Ago Blinking, a solodev currently working in Godot. I use to be in the MMO industry for a long time, now I make smol MORPGs. I have a ton of HTML5/JS knowledge from my prior life!
I wish I possessed the knowledge you do Goblin Life. It is amazing what you've learned from actually directly interacting and learning from this industry! No jealousy here though, just admiration for your talents. Years ago, I got into the Table Top Gaming hobby and have grown quite a collection! Just playing all those different games made possible with chitboard and plastic...small bits of metal, cardboard etc. and being amazed and inspired by the design alone giving me the ability to see another world and be fully immersed in it started my interest in game design. It was just this past year, regarding video games, that I happily discovered a "fantasy console" called Pico-8! I've been learning bit by bit how to create games with it and that journey has been a fun one indeed! Here's to a love that we all share for gaming!
Hi everyone!
I’m MirathMal, and while I have no game writing experience - this is why I’m here! A lot of Game Writing/Narrative Design courses are around £700 or more, so I decided to have a look around and try and gain some experience and knowledge.
I’m also curious about voice acting, but I don’t get a lot of privacy in my house so I doubt the quality of my attempts.
(And, well, to have some fun with likeminded peoples)
I believe we are "cut from the same cloth" MirathMal! It's very nice to meet you and I look forward to future conversations. College is something I would still, despite my age (going to be 39 later this year), love to pursue. However, the cost of tuition now and days is jaw dropping. Even Vocational schools to pick up a trade forces to student to seek financial aid from a large bank that will happily receive consistent payments from you for years to come, even well after your graduation and hopefully with you working in your field of study...
I believe that you believe in the value of pure and unaltered passion! Interest, curiosity and passion can take you on a wonderful journey. I sincerely, wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. I too have an interest in acting and voice acting myself! Perhaps in the future, we could bounce some ideas back and forth and maybe even learn from each other! :) Take care MirathMal!
I'm MirrorFalldev, a solo game developer currently making a puzzle-RPG hybrid game of the same name. I started working with Unity in 2020 along with skills in Blender, and Aseprite.
The demo can be found at:
And for updates, my Twitter can be found at:
It's very nice to meet you Galaeth Games and I look forward to your future work! The fact that you started on this journey from a young age until present day tells me that you possess a natural talent for this. That, my future friend, is very special and it's something initiate that most likely can't explained or taught. You are blessed and I'm very happy that you are continuing on this path. I hope this platform brings you as much joy as it's been bringing me these past few hours exploring it!
Hey there! Online I'm a pixel artist who is creating a megaman inspired fighting game, hopefully I don't drop this one like the many projects I've dropped before. Outside of my online persona I'm a web developer who wants to transition into game development.
I really appreciate what is going on with the community and I want to be part of that!
Hey there Weazel Tech! You've definitely got a talent for pixel art and I wish you luck in your Mega Man/Rock Man inspired fighting game! I remember playing Capcom's Mega Man: Power Battle in my local arcade and I still play it from time to time on MAME! I hope your project comes to fruition! I shall wait patiently and ponder the fighting styles you'll incorporate into this game! I wish you the very best of luck!
Hello, hello! I'm David and I'm a native of New Orleans, LA. I've moved to Connecticut and have been living here for almost 14 years. I'm a new father and my baby boy is 20 months old. My boy Henri is a blessing to me. I can't wait until he's old enough to game with his mom and dad! That will be amazing! I've also studied since the age of 3, at art of magic and illusion. That interest in that field of study has always been constant for me and I've been wondering as of late if "the magic bug" will bite my son too or if he'll simply tell me later in life, "Please put the cards away dad, you're going to embarrass me in front of my friends!" :D Either way, all good. Time will tell as it always does.
My screen name is a play on words. Back in the 80s instead of "Shumps" we said "Shooters". I love saying Shump and will continue to! Shout out to the ShumpJunkie! His channel is amazing and re-fueled my love and passion I once had for this type of game! In New Orleans around that time too, I remember saying/asking, "Sup Homie?" to my friends and/or people I wanted to hit up in conversation. So I combined those two things together to make my screen name.
Even though I'm a hardcore fan of that particular genre, it was Pig Farmer's/Puppet Combo's and Kitty HorrorShow's work that I viewed on YouTube via John Wolfe's channel that brought me here today! What a great time to join too! I spent a little over 30 bucks, taking advantage of the Summer Sale getting a Puppet Combo Bundle, then also contributing funds to the amazing project and cause: Worthy of Better, Stronger Together for Reproductive Rights; getting a HUGE savings on an utterly OBSCENE amount of games/apps/fiction and even some TTRPG goodness!
I had to nab Anatomy by Kitty HorrorShow also! I've had to have watched John Wolfe's playthrough of it 4-5 times! Played it for the first time today and it won't be the last! I'm an aspiring artist/writer/creator myself and the writing in that game, to me, is utterly amazing! The audio comparisons and analogies of the different parts that make up a house to parts of the human body... Bravo! Very, very innovative! Psychological Horror of the highest order! Proud to own it now!
Furthermore, this community and platform is amazing! I've had time today to explore this platform and I hope one day to contribute some creation of mine to this platform. Even if that doesn't happen though, the fact that I could interact with other fans of the work and indie developers/designers is fantastic! This platform hosts some truly amazing work, from the ridiculously fun to the thought provoking and highly experimental type of game/app/fiction/etc...! This is my first day here, but I can't believe how many hours have gone by exploring this place! I definitely feel at home here. I look forward to discovering new talent and future conversations with great people! Take care guys!
Hey guys. Been here about 3 or 4 months. Been making soundtracks for 3 years and games for about a year or so. I focus on immersive dark fantasy type environments and themes. I've got a new blizzard survival game coming out soon! All our products are Pay what you want so if you are looking for a cheap or a free decent quality game check out our page! There's several games and soundtracks available.
Donations most welcome of course but your enjoyment is even more welcome
Oh it's going great. Due to some problems, I had to make it over all least twice( this is my third attempt). However, all the experience I've acquired made it possible for me to cover a whole lot of ground in a short period of time. I've been working on the game ever since the beginning of this year. Despite it's difficulties, making games is a lot easier than I thought. I've already made a first person shooter that is on but, if I'm being honest, I'm not too proud of; I just made it to prove to myself that I know how to make games. The first person shooter that I'm making, will truly live up to my standard of what I consider to be a decent shooter.
I know what you mean. I just released my first game, and it took me more than a year and the project was very messy. I think I learned that it's good to invest some time in organizing your code because, especially for larger projects, messy code can become a huge obstacle later on (I had to fight with the code for my game for hours sometimes and it was frustrating) Also maybe it's good to spend a few days thinking through your idea, write down a summary of your game, draw some sketches of your idea (even if they're crappy MS paint drawings, you get a bit of visual reference to look at when you start making the game, it doesn't need to be well-drawn) and get a solid basis for what it is you're going to make before you start actually building the game. I think the main mistake I made was knowing what type of game I wanted to make, but not thinking about a theme or art style until after the fact. These are a few things I didn't do with my first game that I kind of wish I had done and have done with my current project (which has gone much smoother) I think it's solid advice, so I wanted to share. Good luck of course!
Im Aspen and i like making nonserious games meant for free entertainment and usually they have graphics youd see in a web game from 2012 (mainly since im shit at graphics), whenever i make a game i try and make something i havent done before and havent seen made alot before, i also like messing around with physics since thats always fun.
Hello Guys,
I'm Olivér Kovács, a Hungarian composer. I have been composing music since I was 14. I'm here because I would like to sell my music packs, and I'm searching for a game project to participate in. If you have an exciting video game project, feel free to contact me! :)
Here's my best tracks on SoundCloud:
Hey i'm Antz I am an independent game developer with 2 years of experience in Unreal Engine. I produce my own beats using garage band and I also enjoy using pixilart for artwork (I used pixilart for all my sprites in my game). My released game is " The Forbidden Web " (Click here -> if you want to try it) It is a 2D platformer game with all self made music and self made characters/ animations/ levels etc. I would say 2D animations has been the hardest part because of all the redesigning over 1 wrong pixel.
Hey I'm Walter Massenhove, I've been making games with Unreal Engine for 4 years and really enjoy creating games, also worked on a VR project but it's not what I prefer.
I've released a game named A Maze In on and I hope you will like it :
What I really love is playing with procedural generation, I like not knowing what the levels I've coded will look like !
Huh, I never realized that the Itch app actually had a forum. Expect me to be active here.
That said, my name is Nëïgsëndöïg Cöcülës (Neeg-sen-doyg Ko-kyu-uhls). I'm a gamer with almost 18 years of experience, and essentially a jack-of-all-trades in terms of gaming. I'm a user of Linux and Open-Source software, and plan on doing this for the rest of my life (mainly due to my threat model being relatively low, but I won't get there). I don't just game, as I also play music, write, create content on YouTube (CoculesNation for those interested), and mainly whatever I can get my hands on.
In terms of Game Dev, I did take a class in 12 grade US, but never got to code for those purposes. I was thinking of using an open-source engine with C++ as my language of choice. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Say you take Fedora, but fix up a lot of different aspects to make it point and click, but also high performing for gamers and content creators. That's what GloriousEggroll did with Nobara. If you go to, you'll find what he did for this project, with no affiliation to Fedora, despite being a Fedora engineer himself.
I'm Mike,
I've been playing video games since the Nintendo days. I love JRPGS and Adventure games. I love Final Fantasy Games as well shooters. Music is a major component for me in any game I play. It can literally make or break a game for me.
A year ago I got into composing music for fun. I've learned a lot in the past year and still have much more to learn but I've had fun creating music. I hope to get better and better with time. I'll be post projects from time to time.
See you out there!
Who am I? I ask myself that a lot. A cat-owned reclusive author probably sums me up. Oh, and a game player. I started with an Atari 2600, then Atari 600XL, C64, Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, then a 486. Various PCs with Windows, now moved on to Linux (Mint Cinnamon) for my new PC. Though I still play C64, Amiga and Spectrum games. :-) I recently redid my website to focus just on my books:
I'm best known for space opera - my Lost Solace books (long-awaited book three out this month!). Oh, and all my books are reduced to 0.99 this week only as my summer sale.
One day I'd like to investigate game jams or ways to licence people to create stuff based on my Lost Solace books.
Hello everyone!
I'm Giorgos, an aspiring game developer with almost 2 years of Unity experience, and am somewhat of a 2D artist, mainly drawing pixel art. I've been on a road to finishing a single game project recently, but it's been a non-stop flood of ideas and too many implementations of them, which led to all of my projects being abandoned.
A few months back, I started a fan project, which I was sure I could finish, and even decided to make a dev-vlog about it. It was a boss-battle platformer, based on the manga "Chainsaw Man", and after grueling months of set-up for the game (making the code, the assets, etc...), I was demotivated to the point where I decided to move on from it, finding it difficult to both program and make the assets for the game.
Right now, I'm recuperating from game dev, and potentially finding an art partner for future projects, in case either of us will need to motivate the other to finish our project(s) :)
Hello, I am regularGAMES! (don’t ask why the games is capitalized but not the regular.) Anyways I’m a game developer who knows nothing of real programming, but much of Scratch! I am hoping to make the most interesting games of the hour by trying to do the best I can and to please other people. I have a game beta released called “Minute”, you can check it out but it’s not much! Anyways I better be going byyeyeyeyeeee!!!.!.
Nice to e-meet you here and there. I am Arfiana Maulina or simply call me Arfiana, currently living in Jakarta, I aspire to expand my insight on Technology since I am an enthusiast! I am also learning how to build a website and UI/UX.
Some people notice me on Tik Tok talking about CV/Interview/Resume or the viral story of "Lulus SMA Magang di 6 Tempat Bersamaan" or maybe from the press.
I have been in more than 15+ companies in the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia (Start-up, FMCG, Agency, NGO, Bank, part of Government, and performing ads across ASEAN-Australia, and now Game Industry) as a Marketing Intern.
Talking to almost all University students in Indonesia as a speaker with more than 100+ events, you can also search me on Google for more.
Good news! currently, I am taking part in Indigo Game Startup Incubation Batch 5 as Marketing for Mushroomallow Studio. I like to help you to expand your Game market too
I am also the founder of
Watery Nation or PT Tirta Artha Internasional to find eco-friendly detergent!
Tik Tok and my favorite place!
Dribble/Behance/Twitch Arfiana Maulina
I am looking forward to any collaboration! Portfolio of Game Marketing on my Twitter Thank you!!
My video game experience started with Space Wars and Pong. I got an Atari 2600 when it came out. I've casually played games on different consoles throughout my life. However, at the arcade, if there wasn't a Space Duel, I put my quarters into pinball and pool. My money went a lot further that way.
I learned a bit about programming teaching myself on my high school's TRS-80 Model IIIs. The staff had no idea what to do with them, so they let the few of us who were interested figure it out. My 1st home computer was a Sinclair ZX81. I did very little with the membrane keyboard. I moved up to an Atari 1200XL. I mostly programmed graphics and music. In college, I once sat in the library avoiding learning spreadsheets by writing a code breaking game in QBasic on a TRS-80 so I could sit there and play it. That's my only game so far.
I've been making many styles of art, craft, and music with various analog and digital devices most my life. I walked away from 2 computer graphics jobs in the 80's. I have a natural desire to create, but I was out of place among the business people who requested my services. So, I've been creating home décor, analog games, and gifts. My music has never been in demand. People would say my stuff sounds like video game music. I'm about to put that apparently natural ability to use. About a year ago, I started looking into making 2D video games.
About 5 years ago, I had a desire to put my dreams, which for me are eerie warnings of false realities in my waking state, into a 3D game. I got Blender's shortcuts down and learned things like parallax occlusion mapping in Unreal. I used Camel Audio's Alchemy to make unnerving new age music. Having spent most my life studying and working in the horror industry, the project was pretty frightening. I then had a revelation that frightening everyone wasn't going to fix anything. I got rid of my gaming rig I had acquired just for this purpose and got a laptop which I still use. I also got rid of my electric guitar and got a classical.
By the summer of 2020, my digital creativity was mostly with Arduino. Then, I watched V for Vendetta play out in real life. The Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality introduced me to I was awed by the amount of mental exploration and discovery before me. I saw multiple pasts and paths. I found similarities and patterns. I found people who seemed to want to progress no matter what. The place felt unflappable. I experienced gaming in new ways and realized a lot about myself through the expressions of others. I am unable to give back monetarily at this point in my life, but I want to contribute through sharing. Through rigorous experimentation with games on itch, I've come to enjoy 2D pixel platform games the most. I've also come to appreciate the ease and unfolding complexity of Godot. My 2D platformer will always be free. I will enable the donation option, with 10% to itch, as I have been in debt with no income.
I'm having a good time being part of the many avenues of expression here. I appreciate all of you.
Hi everyvody, Frank Eno' here, running my own XSGames startup since 2013!
I'm a game, web and app developer, musician (guitar player), father of 4, writer, I mean, a creative man :)
Here's my last game published here on Itch:
Hi All. I'm JudyIscariot, a software developer for the last 8 years who is learning Unity to finally use my skillset for something fun rather than just my day job. My hope is to release a couple mystery / horror games in the near future after I've spent some time tinkering. Hope to talk to more of you soon :)
Hi all, I'm Liam.
I'm a writer and creative writing teacher in Hong Kong. I'm making an episodic crime visual novel in order to try to give my students and fellow HK-based writers an outlet for their writing talents. (We have very, very few platforms to write here.)
Very interested in chatting to anyone (Especially if you're also in HK) and always happy to provide feedback!
I'm HataVNI. I co-run multiple communities in the visual novel & eroge scene with my friends and I'm a big community person. I love visual novels more than life, so I dedicated myself to them and shape communities. I'm from Germany and I'm 26 years old.
I'm a translator & proofreader for the language pairings English to German, Japanese to English/German and German to English. My German and English skills are both native level. I run a translation company which we're going to announce in the Help Section here once the website for it is finished.
Very interested in chatting with everyone here and learn something about indie development.
Hi I am Roopesh. I am newbie in Game Dev. I have been learning and making games in Unity for past 4 months. There's a lot about this work I am still getting to know, I am glad there is a community like this, it's really helpful. I am going to start my first game (self-made), I hope you get to play it on Itch.! Thanks everyone!
Hello! I'm Fearcode, a low-level graphics programmer trying to create my own first serious game in my free time.
I'm making my own engine to create this game. No, it's not because I like pain, but because I work programming game engines.
So yeah I basically have a notepad with steroids as the whole framework for my game, wish me luck ಥ_ಥ
Hello everyone!
My name is Amel, I'm currently developing a visual novel type game alone: "Mysteries of the Twos". For now, this game will only be available in French (But I'm planning to release an english version if enough people are interested in my project).
This is my first ever project/game, and for now only the Prequel is available. I'm making this game alone, in my spare time, from coding, to drawings and even musics (some of them :D).
Here's the link if you're interested: Mysteries of the twos
Thank you for reading this far :)
MelaEliera, creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos"
Hello everyone !
My stage name is "Siviovi", a small game developer from Romania but with a YouTube beginning.
I started a YT project and I want to help small game developers to grow as much and as fast as possible by making a video about their creations.
So, I want to BUY GAMES, play, and then express my opinion.
I will leave a link with an example and who has or knows someone who needs a little advertising, go to my account in the COMMUNITY section and leave a comment there!
I'm waiting!
I'm Jay working on game that's stated below.
Please try out and let me know your comments in the game page
Thank you. Have Fun!
Twitter RushAtGames ; YouTube Channel
Hi all!
My name is Rhys and I'm a part time indie game developer, currently developing games for Unity.
I've worked for a few small game development/software companies as a tech artist, programmer and occasionally a musician. Some of the more notable projects that I've worked on are Wales Interactive's: Master Reboot, Gravity Badgers and the trailer for Soul Axiom and Blind Sky Studio's: Mandagon - but I've been developing games since MUD's were popular :P.
My favourite things I've done game developer wise has been making silly music/voice acting.
Playing wise, I have a thing for text based games, the Sega glory days and anything competitive with a K/D or a scoreboard :/
Other hobbies include playing guitar/vocals in a metal band (black metal is my jam), painting, history/eastern philosophy and... Collecting more hobbies.
I'd love to mash up all the things I've mentioned above and make something really unique. Time is the enemy.
If anyone wants to chat about games/mostly anything else drop me a reply. This looks like a great community and I'm looking forward to getting involved in it :)
Hey Rhys, I'm BoneScab and I'm a 15 year old professional couch potato and amateur video game player :). My skills include being able to hold a controller and occasionally pressing the right buttons by accident. I'm really looking forward to trying out the games you develop, especially if they include a button for pizza delivery. Can't wait to chat more about games and your other hobbies, especially the black metal band thing, never heard of that before!
Hiiiiiiii my online name is Za (and usually every name starting with z) I am trying to make my own game through twine and bitsy because i know no coding. I really really like doing fun projects like making games and i would be extremely open to doing other things which including creating anything. I also wanna try dnd and lots of other things and I am open to anything, ALSO im underage and quite young so pls nothing +18 but im good with gore, blood and horror. I would love to talk to everybody :3
I'm a composer of melodic music for games. Let me know if you need music for your game. Listen to my recent samples at Discord GrezureMusic#3220
Sample: A recent composition for Project Star Head. Spacey, lonely feel with guitar, strings and synth often mentioned to be reminiscent to the Donkey Kong Country series.
Hello all. I’m Kit.
I’ve been making small games for at least 4 years now. Only recently did I decide to start uploading my games on Itch. I have a catalog of 30+ games in various states of polish. I will most likely not be uploading all of them here, but the goal is to add as many as can be considered playable. My work covers a lot of genres and styles, both artistically and in gameplay.
All my work to date is in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With very little use of any libraries or engines. This forces me to keep things simple and direct. You’ll find that most of my games only take a few minutes to understand and play. I tend to build in public over on Codepen. So you can find many of my games on there as well.
I’m open to chatting about my work and the processes involved.
Hopefully I can earn your follows, comments, rating, and more.
Keep it spicy out there.
We are Horns Level Up Games, a small team of 2 from Italy.
We are Keepingfaka, main developer and composer, and Mihldkae, the developer helper and artist.
We love old school games and adventures, creepy and strange athomsphere but also cute ^-^
We started working on our first game almost 2 years ago, in the spare time after work and finally we released it free this year in november on Steam and now her on!
It's an adventuere puzzle game set in the forest.
If you wanna try it here's the link : Spirits of Baciu - Prologue.
We hope you enjoy it! Feel free to ask any questions :)
I am Krisse Tuominen. My age is 42 and as a huge science fiction Nerd, I love it.
I've been dibble-dabbling my whole with tabletop and paper and pencils RPGs. I am happy that my edgy lordy home-printed and xeroxed zines from my teenage years in 'the 90s are nowhere to be found. Those would make anyone cringe nowadays. I have evolved and developed a lot after those times. For example, a functioning brain.
Now in my later years, I've been published in the finely printed magazine (the Game-themed Sarjari magazine Spring 2020), and digitally in Savage World's SWAG -publishing program (Fall 2020). I've been publishing material in DriveThrough, since the latter part of 2020, using my publishing label Coming Through RPGs. I am publishing my own fanzine Parempia Ruumita aka Bettah Bodeeschz, and Take the Edge -magazine which is dedicated and licensed to publishing material for the Atlas Games' Over the Edge the 3rd Edition.
Now I have arrived at a very nice and warm place called I've played a lot of amazing indie games here, and communicated with totally awesome peeps. And I've managed to participate in two Games Jams here. The first one was Friday the 13th Ringling Game Jam. I managed to publish the first draft of Everyday can be Your Lucky Friday the 13th if you're (un)Lucky & Superstitious Enough TTRPG. I've got good feedback about it, and now I continue developing the game even further. The second jam I am participating in is 12-Word RPG Jam and I submitted my minimalistic nano-RPG Fallen Under the Darkness for it. I have received very kind and nice comments and feedback for it. People seem to love the game as much as I loved to make it. I have a few other 12-word TTRPGs under construction and I keep on jamming on the 12-word RPG Jam.
I am currently also in other cool Jams because I love how many things are happening here right now. So awesome to be able to take part in this all.
Have a Good Day, Mornin, Day and Night!
Wishing You all Good,
Krisse Tuominen,
an RPG enthusiastic from the bottom of my heart.
my name ultranochos, but you can call me ultra. my name comes from a misspelled roblox username that i use, so yes, the misspell is intentional. i started using after creating 15 games i never uploaded, and cant ever upload. however, you can still play tem as i put a link to 13/15 of the other games i made in a devlog. i like to make crude drawings for the covers of my games, but there pretty bad. im also 12 years old, so my games aren't professional at all.
Greetings everyone!
I'm excited to be here and share my VR game that I've been working on for awhile now (Available Later this month). I'm hoping to gain feedback and make some new friends in the process. If you're interested in game development or need help with Unreal Engine, I have an active Discord channel at and a YouTube channel with tutorials at Looking forward to connecting with all of you!
I am someone that said $50 was too much for an update, even though I bought Inheritance Ladeina's Path last year, I now no longer have access to the game page. That speaks volumes. So now you know me, a gamer for 30 years, but you know more about the dev, who has only raised $37 of a 3.000 total. I am not surprised...
Greetings everyone, my name is Matt. I am the Founder of a small independent game studio, StormRend Studio, where we specialize in creating captivating 3D games using the powerful Unreal Engine. In addition to our in-house projects, we also offer freelance services for clients seeking expert Unreal Engine solutions. If you're curious about our work, feel free to visit our page on, where you can find a few of our recent projects. We are excited to become an active member of this community and look forward to sharing our work and engaging with others in the industry. Wishing you all the best
Hi! I'm CyberPhoenix and I'm new to I've been wanting to get a job in the gaming industry but haven't had any luck with it. It was suggested to me to join to get my name out their a bit but contributing to peoples projects and making and putting up my own assets, etc up here. I also know a lot of stuff about the history of video games and am also willing to share my experiences with game development and messing around with projects of my own in unity to help out those who are new to unity or game development as a whole.
Hello, I'm NaN and I own smelly pizza. I'm new to this, hope to learn a lot from you guys. P.S forgive my English.
Yes, but some what like rotten mozzarella cheese with a hint of blue cheese.
W̸̧̡̡̨̨̛̼̥̤̲̣͕͖͉̰̪̻̩̘̦̳̫̥͚̲͇͕̹̯̜̻̻̼̞͚̖̦̥̠̪̰̱̫̒͐̿̅̈́̈́̀̀̾͆͋͗̒̐̐̿̍̂̿̉͛̈́̇̈́̒̓́̿̉̌́̊͗̈́̈̀̈́̅͋̈́͑͆͂̚͘̕̕͜ͅͅȨ̴͕̇͌̌͂͝Ļ̶̛͉͓̗̪͔̲̼̠̬̮͕͎̘̙̀͗̄́̅̃̒̐̏̆̒̇̽̚C̸̨̡̢̼̹̞̱̻̼̭̰͉̻̖̤͉͔͎̳͕̘̰̖̹͕̜͐͂͜͝Ǫ̴̨̧̛̝̬͔͖̞̮͎̰͍̲͚͉͇͙̼͍͍̟̱̞̖̪͈̱͕̻̲̤͖͍̜̼͖͚̰͖̥̰͑́̊̄̈͐̈́̏̇̔͑́̊́̽̋̓̌̃͛̒̾̍̋̆͒̀́̅̏̓̏̀̍̇́̄̏̌͂̀̀̔̕͘͘͜͝͠M̶̡͎̼̯͙͍͔͈̝̩͈̎͜Ę̴̢̧̢̨̨̢̛̛̛̰͉̬̗̗͙̠̩͕͎̗̱͖̜̹̼̣̮͈̫̲̪̙͔̣̟̫̗͉͈̬̦̞̲͉̮̞͖͈̪̦͒̓͐̀̋̆̌͐̅̈͛͛̃̉͂̀̌̒̀̂̌͒̈̀̂̇̽̂̏͗͘̕͜͜ ̷̡̢̧̧̙̣͎͚̙̗̜̹̣̦͕̞̮̜͖̦̠͖̲̱̱̜̹̹̙͓̫̝̠͔̝̦̹͎̥̥́͒́̿͒̓͌̅̾̇̄̓͠͝ͅṬ̶͉͖̯̱̻̟̺̪̼͓̞̬̩͉̼̱̪̠͇̺̲͔̅́͠͝O̴͖̾͊̀̒̾͆̏̋̄͒̃̑̈́͗̔͗͐̽͊̀̇͐̀͛̇̈́́̇́̽̿́͂̂͛̓̊̂̂̔̋͂̈́͝͝͝ ̸̨̼͖͍̳̥̳̝̄̈́͂̾͒́́̑̀͜͜ͅͅT̷̲̩͎͈̗̪̠̙̗͎̯̗̭̺̦͈̭̯͔̠͆͗̈́̇̾̾̉͒̉̄̅̑̇̈͌̇̈́̈͊̌̋̎͊̏́̉̊̑́͑̓͘̚͜͝͝H̷̡̧̢̥̞̪̩̘̙̮̻̬̣̳͙͔̭͕̦̙͚͍̱̮̘͖̞̳̝̘͖̾̑̊͒̄̈͆̈̇̍͂̃͗̌̒͋̌̊̎͗͗̀̃͝͝͝ͅȨ̸̧̨̧̨̡̛̛͈͉͙̺̙̠̞̭̹͔̭̗̳͕͔̯͇͈̲̝̙̜͍̣̗̈̄͊̌̇̽̿̈́͗̋͗̇͂͆̍̄̊̔̓͋̓̀̆̿̈͊͂̋̉̐͗̐̋̀̅̌͘͜͝͝͝ ̴̧̧͔̤̮̳̯͔̜͚͙̮͚̺̜̲̻͖͇̥̞̺͔͓̓̀͂̾́̔̏͊͊ͅṲ̴̧̳̳̹̬̯̦̳̙̖͈̫̮͍̥̲̬̭̤̼̑͆͊̓̀̿́̊̀̆̋͜͝Ņ̵̡̡͎͖͓̙̩͙̜̪̬̗͓̱̩̹͙̱͖͔̭͖̰͍̰̗͔̞̫̗̟̣̘͗̎̑̾̃̋͂̍͑̎̍̾͋̈͗̅̾̉̈̿̿̓͛͛̇̅̾̚͝ͅD̴̡̢̡̢̗͈͎̰̥͈͎̪̤̰̙̭̤̘̙͈̻͉̗͚̰͖͇̖̲͎̘͉̺̩̜̯͇̭̟̱͍͑͑͜͠Ę̴̢̨̡̡̨̛̛͙͇͔̗͙̣̲̺̯͍̖̹̼̩͓̥̫̫̜̜̝̲̟͙̱̲̤͍̠̦̬̖͚̻̬͈̱͈̼͕̄̈́͐͊̓́̅̋͛̔̒̀̓̔͒̑́́̓͋̆̆̄̌̑͛͆͛̑̿̈̈́́̓̂̍̿̑͆̕̚͜͜͠͠͝͝͝͝R̵̢̡̧̭̯̰̩̯̲̺̻͔͕̜̪̫̝͉̃̓̓͋̒̈͜͠ͅǦ̵̨̧͓͇͖̻͓̙̖̱̖̲̠̝̲͇̪̯̤̺͎͍̭̣͍̯̝̹̳͊̀́̓͊͊́͌̈́̑̀̉̑͆̑͗̊̕̚̕͝R̷̡̨̢͙̹͕̝͚͙̥̫̘͈̲̼̼̜͚̙͔̞̙͖̟̹̙̠̤̤̬͉̹͑̉͆̑̄̄̂̿̅̽͒͊̀͜͜͝ͅǪ̸̛̛̛̼͙͈̥̭̗̲̙͙̞̬̳̦͉̪̝͖̣̞͉͍̦̳̣̥͙̾͋̑͆͆̾̇́̅̀̂̅̒̅̌̈́̉͛͑́̀̑͐͑̌̾̽̆̔̎̈́̋̈̀̋́͝U̴̡̧̨̨̡̻̦͎̳͍͍̬̰̻̺̥̜̤̟̰͚̹̦̬͕͍̳̘̠̳͈̱͙̠̲͉͇̰͕̘͙̓͆̉̑̋͂͌͊̑͋̉̚N̵̢̡̩̝̙͙̰͓̦̯̲̻͎͙̱̳̭̩̰͖̥̳̝͐̊̓̔́̈́ͅD̵̢̢̛̝͍̫̠͖̬͖̞̟̟̈́̽̓̆̓̅̋̾̂̐̋͂͊̏͘͠͝͝
Hey there, I'm Vinícius - a game programmer, designer, and translator from Brazil. I recently released both 'A Dolphin's Tale' and 'A Wolf's Tale', and I'm excited to connect with new people who share my passion for narrative-based games. As a fan of solo TTRPG experiences, I'm always on the lookout for new ways to create immersive gameplay. Feel free to check out my page to learn more about my work and stay up-to-date on my latest projects.
Looking forward to connecting with you!
What is it, Ancient Steve language or a working v4 onion link from the future.(Looks like hidden wiki to me) ⊙﹏⊙
Hi everyone it's probably a little bit late to introduce myself since i've been on itch for about the last 5-6 months but here goes. My name is Daniel and i'm from Scotland my profile name is DannySmashChamp which i picked originally for yoyo games as irony as when smash bros brawl was first released i took part in a tournament playing as link and got absolutely destroyed in the first round by someone playing as zelda. I've been prototyping various ideas for games originally for gamemaker 7 (i currently use gamemaker 8, i have used studio but went back) since i was about 15 (I'm now 32) minus a few years when i did consider giving it up altogether but true passions never die. I've also studied HTML5 & CSS3 when i was at college. I have only released my noughts and crosses game (which i was quite happy with the results of so decided to publish it when i joined itch) and my passion project which is Zelda which i have learned soooo much from as i've been making it so decided to publish that as well even though it's still in the development stage (but improving all the time) so everyone who is interested can play it and hopefully see the results as it continually gets updated. Marketing for these games has been impossible for me to do as i actively ignore social media as i think it can be quite a toxic environment and for me it doesn't mix with (don't really want to get to personal here but various anxieties) and also the fact it is a zelda game i have seen so many comments throughout the years about Nintendo and the dreaded Cease and Desist action that could be taken gulp. Anyway i'm starting to ramble a bit so i'll finish here with a thanks for reading.
Hi 👋
I'm Dennis from Germany and currently working on two games that I hope I can finish before my studies start in October. They both take place in the same world and have almost the same events, but one is in the form of a Visual Novel explaining the story in-depth, and the other one is the 2D-Platformer version of it. That's about it, it's nice to be here 😁
Greetings :)
I'm not totally new to itch but I am trying to get more involved with the community, hence the introduction.
I have a couple of games here on itch, one of them is a beta for a planet collecting space sim. I am also working on a web game behind scenes
As I get back into the rhythm of game dev I hope to smaller games and experiences. I hope to find lots of inspiration from the community
Hi there! I am Nick. Not totally new in game development (when I was younger, was running my small game studio). I am a good manager, not bad storyteller, game designer. But I am very bad in coding and totally useless in the matter of creating art. So, I am trying utilize what I have to launch some new games. So, I am going to use simple solutions for getting maximum outcome (most of my art in games will be AI generated for sure).
Getting back to game development after very long break is much harder than doing it first time, but I still have best hopes.
If you are using Telegram and interested in AI generated content for games, check out my channel. I am posting AI stuff for games, cool gifs, my cat pictures and just different sorts of junk I find interesting.
Or if you want discuss AI content\weather\my cat\game development - feel free to join small Telegram chat.
Hey! I'm Hammad and I've been making Unity games for 5 years now and do 2D character design. I also program in Python and dabble every now and then in HTML. I'm currently working on a few mobile games and way too many game jam projects at the same time.
Hi everyone,
My name is Michael, I grew up playing the Sega Master system and Megadrive (Genesis) and I still own most games consoles from the 80s to now. I love platformer games and Pixel Art, my absolute favourite game is Comix Zone on the Megadrive.
I started making video games a few years back, originally building games for Mobile, aside from that, I was doing contracts for other companies etc. I have now started my own Indie Games studio called MI Pixel, I am the sole person at the studio, so, I do the design work (with help from my other half), development work and have learned Pixel Art so I can do the art work too. I released my first game on Steam last year in Early Access and managed to bring it out of Early Access last month.
I am not too good at social/community boards etc but I am trying to learn how to be better at it xD
So, yeah, thats me. Hi! *waves"
yeah, I'm not that great at socializing myself tbh, but yeah, welcome to itch and I feel that if you need any advice or help with your projects, this is the place to go. Just going my your profile pick alone, I think you've got some serious skill with pixel art, lot easier than modelling, is something I would be saying if my current project wasn't going to involve it down the line because I foolishly decided I wanted to have 2d sprites in 3d environments and effects.
Thanks for the warm welcome CyberPhoenix150.
Yeah, my main skill I am lacking is marketing xD
Thank you for the kind words, I started learning pixel art a couple years back as I needed art in my games and I can't do other forms of it xD Aside from that, I like Pixel Art :D
Well, I hope you manage to work out the 2D and 3D combination, it can definitely be tricky!
Hello Everyone!
I am Zee, and I am not good at talking to people. I am starting to learn C++ for game development though. I want to become a game designer or just work in the field of game development since I was 11. I like pixel art games a lot! I love drawing, painting, skating, cooking, playing games and just binge watching youtubers play games or twitch streamers. Well I don't what to add so, I guess byee.
Hey my name is Tulpas and im an aspiring edm artist/producer and I've been wanting to branch out into making music for videogame soundtracks as well as potentially doing sound design too (i.e. sound fx and ambiance within the games). I joined because i personally dont really know where or how to start branching out into making music for videogames and i was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction
Hello everyone, my name is Pablo Roldan and I am a 49-year-old skater and filmmaker from Chile. I am here to share with you the exciting news about our small game development company, Metacapture, and our latest project, Dead Skate.
As a skater and filmmaker, I have always been fascinated by the world of skateboarding and its unique culture. When the pandemic hit, it inspired me to create a game that combined my two passions with a unique twist: zombies.
With the help of my team of five talented individuals, we have been working hard on Dead Skate, a thrilling and action-packed video game that combines skateboarding and zombies. We have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the development of a playable demo with two levels, three enemies, and two customizable outfits.
As a new developer in the industry, we are excited to bring a fresh perspective to the gaming world and offer something unique and exciting to players. We believe that our passion and dedication to the project, combined with the support of the gaming community, will help us achieve our goal of bringing the joy of skateboarding to the world, even in the face of a zombie apocalypse.
We appreciate any support you can give us, whether it be through our Kickstarter campaign or simply spreading the word about our project. Thank you for your time and we look forward to sharing more about Dead Skate with you in the future.
Hey everyone! I'm a hobbyist gamedev who enjoys participating in game jams with my friends.
I'm very passionate about video games. I'm even working on an undergrad research project about game features!
Hopefully my research will advance our understanding of video games and offer insights that are useful to game dev!
Pls consider filling out this survey if you have time. It will only take a few minutes!
I'm struggling to find participants so completing the survey will help me out a lot. Thanks!
Hey everyone. My Name is Sven. I´m actually a 3d artist and photographer but creating games is a big hobby. I´m currently working on a lot of titles for Windows, Android, WebGL and also for the Atari ST Homecomputer. Most of them are puzzle games but I´m also working on other genres.
Check out my games here:
hello im koen i make indie horror games for fun
check out my games here:
Hey all,
I'm Guy but normally go by Kimpo. I've been on here for a while but never really posted a heap. So thought I'd introduce myself and share what I do.
Been playing around with game development for a while now using game make and really enjoy it. I've made a couple of games, one is only on steam, a platformer which I'll add to Itch soon and the other I'm currently working on is a retro styled FPS. You can view the page here which I also have a demo, and it's definitely a good featured demo, just if you like the game style!
Otherwise I love game dev, also have a few assets on my page too.
Hope you enjoy what I've got and look forward to hearing from everyone!
Hi there, found out what a publisher does and I find that frankly quite interesting.
To raise project financing, and develop sales strategies. I used to work for Blockbuster and at the ti me, i smashed all national store sales targets, within a small town setting in Shropshire UK.
WhoKilledReno Games (
Currently I have this page.
Basically, I see all you developers, eager to work on projects for the Sega Megadrive and around that 8/16 bit era, and I hear Sega piss all over small projects and It's about time they met an unstoppable force.
I'm currently negotiating a sizable deal with an adult company.
I see Weed Factory Idle as being an asset to them, however. I want control of that game.
I have unlocked all levels on the game, it's fun, addictive and free to play.
However, there is a lot of bullshit advertising that comes with it.
They have been advertising an event and more levels for over a year now.
Green Panda Games have ignored my emails about the game more than 5 times.
I'm giving them 24 hours, and then Im going further up the ranks and emailing UBISOFT,
Basically, they are ignoring a potential sale of a game, no matter if i crowdfund my business operation
or find a buyer. I have 4 potential buyers I could contact, of people who are going to take this mobile game and treat it with the respect it deserves.
Hi All , (“,) we are Omen Studios we are an Indy Team hoping to release our first RPG vampire based Game. Please check out our brand new comic release which will be pulled into the game.
No time to play, i am not harassing this peraon. I need to teach him nit to post any nsfw content here.
IF its true obviously, then you will now think of it.
And i will put this.
You idiot.
In this community, it's positive or BE positive.
Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this!?
And because of it, i would advice that the admin should mark this an nsfw
hi I'm zeal 😻 I make pixel art assets and I'm a learning video game developer, I love funny stuff so if you have any games with humours please suggest me
Here's my art asset btw :
So you can get an idea duh
omggg i should link my tumblr here u go :D
purple is one of my favorite colors too. Do you like orange? Because i like them nd use them in my geometry dash icons.
ye i like orange, infact a character in my game is orange
Hi all, I'm creating games for adults with my team.
Our current project is 3DXChat - Multiplayer Online 3D Adult Game, Community & Virtual World
I also want to publish some of our games on this platform:
Hey everyone ! I'm Gloomy, a new indie horror developer ! ! I'm also an artist, I recently just finished my first game in Ren'Py which is a psychological horror VN about forgetting anti psychotics , it is very meaningful to me as it is a project I created to cope with my disorder . I've never made a game before so this is all very exciting ! I'm currently working on 2 other projects in Godot 4 ! An open world dreamscape PS1 graphic horror about conquering guilt & a chill aquarium simulator full of cuttlefish to relaxin' music. I hope to meet some of you cool devs, I am very excited to be creating games and art ! !
Find me here, I'd love to make some friends ! Thank you to anyone who read my rambles ^^ <3
omg thak u, my lines are all funky because my hands shake all the time but im trying to take advantage of that
and yea, when i take my meds i always feel so sleepy afterwards so i take them at night, but that also means i have trouble sleeping/stay up all night if i miss a dose so i always keep melatonin on me just in case
Look, i might get scared through those jumpscares. Maybe they have none?
Hey, my name is X(X-XX), and as -X-ScornGames im working on my first game.
I started with 14 learning the unrealed(1.0) for UT99 (Some will remember it :D) since that time i finally made my first good map and released it, i was in love with creating maps. After that I had quite a long break because of long time health problems i have(?) tourette syndrome (if aynone is not familiar with it and wants to know what this is all about: Tourette syndrome - Wikipedia)
As I recovered I started working on various maps for various games (Steam Workshop) for quite some time. And finally three months ago or so I started my first own game with the title Run! [Rapid Unscheduled Necrosis] , btw "founding" my own label -X-ScornGames . Im also doing development streams on twitch as well as sped up versions of the streams on youtube !
Still looking for people who want to join in, mostly modelers and scriptes (lua !!!:O), so if anyone is interested, feel free to get in touch with me :)
<3 @ all :)
Hiya, I'm Lil' Beastman! I'm fairly new to the public space, even though I've been making video games since childhood! I love games that have emotional impact and a message, so I hope to make games that leave an impression on others as they have on me. <3
As for what I make, right now I make Visual Novels, usually Romance. My passions are art, video games, and writing, so it feels like a logical conclusion! I have plans to branch out into RPGs in the future, but for now, I like making VNs. I have a couple games (if you wanna see them) but, I'm very happy to be part of the community!
Nice to meet all of you!!
Hi. My name's Vasco, I'm 13 and I have a passion for making games, especially 3D Horror Games.
I've been learning game development since the end of 2021. And in 2022 I started learning Unreal Engine. And by now, I have a Horror game called Death in Progress published here on
I know I'm not even a bit famous, but I want to thank everyone who played the game, you really don't know how much that means for me. Thanks for everyone who is subscribed on my Youtube channel and to whoever follows me on Instagram. We are a really really small community but I fell good with all of you :).
I know this won't go viral like it's obvious, but if you are still reading this and you've made it here to end, that already means a lot to me. See you ;)
Hi, I'm glad to be here and start my kind of journey. It will be great to post my work and progress as well as check out the work of others. This means a lot to me, so I'll try to do the best work that I can.
I'm working on a visual novel about comedy and tragedy in the end of the world. It's going well.
Sorry if I didn't say anything meaningful. I didn't post here because I didn't know what to say.
Hey How’s it Going? I am 1negroup (oneGroup) I am a bit new to making Games. I am Interested in making 2D Games but won’t limit myself to that. Beside Making Games I really enjoy making DevLogs about my Games as Well -
Oh hm. I’ve been here for quite a while, but I never got to introduce myself properly before, so. Hey.
I’m Historia-KQ (You can just call me Tori). I’m 20, and I love drawing and playing video games. Fire Emblem is a very big special interest of mine, but I also enjoy other media (i.e. Saint Seiya and Bee and Puppycat). I also love making OCs and cute critters.
Currently, I’m developing a game titled Mimosa and the Clocktower, and it’s a metroidvania with nursery rhyme-themed characters and the ability to manipulate time (how many times did I say that now…?). I’ve been working on it since 2022, and you can learn more about it here. Right now, I’m actively seeking for advice, help, and feedback about developing this game, so feel free to offer me those.
Hi there, everybody. I'm SteveL1990, and I'm a longtime gaming enthusiast from the D/FW metro area in Texas, and I joined a few years ago but until recently mainly just browsed and occasionally bought a few times to try someday. Not only am I a gamer(my first console game was Super Mario 64, and one of the first PC games I ever played was SimCity 2000), but also, I decided to become a game developer, too, some time ago.
I have yet to publish anything, but am trying to work on a few projects and I hope that, sometime soon, I may be able to start posting about them on a (somewhat) regular basis. Hopefully.
Hello beautiful people! I'm making low poly game ready assets. I'm always open to suggestions and criticism. Please take a look and tell me what do you think. Thank you!
Hey! My name's Matthew. I've been organising IRL roleplay and airsoft games for five years, then I switched to digital projects. I've been in game dev for a year already, and now I'm a game designer at lonchme studio.
We're passionate about making narrative PC games and currently working on our new horror P&C project, "Exilium". Personally, I'm doing quest and narrative design. We've been working on this project for quite a while and uploaded a short demo here before a Steam release. You may follow me on Twitter or Reddit if you are interested in such projects.
Peace, nice to meet you all!
Hello! my name is Rusty Horror I am a indie game dev that makes horror games! (if you couldn't tell already) . My pronounce are he/him and I won't reveal my age nor my country.
I am currently making my first game that will release on it's called HOUSE. HOUSE is a first person horror game that as ps1 aesthetic and is also inspired by the puppet combo games. the game will be sold for 3$ on and I am not sure if I will make a steam page maybe when I will got some money.
that it for me folks hi hope to have an amazing journey on this website. Good day/night
✝️ Hi everybody, I’m Santo, the developer of FLIKERIN🎃 and I’ve just published my new game call “SENZA OSSIGENO”which is FREE. It's a short satirical adventure game made in pixel art style, where the player will dialog with grotesque and creepy characters in a dark atmosferic world.✝️
but the sprites made by kenny reminds me of gdevelop's example game: old platformer.
I'm a C++ video game programmer. I have published one game so far called NybblyBits on
Hello! Im Unity game developer that just started making games for world! I was making games for like 2 years but didnt publishing it and they was actually really bad but now im making some good games and going to publish them on my account. For now, i only have this game called Witness, its alpha, but i think its not that bad, so if someone will check my game, leave comments! i want to know what should i change to make my game look better! Thanks for reading, goodluck!
We are @DandyMcStebb and @Candleh3arts. McStebb speaking.
We decided to combine my programming hobby with my partner's art skills to create a fledgling game studio. We completed a couple of game jams and have some bigger projects in the works. Candle has a soft spot for retro horror, so I can imagine a few of our projects will be themed around that. We look forward to our future as game developers!
^v^ McStebb
I'm RJ. (Determination709 is my username for itch.)
RJ the Determination!
You're new to this community. aren'tcha?
Golly, you must be so confused.
Someone ought to teach you proper manners.
guess the determined me will have to do.
And also please view the community rules in here
and remember.
In this community, its positive or be positive.
If you understand the rules, then lets go!
4 edits... bruh
Adult type?
Hi! I'm Paulo. I'm doing the art and coding side of things of this thing. O I are my cats, Olga and Isabel. You can find de music and audio side here: Eraser
I've recently started with development, I've been wanting to do something like this for years.
We are doing horror narrative games and a couple of weeks ago we finished our first game Reunion.
Nice to meet you all ^ ^
Hello everyone! Im one half of TheArtBros! I would like to officialy introduce myself as i am going through the motions of setting up my shop.
We offer a personalized service to Itch.Io buyers, creating anything that your mind can imagine through the power of AI image generation and our awesome prompt work. We use top-of-the-line tools such as StableDiffusion XL and LeonardoAI to get the job done. Our services include creating stickers, t-shirt designs, logos, ads, wallpapers, portraits, and more. We offer multiple concepts until we get your image exactly how you want it, and one revision of the final product if needed. Our images are 100% commercial use with the AI we use. We do not work with faces on pre-existing photos. Step into the future of creation and let us bring your ideas to life with our creative prompts and expertise!
Hiya! My name is Lavender and I want to get into making game assets and create new and exciting things that inspire others to make games ^^ currently I am trying to put together a 16x16 pack that contains everything one would need in order to make a game with. I would love to make friends here and get to know the community so we can help each other learn- I find the game dev community so diverse which is amazing. Every post I read I feel like I learn about something new !
I've been making things in aesprite/photoshop/graphicsgale for years, but I want to try and take things a step further and try and develop my skills to a professional level. I am interested in learning 3D art too and trying blender. Also curious about twitch/youtube streaming art demos... I heard lots of people love to watch others creating things including myself :3-but sometimes my process takes waaaay longer than expected and I am wondering if anyone would be patient enough to watch that.
Thank you itch for giving us a platform to make things and collaborate!~
Thank you for reading my post ^_^
Blessings to you,
Hi, I'm Marty, aka offgridgecko or just offgrid. Working on a golf game. I have a page set up for it but waiting to get some more people from my social connections before I "launch" on itch to try and get it a warm welcome. Nice to meet you all though even though it seems this thread has gotten one response in 7 years.
EDIT, I see, nm, they all at the bottom, haha.
Call me dreams. I like bringing my art, writing, music, and code together in…weird little things that I hope will add up to a weird bigger thing eventually. Released my second Weird Little Thing, Of the Firebirds, yesterday. So far just make stuff in vanilla JS, but started to learn Unity a bit last year and will probably dig back into that when I start needing more functionality.
Hello, I am Alex X. I study Game Design at Academy of Arts in my country, and I started with developing games about 2 years ago. I love many genres which includes Horror, Puzzle, Narrative, Action, Adventure and Visual Novels/Text Adventures. 3 days ago I released a real life shot found footage horror game "The Tape", and I am also a creator of Dollhouse, a narrative puzzle horror game set in a house with mannequins which represent dysfunctional family members. Currently I am making a slow progress with a parkour cyber game I am making with my friend, while also balancing my student life, my hobbies which include anime, manga, cooking... with student life and occasional social life (but currently I don't have it haha).
Wow. I've been here for a week and haven't introduced myself... Until now!
Hey guys, I’m Wasabi! I’m a solo dev working on a story-driven pixel art RPG game. I'm primarily an artist/pixel artist, but I have been honing my skills as an animator, composer, writer, and storyteller. I have no prior experience in making video games at all, so I’m prepared to learn as much as I can. As of now, I just released my first game ever, so my goal is to give and receive as much feedback as possible!
Hello everyone.
I'm echo and I want to tell interesting stories with small games! I decided to dip my toes into gamedev with text adventures and I just finished my first game:
It's a bit heavy on the subject matter though.
I'm also excited to try everyone else's games here since there's so much creativity going around this place!
You all have a good one!
Left some feedback for you on the game page!
I want to learn more about storytelling; I've been studying it for quite a while now. I admire your passion for writing little stories that leave impacts on people (EXACTLY what I'm trying to do!)
You can try out my game over here if you want, I could use your feedback: While the story isn't clear in this early stage of development, it'll make more sense in the full release. Tell me what you think on the game page!
I hope I can learn more from you and other storytellers on itch!
Well you know what, this is my last account.
HI, my name is determination709. (with rj game creator as my first account) and i do like making some games in gdevelop.
From on, i can uhh, like have some little or high determination.
Determination is where you never give up.
I like also playing some games (favorite games only BECAUSE THIS IS MONE BIG FAVORITE GAME! NYEH HEHE HEH HEH!) Llike, undertale.
I am also like somehow trying to uhhh, beat bad monday simulator in itch too.
I am also a spyer so that i have to ake sure that this community is positive or be positive
stay determoined. okay?
This is the last time I’m going to reply to you.
First, I don’t have to call you one when you’ve already admitted to being in the 5th grade. That makes you about 10 or 11.
These are screenshots of you stating that From this exact thread.
Second, you’ve also admitted to not only making one alternate account, but two. You’ve admitted to breaking Terms of Service and the rules and chose to pick the wrong target.
You have no one to blame but yourself for getting whatever consequences come your way. Time to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around you and all your quotes from Undertale doesn’t mean anything to us grown ups at all.
So let me put this in a way you understand.
Its a beautiful day, birds are singing, flowers are blooming…
On days like these…. KIDS like you….
Should not be allowed to have computers or phones, in fact. Parents should just take them, break them, and force you to go outside to touch grass.
You realize this is still harassment. You just apologized in another topic for doing it. Also you admit in your profile that you've been making multiple accounts to circumvent a ban. (You weren't banned, by the way, that was a temporary warning.) I've let admins know, but in the mean time: people are trying to talk in this topic. Stop disrupting it.
Just let me get into that gdevelop jam
Look, if i am banned when i enter a jam DioSHiba will already know that when i will quit this.
I’m also going to add that he went on to the game I worked on (which, I only made graphics for) and he chose to bring this conflict on there.
I only know of this because my team’s director informed me of this through instagram. I deleted the comment and banned RJ/Determination from the game page for Netalia)
I mean, im sorry. look, i think i will tell everyone in my gdevelop jam to stay safe in that community. when the ratings is over, i will show you the link then you can freel ysee my messages.
Hi, My name is JB.
I have been using Unity to make games during my days in University, while working as the director & lead developer of "Team GooCat", a dev. team that made Android game "Drop Cat Blaster!".
Prototype of DCB! on
(The early access version of the game could be found on Google Playstore but it seems like the game has been brought down from the shelf :( Anyway the game we have launched on Playstore only supported Korean so... heh)
I like making games that would bring player great stories which led me to learn various things such as character design, animation, story making, alongside with my major, computer programming.
Now that I have graduated from University (Whoo-hoo!) like a month ago, I'm finding ways to start & keep up my personal game project with my own game engine, while trying to get a job in the game industry.
Nice to meet you all! XD
Hello, you can refer to me as Bryson, I create youtube videos online and I'm also currently building a monster tamer game. I'm hoping to be able to work with other game developers and artists in the future.
Here is a link to my youtube channel for anyone interested -
Hey everyone! My name is Nocturnal Penguin. I am quite new to all of this game dev stuff but have always wanted to get into it. I am a solo dev at the moment, so I am learning everything. My main engine is Godot and I am learning blender. I would love to meet other people and learn from everyone! Feel free to say hi!
Hello everyone !
I'm Chris AKA Torone. I'm a composer and I use to write music (yep) for table top rpg. I'm about to finish a course where I learn how to compose for video games. I already know how to write perfect loops (check my last video on youtube) and stems (for vertical). I can write electronic music (ambiant or more), orchestral or a mix of the two.
I'd really like to take part in a jam in the next few months to put everything I've learnt into practice on a real project. Send me a message if you're interested.
You can check some of my project here on, on my Youtube channel, Bandcamp or Soundcloud. I'm also on Twitch each tuesday and wednesday at 10:30am (CET) and because I'm french, those live are in french.
Have a nice day !
Hello folks! We're a developer duo making Paris Transylvania, a roguelike deckbuilder. It's kind of like Peglin and Slay The Spire, but different! The demo is free and plays in browser. We would love any feedback! Join our development progress and our Discord squad!
I don't want to drag this conversation further than it needs to, but honestly you shouldn't have to feel bad or guilty about it.
He violated the Terms of Service and caused problems. At the end of the day if he's going to be a nuisance to everyone and put himself at risk on the internet openly then he neither realizes the situations he could put himself into or understand how anyone reasonable will feel about it. And he should be lucky that someone more disingenuous isn't trying to fuck with him, that'd be worse than us harping on him to stop communicating with any of us or others.
At this point, it's better to put the situation to rest and move on. It no longer concerns any of us what he does.
I'm only posting this for the record since I confronted him on this and got him to outright say it.
While I get what criacuervos is saying that, there could be some uncertainty since we're talking about someone who is only posting written messages, I don't think that RJ was lying about his age since a lot of his behaviors did line up with some kid who has some sort of learning or social disability. This also isn't the first time he admitted that he was underage or in the fifth grade either.
It may have not been right to confront him, however the circumstances surrounding the situation warranted it. EDIT: If anything I'm holding onto whatever screenshots I have of my interactions with him simply because if he follows me elsewhere I still have leverage to point out what issues I had with him and why I want nothing to do with him.
Introduction of a new person (I guess ...)
So i'm Lawrence Disward (Alias with wich the game will be released), i intend to stay anonymous, i have no intentions to become known for anything.
My objective by coming here to share my project and its evolution (And also my experiences while creating it) ! (That'll include the failures, the issues encountered, etc ...)
In real life, i'm 28 years old male and i'm very fine with who i am :D
More infos on my project in the dedicated post i'll make about it !
Hello. I joined yesterday and think maybe I should have earlier.
Over 10 years ago I did a Flash game. It was a lot of work and completely unsuccessful.
Since Flash was dying, I took my sprite engine from the ActionScript and converted it to JavaScript. Then I wrote a parsing engine for it and that's how I created Canvas Language (also called SCL). SCL is an animation programming language. I use it to make GIFs and games.
I'm planning up to 4 more games for Itch since they are mostly made.
I'd like SCL to be good enough for other people to make games with it.
Hi All,
When it comes to games I'm a hobbyist and when it comes to music I'm a professional. I 've been messing around in Unity/C# for about a year. My first upload to is Castle Moldvay, a rogue-like interactive fiction game that attempts to simulate a late-70's mainframe experience. It's a work in progress and I'm looking for feedback/testers. In the meantime, I'm thinking of writing a simple arcade-style game to show off my music chops... My coding skills go way back to the 1990's when I used to work for a tech firm... I've been in music full time since about 2003. I'm mostly known as a "rock guy."
When making games or games-related stuff I go as Vectory ... when I'm doing music stuff, I'm just Dean. If anyone is looking for a collaborator, don't hesitate to reach out!
Hello! 😁 We are Edulcor Games,
a small Educloring studio based in a small country
you probably never heard about...
♦ Our goal 👉bring some sugar and honey in your acid life by playing our games, wether they are free or not. 😊
Or like someone sayed in the album "doggystyle" of Snoop Dogg,
"crash your fat a** with a fat d** " 🤣
You can visit us here =>
Thanks and...
May the sugar be with you! 💪
Hello all,
I'm looking to get serious with putting my ideas and thoughts out in the world in the form of video games. Like everyone I've got that "killer game" idea that I want to make, the challenge is that I need to actually start the journey of learning how to make games. I've set myself the challenge to complete a unity learn course to help me release a small game at the end of 2023. I'm interested in exploring African inspired games and Afro-futurism as themes.
I'm endeavouring to document my travels on here to keep me honest and motivated.
Thanks for reading.
Hi all, new and novice game developer here
I've been playing around Godot Engine for about a year and learned to make basic platformer games, I personally like castlevania (metroidvania) style action adventure games.....
And hopefully make indie games and gamedev projects, share with the community and rest of the internet. (plan to hopefully publish a test game on itch soon)
Happy to finally get on here, share , learn, grow and engage with the community. Thanks!
Introduction: I'm Wade. I write novels, screenplays, and have written for an upcoming AAA game. I recently posted my first little indie game here, which I made for a game jam (see trailer). I'm currently working on a longer game in the same style, different theme/story, which will be going up here and on Steam next spring. I stream as FatGandalfTTV and there are links there to my books, YouTube, Facebook, etc. I'm looking forward to streaming a game I worked on, which is why I started streaming in the first place.
im theapplesguy2 and i mainly code in scratch, an kids language.
i lost my main scratch and iscord account due to an hackrer.
i also made music, and one of them is used in "just a game"
now i made 3 games in itch, and one of them is