Possible Ideas for the ACT System:
So I might change some things in the act system. I'm NOT getting rid of any features, but instead I'm thinking of adding features. So here's the idea. I have two way to talk to NPC's. Advanced and Simple. If you pick simple, you get the basic way to talk to people, like I showed before.

But then there's advanced.
Advanced is where you can be super specific. It's basically like forming a sentence. For example, you can start a sentence with the word like who, what when, where, why, and how. so if I pick where, then I get the options "are we?", "can I find _____?" "are my items?" So I can create, "Where are we?", "Where can I find _____?" "Where are my items?" I don't know how complicated I'll make it, but it is something I want to do. However I'm mainly gonna focus on creating the Simple part of the ACT System first.