

6 days left guys, and I only came up with my base game idea today! I've found some assets and I'm putting together the first scene. 0 lines of code written so far. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day!


I'm currently working on the ONE thing that requires quite a bit of work with its animation: A singing totem with 4 freaking heads. There's about 500 frames of sequenced animations and I'm at the 310th frame done.

I could have done a much better work on the model and the armature/bones, but I'm saving that time for the new gameplay mecanism I just revised.
(For the commercial release for the end of next month, I'm planning on having a system to customize the totem, hence that one will be scrapped.)

The new gameplay mechanism is a mix of Tetris' controls and sequences and Snake set in a Maze where you goal is to guide souls of the departed into the afterlife.

Long story short, that totem is Ba-ho, a guide that has a flame above its head that attracts lost souls in the Ukhu Pacha (Inca's underworld). Think of it as a representative of Pashamama, Goddess of fertility that guide the souls back to Kay Pacha (Inca's world of the living).

I don't think I'll be able to reach that far in the project by the deadline, but I would really like to be able to bring in the Supay, demons that would stop the souls in their track.


Wow, that sounds like a lot of animation work.

I hope you manage to submit a playable game (even if limited in scope) by the end of the jam!


The Inca underworld think just got me hooked. Hope you can finish this.


Ba-ho's animations are finished and the gameplay-related element to it's animation are done too. The controls (inputs) are all done and can use the mouse and/or keyboard or a controller. The ring system is done on a physical level, but I have yet to implement the souls and their behavior. I also got to create the rings' paths.

The ring shown above display the selection. The highlight 3 rings closer to Ba-Ho are the rings that rotates when left or right is pressed. Pressing up and down change the rings selected. There are 3 possible difficulties which, for this jam, will fix the number of rings controlled by the player. Easy controls 1 ring, Normal controls 2 rings and Hard controls 3 rings at a time, which makes it harder to set the souls' path properly. The souls system spawn a random number of souls on the outer ring which move following the path (not yet visible) on the rings' pieces. Each soul has limited life time before it has to reach the center-most ring.

When a soul reaches one of the piece on the ring next to Ba-ho, it stays in that position for a short while before being absorbed and send toward the sky. While it can't die once at that position, souls that collides to another soul fuses together and count only as 1 soul. Obviously, the goal is to save as many souls (out of an finite number of soul per match) as possible.

What's remaining to do are:

• Recording me doing Ba-ho vocals. It includes only 5 vocals, but it might requires a tiny bit of work to make them sound good.
• Create the pieces' possible paths of each rings.
• Create the souls & their behavior (a.k.a. Soul System).
The catch is that while most ring pieces doesn't allow a soul to move back on an outer ring from its current ring, some some rare ones does allow particular move back and forth. The outer rings have more "path" variations than the smaller rings.
• Add the UI for a better look and seeing the Soul Score as well as the few settings and option in the game.
• Making a main menu and a game's logo.

I'm trying to be done with the pieces and Soul System by the end of 27th. The UI and Main menu can be done in a few hours at most.

I did implement the basics to allow the player to change certain colors in the game in case some people can't see specific colors and, if I have some time to spare, I would like to also add an option for a visible effect on Ba-ho to represent its vocals so that people who can't hear or can't play with sound (or simple hate Ba-ho's voice, a.k.a my voice) can still play without any issues.


Very cool idea. How have mechanics been coming together? I like the idea of implementing a soundless environment. I use headphones and sometimes I just want to play a game without needing to utilize them. Best of luck with the next 4 days!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

I started making models for the rotating pieces (a.k.a. maze paths) and once I was done with about 10% of the pieces, I decided to simplify the process at least for the Jam and the paths will be done purely via the textures of the pieces. It's much more simple and faster to just draw the paths than modeling them. The Souls uses invisible nodes I set on the pieces' prefabs in advance, hence the paths (or normally the model) are purely cosmetic which is why I'm taking the quick route on that one. 

Edit - Once I was done with the pieces and got them ready for 3D painting (UVs and layout-wise), I made a quick logo for the game.

I'm taking a break for today so that I can get into it and be done with the soul + maze tomorrow. :p


Halfway through the game jam and I have slightly over half of my game finished. I better hope everything goes smoothly! (or just spend more time on it)

It's going to be a turn-based tower defense game. The enemies have full AI pathfinding. (the most difficult part to program) Still need to add UI and get the enemy spawning to change over time for difficulty. Huge thanks to CMaxo who helped solve a UI overlay problem! I found out that I think I actually enjoy graphics design more than coding since I started this gam jam! (I still love programming)


I love tower defenses! I am excited to see what is in store!!


Thanks! I had a ton of fun designing them!


Did you make some of the assets?? They’re very cool. It’s hard unless someone’s an experienced artist to get something designed quickly like this


Yes, I made everything except for the background. I have had experience in Blender for almost a year now, but it did take me a good 8 hours to make all of the assets!


Well, looks like everything is going pretty good for a lot of people. I do not have much time, but I have managed to create a prototype level and the mechanics are working. Of course everything is dummy, and the code logic is the worst ever... just quick code to have things working. Here is a screenshot of the prototype level (I have 3 in mind... but I might not be able to make it)



Looks very well done and thought through! Is it going to be a puzzle game? It looks like an escape room type game!


Thanks! yeah, it is a puzzle game/escape room logic. The idea is to reach the elevator and find which floor to go to. Why the player wants to do that is part of the story...


I love it! My game is less puzzle, but if a similar vibe check! I’m excited to try your game. I love a puzzle, but also hate a good puzzle. 😂 I’m not amazing at them 🫠


Looking forward to check yours as well. Hopefully mine is easy to follow... at least I believe so. :D Once it is ready I guess I will know about it :P


Keep it going! It is looking great. Code is no big deal! As long as it runs. We will have fun with it. Love the little icon btw. Adorable goblin.


:D Thank you! I hope people will enjoy it. I liked the idea so I plan on developing properly once I finish the game jam. The goblin is pretty cool, though I do not remember where it is from :O


I have no idea what to expect but I'm loving the layout of this! Looking forward to giving the game a try!


It's so exciting to see the many different types of games people are working on! I hope you're all satisfied with how things are going for you so far.

For our game; we're going at a steady pace and everything's coming together as we speak, really satisfied with where our game is going!


Oohh, I like the sprite animations!


Very fun! I love the gothic art style!


I managed to create the level with more details, using some cool free assets. I finished the door animations and put the lighting. In theory I only need to add some story/ hints for the player and then the intro of the game. Here is a screenshot: