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kano // 💾

A member registered Apr 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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You know, all those years of minesweeper finally coming in clutch... ain't no way we're gonna let Usada Corp duds ruin this crop! Not at no cost, anyway. This was a good game! Clean, simple, cel-shaded, Pekora with her terrifying eyes knowing what she did to the poor harvest.

There were a couple of hiccups with the actual interaction, and the controls did take me a second to figure out from the menu, but I appreciated the pretty solid rule page booklet and the throw in! Am I the only one who found the higher difficulty ones easier, or did I just lock in after a bunch of games...? I really liked the Nousagi mechanic, gave just a bit of guessing leeway for the hard stuff (o7, poor thing...). Good work, thank you for submitting! 🙇‍♂️

will it go boom, he asks in eager anticipation 🤨🤨🤨😂

Oh wow, you really did get a whole DMC-style combo system up in this! This is pretty fun, though it feels just a tad heavy for the input system... might just be an input buffer or animation snappiness thing, not quite sure. I like the Bee Ames you gotta destroy, I adore that they can knock you flat just as well as you can, and straight-up wipe out your sick combo.

Now that I think about it, just missing a bit of well-timed quirky Gura word clips each time the combo bar upgrades! There wasn't too much as far as endings go beyond how well you finished the mission (which again, is badass) -- but I can super picture adding and building more onto this base... epic cutscenes too ayo? Well done! Thank you for submitting 🙇‍♂️

Although parts of this felt rather... ᵗᵃʳᵍᵉᵗᵉᵈ... I think this was a surprisingly remarkable showcase of your writing skills! Had me laughing every step of the way with John Hololive, our main faceless protagonist, junting their way into a forbidden corner of the universe to be trolled on by a dangerous face in a crystal and an extraordinarily sassy rock.

Following along with her shenanigans leads John to share memories with the gothic girl crystal and rediscover many exciting times in their life, such as their childhood; a memorable uh, moment in history; a very forgettable time at uni, and the infinite grind of working for a paycheck that contributes to the endless cycle of capitalism! There may not be much in the way of RPG elements in this light prototype, nor further worldbuilding beyond what the archiver can cook up for us, but I think you should put those writing skills to use. Thank you for submitting! ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵉʰᵉᵖᵉʳᵒ 🙇‍♂️

A light and cozy jump-em-up -- I thought it was a fresh spin! The movement is pretty snappy, it feels intuitive to know where you're going to go once you get the mouse-movement-hand-eye coordination locked in. The lack of a jump meter could go either way imo, I could see with and without it! Kinda liked without it...

I agree with the notes on ambience/music, that would help dash it up! The secret level was a very quirky little area, but the discovery was a fun lead-up. Would love to see more variety in the locations / the palette, if possible! I can definitely see where you might take it re different endings or outcomes, too -- thank you for submitting! 🙇‍♂️

I love the Papers Please-style aesthetic combined with the funky horse race mania that the likes of Lui and Okayu have done a wild amount! Rules were pretty easy to follow, though I agree that I wish there were a small way to understand what you may have done wrong on a decision. (like putting all of the tickets in the fraud box and giving away 92398320 diamonds to each customer, instantly sending the business into the ground LOL) -- that and an improved sense of the need to make a correct decision or be punished severely for it, so that you're a bit more careful as a player!

I super enjoyed the quirky art for all the endings, and the style has a cute charm as a result. Thank you for submitting! 🙇‍♂️

(1 edit)


我喜欢 2D 的精灵和玩家模型。对于一款类似《毁灭战士》的游戏来说,我觉得游戏的氛围很棒。我用起始手枪很快就找到了最终 BOSS,所以这并不容易。瞄准灵敏度有点低,我希望可以设置一下。我希望看到更多种类的敌人!如果没有武器(不知道 AK 是否从一开始就可以使用!),那么武器应该是可拾取的。装弹有点笨拙,因为你只能在瞄准时装弹。


Ooh, a spirelike! Though there's not a lot of in-game text, I was able to figure it out pretty quickly -- but it could definitely use UI helpers for the more confused. The amount of sheer references in the cards was nuts, I was laughing for a solid few minutes going all of them!

  • The actual game progress felt alright, randomized card pickups were pretty steady, and the combat UI is not bad!
  • I couldn't tell what cards were doing until I used them, since I think my UI scaling was broken at 21:9 and I had no way to windowify the game
  • The game progression felt pretty linear despite the randomized deck for each run, since it was one long path to the end of the tree, which caused me to get tired of doing another run after the first few... though the background was built for the single path, there could be room to move to procedurally generating runs and multiple paths that converge to add some flavor and variety to keep engagement up!
  • I couldn't quite tell how much I healed or got damage boosted from the KFP shop (unsure if it was from the above UI issue)
  • Opinion: hover tooltips could be a useful way to convey denser information in a single packet for the various cards and effects during combats

But from the card gallery and all of the little visual details and references in the world, I could tell you really had a vision and a passion for this -- so I'm glad you were able to execute on it. Thank you for submitting! 🙇‍♂️

(1 edit)

Yeehaw, we roamed the planet and shot up some slimes! Even if it seems basic to some, I actually dig the retro feel of all of the elements... the sound font, the palette, even the level design. It's critically missing music though, which would make the sound of a billion gunshots a little more bearable over not one, but two entire timelines of progression LOL

Enemies felt a bit spongy without extra indicators for how much health they had left, and the final boss felt a bit basic and easy to deal with. I can move faster if I diagonal-move, setting up some interesting speedrunning. The yellow side tank actually shot bullets versus the blue side one, unsure if that was intentional! I would've loved to see more enemy types or additional dialogues / sub-paths for Ame to explore while she was stranded on the planet.

Nailed the theme on the head, otherwise -- thank you for the submit!

Cuuute! This was a nice quaint little platformer with really bangin' pixel art and a sweet little dialogue system, and it just felt clean and precise to play and control. It was pretty quick to pick up, and before I knew it I was flying around with the dash feather. I couldn't quite find the other feather or legendary item, and after bouncing on Calli's head about five or so times, we left the battle -- but I couldn't press E on her again, or on AO-chan; but was able to end the game. The single upbeat music track did get a touch repetitive after the 30-minute mark, so it will be great to hear a diversity of tracks for different visual themes as you build them out!

In all, light and fun! I love the planned updates you laid out for the game too, I will come back and play it when it's there!

Glad we got the build fixed for you! Means you're the first I review >:)

I really like the general premise, being that you're working against a clock to change an inevitable outcome with the help of our heroines and the desperate need to arm them as quickly as possible. The music is pretty catchy, and I like the map style setting!

  • I'm not super sure if I was doing it correctly, but it feels like I could only unlock the first scythe for Mori (to 10%) before I started getting a huge influx of raw materials (like hundreds per second) and could spam the grindstone. I couldn't seem to unlock the other weapons for anybody once I did that! Or at least, I wasn't losing the resources and it wasn't incrementing the progress bar when clicking them.
  • The UI doesn't scale down and the viewport gets cut off at lower resolutions, probably because you used absolute positioning in the canvas + UI nodes. Makes it hard to see on non-16:9 resolutions and lower than 1920x1080!
  • Once the timer ran out and I naturally died due to above stuck, it felt pretty abrupt. I was hoping for an epic battle cutscene or some sort of interactable there!
  • The core loop of "get raw material" -> "convert to pure material" -> "upgrade" -> automate + repeat is pretty bare here! This makes me think of like a run-based "active idle" progression, so your core hook for a player here is "rewarding progression" I think, which means you absolutely have to nail that to get an engaging experience -- think like spaceplan, which has a fulfilling progression coupled with a light narrative and smooth flow. I think you have room to add a unique mechanic too to set the experience apart from a click simulator, too! Light RPG elements maybe, maybe there's different and deeper ways to upgrade the heroines that help the player acquire more resources, maybe even a system for dialogue and various enemies to beat.

Beyond that, for a first time familiarizing yourself with Godot, I think you've done pretty good -- thank you for contributing to the jam! 🙇‍♂️

Woah... this gave me some of the same vibes that Nameless gave me. Chills, but also an undertoned and (somewhat) relaxing randomized dungeon crawler, of sorts. I actually strongly appreciated the lack of music in the midst of these rooms, with little but the sounds of primordial machines meandering about at the edge of nothingness. Just as Mumei was, trying to remember things. The deeply personal touch to that dialogue of hers with herself through the notes left me in quiet contemplation, as did the epilogue once you acquired the pieces.

I actually really enjoyed the top-down perspective, though the tilesets for traversable wall segments did make it confusing. Tab might've been a better shortcut (or configurable) to get to the memory bank, but I thought it was a great solution to the core mechanic there. The light mechanic didn't really threaten me, as I was able to complete all three corners in one go without taking too much damage (just the occasional tower shooting at me). Balancing what to memorize with switching rooms strategically was actually a ton of fun, though I found I didn't need to remember rooms at all -- just swapped between rooms until I got a pathway I needed forward, or an item that let me keep moving.

This could develop into an awesome journey from start to end, of Mumei remembering things, events -- friends -- and I'd probably end up shedding tears by the end.

This was a solid entry! I don't even need to speak for the UI and graphical elements, you've got seasoned hands on it. The movement had weight to it, and I liked the dual-split ability mechanic between the two sisters. The chaos orb was quite uh, interesting to learn the effects of and die multiple times to undo LOL, but quite enjoyable! It could've been explained somewhere, maybe with a passing remark about something chaotic when one of them picked it up.

Boy, was the level design tough! It took quite a few tries to clear that upper area, and even then I had to take a second to think about some of those nuanced jumps. I like the skill ceiling in that respect, gives you something to chew on! The lack of audio is definitely felt, I can picture some fantastic music that fits this metroidvania platformer-style beat (ayo where's ludo). Loving the capture of their bau bau banter, too!

Say what you will, but I genuinely really enjoyed this. I don't know if it's some kind of brain worm I have, but the core loop of being on a monopoly board and cracking combinations of numbers to outwit your enemies is extremely satisfying. I couldn't say if it would be the same for our mathematically-challenged virtual tubers, but this was worth it. There's plenty to be said about UI/UX improvements and polish, the ability to see a game board, or perhaps to spin a multi-stage progression out of it... or even a head-to-head timed PvP battle 😳

The Tokino Sisters, Takodachi, KFPs, and Enemy A (all of whose dialogue made me laugh a touch) stood no chance in the face of chaotic math. The music I think also helped, since it captivated me for the entire duration. I'm not kidding when I say I spent about an hour playing this and would consider coming back a third time.

I like the base for this! It gives off cozy vibes where we are now, I would like to see what the power level will do (currency? power ups?) -- and for timeless zen mode that this currently is, I think that a fun challenging mode on time or some chaos blend of random effects could be interesting. Looking forward to seeing how this develops!

I was having issues getting it going with an ultrawide monitor (the UI does *not* work at this resolution LOL), but I eventually resolved it and really enjoyed the premise. The plot really thickened... I think you have a great base to really flesh this out! The plot was pretty straightforward to follow and then point fingers at the darn culprit once they gave their reaction, so I feel like threading an element of intrigue to keep me the player on my toes will make this really pop. I super enjoyed the stylized nearly Persona-style UI and felt like the dialogue fit the characters alright.

Please do continue this!

This was awesome! It was difficult to see at times in these caves, but I did enjoy the progressive upgrades every time I died. Felt like I was getting stronger! Poor Jeep took a heck of a beating, but I'm sure it'll be okay. I enjoyed jamming out the music as it seemed to get more and more chaotic with every level.

I was able to find that each time I failed a level and came back to it, I'd have the ability to free-form float around, as though gravity steadily rotated its way upwards. The more times I failed, the stronger my ability to float upwards aggressively, which meant some wild movements as I engaged in dogfights with the flying pebbles!

For sure! And ooooh... I'm definitely curious to watch that development pan out 👁

Oh wow, I actually clutched out the Ollie fight with a lucky set of cancels lets GOOO -- but anyway, this was an awesome little game! I really like the visual detail you put into these, as well as the ambience (which I think could've used a solid music track!). The dynamic interactable dialogue was pretty good, the way it lets you move around, and the dialogue itself was on-the-nose and made me laugh. I do enjoy the core loop, and it was pretty satisfying to nail combos that just absolutely destroy rocks, prove cats correct, and teach the undead how to sleep (wow does Ollie hit hard with her charge rifles).

Was a touch glad I could just skip selecting halu for my fourth item LOL, which let me appreciate everyone's ??? artwork. 690 hours is no small feat... Biboo will need to retry fighting Kaela for at least that long to stand a chance of beating her. Please do continue this!

Welcome aboard, and nice first game attempt! Even if you didn't quite get the references part, I'm glad that you enjoyed being part of it!

  • I like the chaos effect mechanic, I think it is a cool way to liven up the classic top-down shooter -- I do think it should be faster though!
  • I was playing on an ultrawide monitor (2560x1080), so the UI felt pretty big and crushed together.
  • A crosshair would help for aiming, especially if you added other weapons in.
  • Enemies beyond a certain boundary, if I got far enough away, would stop trying to move towards me... is that intentional?
  • The music was a nice touch. I'm a fan of the main character, too... I see you have good taste in combat assassin types too, huh? Reminds me of a certain hitman and a certain metal gear enjoyer...

In all, not bad for a base! It could be fun to expand on it, add objectives to the world, more weapons and characters and possibly even world-changing effects as time goes on and the chaos timer goes down.

This was a dope directional shooter type beat! I like the boss mechanics, and the way that the difficulty was modified by the dice roll was a great touch -- though I think I got lucky with getting her to re-roll to 1s and 2s consistently. The judgement cut ability Bae uses is pretty terrifying at the max blast, hard to dodge!

Really enjoyed the witty dialogue and the little portrait sprites to boot, as well as the sounds and music. Additional touches for VFX and more sounds would really open up the immersion factor. I could totally picture following Biboo through her Vergil arc through a myriad of scenarios! 😋

I'll admit it uh, took me a bit... but I did like the mechanics that progressed as the stages went up. Pacing entirely depends on the player in these games, but the element of chaos kept it just frustrating (if spicy) enough to leave a mark. The lack of response on jump input combined with that do make it feel almost arbitrary at times, as though the input timing doesn't matter -- which some may like, but some will definitely develop a pure hatred for.

I dig the style for the art and like the way it evolves, too. Where's the music at though? I think it would help a lot to make it a smoother experience! On top of which, I do agree with Zoid's smooth-screen remarks about making blind jumps... it exaggerates the difficulty in a few spots, though that may be by design too.

And uh, well... I miss her bros...

Bearing in mind the enemy attack bug, I thought this was a neat concept! Spinning Slay the Spire into a Hololive theme has lots of room for funny quirks, cards, and other sly references. The core gameplay flow from a user perspective felt pretty straightforward, though it would be nice to see that encompassed in a tutorial battle so it's more intuitive to follow and "commit to memory" per se!

I wish there was some kind of music for me to jam out to as I walk around and slap bad takos for violating the 4th Wah, but I liked the pixelated art base that you had. The swirling transition shader is a neat touch (though I'd recommend delaying the overlaid UI display until after the transition completes with an event -- or have the post-processing apply to that as well), and I think you should otherwise flesh the concept out more! Get it so you have playable runs, even if it's just one character and a couple of enemies to start. Slap some more UI in there, maybe some save state. This could be dope!

I love the environment ya'll have set with the music and the artwork! I think the platforming mechanism is pretty straightforward too, and I can see where you want to go with it -- great for a first start, hoping you'll implement novel mechanics on the potential that's here to make it spicy fresh. I'm also a fan of the dialogue window, though the text is a touch hard to read with that font color.

Just wish it had more gameplay substance, but I understand the time constraint! Looking forward to the post-jam updates, this could be born into a fully-fledged little indie game 😌

ahh thank you! yeah I deliberately made it so that Sanas merging give dummy big points and disappear >:D

it's been on a bit of a pause since I've been so busy, but the multiplayer component is still being built! I'm hoping to implement a different backend for my end target (nakama gets stupid expensive and locks basic things like backend clustering behind that wall), so I can prototype that head-to-head mode soon 🙇‍♂️

thank you ^^ -- next item on the agenda is getting a head-to-head multiplayer mode implemented >:D (almost there, I've got the server logic mostly down), so stay tuned!

Rock-solid entry! You've got the game core and talent for rapid planned assembly of these things, happy to see you bring it here and help out the gang frfr.

  • The visual tutorial was very helpful, the UI is clean and smooth!
  • Grabbing the jailbirds was pretty intuitive and forgiving (like knowing whether I'm about to grab one, though I agree a minor UX improvement re Zoid's thread would be good), and it was fun to figure out strategies for the jailbirds... didn't know you could put them down outside the circle without making them move!
  • The music is Angry Birds-level catchy, which means it won't leave my head for a while, and the scoring feels pretty based.

Makes me wonder where else you'd take it, with more time!

This is solid, team! Nails the theme on the head, the art and animations are cute, and the music fits the vibe so well. I love WarioWare-style games like this, so I hope you'll come back and add more minigames some time!

Just echoing what the others have said! This could become something really cool. I could almost imagine something Darkest Dungeon-style, depending on which way you go. Looking forward to it!

also, music and sound effects for sure 😌

This is a really good base! I really like the perspective and movement. You should definitely keep working on this frfr... could become an awesome experience!

  • Echoing the others, please do add the ability to skip through the battle log via button press! That would make the game flow faster and feel more engaging
  • An easy way to see my health vs the active enemy's health would be a great UX addition! Same goes for previewing what my different abilities and items do
  • When engaged with Shrimp McQueen Jr. (or any of them, for that matter), I'm able to steadily move away from them, and they aren't able to do anything to me... it really holds onto that turn-based mode! ww --> spamming the movement lets me get multiple steps and even diagonals in in a single "turn" of that
  • interaction with ame and team doko... LOL

Cinematic. I really like the concept of having almost flashback-style minigames in the overarching storytelling being done by Ina! That's a fresh idea.

The UI didn't resize with the window, but the 3D viewports at least did, so I could see what I was doing. Having the ball immediately stop was odd at first, since I was expecting the inertia to keep it going. The Nemu section was cute, though it felt voidful (heh) without background music and possibly some interactables. Smoother transitions between the minigames and Ina's room could be good, too! With some extra time and polish, this could definitely be a cool little adventure style.

This is a cool concept! I could definitely imagine this going deeper and deeper with more time. The level designed around the movement of the two states is a pleasant touch!

  • My only gripe for what you have was not being able to resize the game window! I was playing on a 4K monitor, so it was a little hard to see. 

I made an group of mindless gem-faced pebbles and a gem-faced pebble boss for the office, a widely varied set of burly, old, and kinda grumpy-looking pebbles for the cookery (including Gembeard), and a pebble named Jim for the mine.

The lore is deceptively deep. Phenomenal cast. 10/10.

  • This was great! I can't tell if I was crazy, but the web version wasn't playing any background music (if there was). I could spend three more hours in the pebble creator listening to some jams!
  • When will I get to duel enemy pebbles in an auto-battler? That's the vibe I was starting to get with the gems having different stats... and I think you know what that means :D

This was very cute! It was quite fun navigating the obstacles and taking in everyone's neatly-decorated houses. I'd like to have a house like those...

  • The pixel style and sound font are on point! Room transitions were sleek... very nicely executed.
  • My favorite mechanic by far was the kronies. They're almost terrifying! Some of them will even chase you into the next room, making you hustle a bit... gave me some good laughs as I skirted around the room like a (chaos) rat. You didn't get me with the last one, nice try!
  • I think animated indicators and/or more impactful sound effects for the lasers and the massive hoomans preparing to open their eyes would be a great quality-of-life improvement! Would feel more engaging.
  • I played this on a massive 4K screen, so the game not resizing with window size forced me to really lean in to see what I was doing lol (tip: stretch mode oughta do it!)

Very nice! Instantly sold on the art style, and you + Zoid captured the majority of gripes or QoL I had that would elevate this even more! I could picture the gang making noises when you pick them up too. I spent quite a bit of time playing it... got into a nice flow!

I could also totally picture this being part of a WarioWare-style party game, now that I think about it. Great base for future content, too; a time-trial sort mode, for example. Also makes me wonder what a 3-way or even 4-way sort would look like... probably difficult to design for! You did fantastic with this submission as-is -- ome ome!

glad it was totally worth but pls don't sacrifice your basic needs too much (┬﹏┬)

This was a pretty fun base! I like the aesthetic and the ambience of the music and sound design.

I'm sorry, little bau baus...

  • I think I managed to break it a tiny bit with my laptop's massive 4K display... any time I'd die, a big orange screen would appear that I'd just click on, and I could respawn right where I was and keep fighting -- even when my sanctuary was destroyed LOL
  • Moona's machine gun staff shook the screen quite a bit! Might be a tad much, but the impact is very apparent either way.
  • More variety in the enemies and in the players would be dope future extensions to this! I could also picture earning points or some kind of currency to unlock other characters with unique abilities and possibly even upgrade them or the sanctuary to provide bonuses -- almost turning it into a roguelike, of sorts.

Solid base for an RPG, I really like the aesthetic! Played via web/HTML5 on Chrome/Windows, I didn't have audio... not sure if there was?

You and the team definitely should evolve this into a whole story progression, with the ability to go into (some) houses, read signs, travel around, fight monsters, party members (if desired) and the lot! I might be getting carried away with the features there, but the base is really there.